Prevention of gastritis and stomach ulcers using folk remedies: the most effective
It is easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention of gastritis is important for every person, even if he is absolutely
Gastroptosis can be easily corrected if you follow simple rules
Lack of awareness Not every actively practicing doctor will immediately agree that 70% of gastroenterological
Treatment and causes of hyperacid gastritis
The main symptoms of hyperacid gastritis In order to diagnose the disease in time and prevent its harmful effects, it is necessary
Diet for erosive gastritis: nutrition as the basis of treatment
Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous tissues of the stomach lining its walls from the inside. Depending on the
inflammation of the esophagus
Narrowing of the esophagus: symptoms and features of instrumental diagnostics
Stenosis, or narrowing of the esophagus, is a reduction in its diameter. It can have different etymologies.
Anatomical structure of the esophagus and stomach. List of diseases caused by disruption of these organs
What are diseases of the esophagus Pathologies of the esophageal tube include conditions accompanied by damage to the walls of this
The best rectal medications for hemorrhoids
Which suppositories for hemorrhoids are suitable for children: description of effective remedies
The best suppositories that reduce hemorrhoids are drugs that the doctor will select for the patient in
How to avoid inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)?
Treatment regimen The pathology in question requires complex treatment, since it affects other systems and
Seeds for stomach ulcers: can you eat them and in what form?
Stomach ulcers in most cases are a consequence of poor diet and unwillingness to give up unhealthy foods.
Hemostatic drugs
What hemostatic drugs can be used for hemorrhoids of varying degrees
Inflammation of the venous nodes in the rectum is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Patients often bleed
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