Intestinal diverticulosis: symptoms and treatment of pathology
Intestinal diverticulosis is a pathology characterized by the formation of protrusions on the mucous membrane of the digestive structures. Such defects may
Calculous cholecystitis
Noncalculous cholecystitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Calculous cholecystitis is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract among the adult population. Treatment
Recommendations and instructions for the use of Nolpaza in the treatment of gastritis
Nausea, heaviness and pain in the stomach, heartburn, bloating and other gastrointestinal ailments are firmly established
What is intestinal atony and what is associated with its development in older people
What does the term atony mean? In the wall of the stomach, muscle fibers are arranged in several layers, directed
Colon polyps: classification, methods of removal
Colon polyps: classification, methods of removal
Benign tumors - colon polyps - develop as a result of changes in the glandular epithelium. Are being formed
External hemorrhoids
How to defeat external hemorrhoids forever: all known effective methods and folk recipes
Hippocrates wrote about hemorrhoids, so to call this disease an acquisition of the modern way of life, of course,
Metastases in the liver
How do liver metastases form, what treatment is given and what is the prognosis for life with this disease?
3839 0 Primary liver cancer (that is, an oncological process that initially began in this organ)
Diet and nutrition for hemorrhoids and rectal fissures
Today, such a problem as constipation is very relevant among the population. Poor nutrition, malnutrition
Pain in the right hypochondrium: symptoms, causes, what to do
The right side hurts under the rib - what does this mean? Reasons, what to do?
Pain in the right hypochondrium is a serious symptom that should not be ignored. Many are accustomed to associate
How can you identify and treat chronic hemorrhoids?
A few words about hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids occur due to various reasons, the main pathophysiological mechanism is
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