Why do hemorrhoids appear?
The reasons for the appearance and development of the external form of a delicate disease and what should not be done for hemorrhoids (external)?
Why do hemorrhoids appear? The disease develops as a result of circulatory problems. There are many arteries in the anal canal,
The structure of the abdominal organs
Purpose and structure of the gastric glands, scheme of their work
If you experience abdominal pain, the first thing you suspect is a problem with the digestive system.
Using ointments for hemorrhoids while breastfeeding
The birth of a baby is a happy event for a family. Raising a child is not an easy, responsible job. IN
gastroesophageal reflux disease
Differences between non-erosive forms of GERD and reflux with esophagitis
Among other gastroenterological diseases, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most common. This
my stomach hurts
What is stomach bulbitis: symptoms, how and what to treat
Gastric bulbitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the walls of the duodenum. Microbes, harmful
role of bile in digestion
Choleretic foods: list and recommendations
5474 Bile is a liver secretion that has a greenish, yellowish or brownish tint and a bitter taste.
Symptoms and first signs of volvulus in adults and children: treatment features
Causes Hereditary factors and structural anomalies; Severe increase in intra-abdominal pressure (due to trauma, severe physical
Inflammation of the liver and gallbladder: symptoms and treatment
Negligence towards the rules of a healthy lifestyle, disordered eating, self-medication with potent drugs, all these
Diet before donating stool for occult blood - a few secrets for doing everything right
Fecal occult blood test - preparation, results and how to take it
Stool examination provides information about the patient's health. This method helps to identify various diseases,
Intestines: metaphysical causes of diseases according to authoritative experts
Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine that studies the interaction between the mind and body. Others
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