Hemophilia - what is it and how to avoid critical complications?
Historical facts Hemophilia is one of the historically known diseases, it is called the “royal disease”.
Guy in the toilet
Medicine and pills for frequent urination in men
What do you mean by frequent urination? Normally, 75% of the fluid consumed per day is excreted from
Frozen pregnancy
Frozen (non-developing) pregnancy in the early stages: symptoms, causes
Many couples dream of having a baby, but for some reason their dreams fail
Antifungal tablets for thrush, candidiasis. List, prices, application
Inexpensive but effective remedies for thrush for women
Updated: 08/26/2018 17:07:19 Expert: doctor - Boris Kaganovich *Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru.
Itching in the intimate area in women: causes and main methods of treatment
03/13/2018 Olga Migunova 1 Comment Itching in an intimate place is a common problem that
Polyps in the uterus are the result of pathological proliferation of endometrial cells
Is a polyp in the uterus dangerous and in what cases should it be removed?
Laparoscopy Traditional medicine methods Pumpkin seeds Golden mustache tincture Decoction for douching Forecast and
TSH is elevated - what does this mean in women - causes and consequences
Hormones 05/21/201801/24/2019 Yulia Martynovich (Peshkova) 1045 Views hormonal studies, TSH In the results of TSH analysis
Abscess on the leg
Tooth abscess: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention
General information about pathology A tooth abscess is an inflammation of the pulp and periodontal tissues, characterized by
Chickenpox in adults is a rare infectious disease
Chickenpox in adults - incubation period, first signs and main symptoms (photo)
Chickenpox in adults is a rare infectious disease, which is due to the frequency of activation of herpes 3
jaundice in a newborn
Possible causes and negative consequences of jaundice in newborns
The causes and consequences of jaundice in newborns are divided depending on two conditional groups, which
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