Internal hemorrhoids - first signs and symptoms, treatment, medications

Internal hemorrhoids are varicose pathologies caused by the dilation of venous vessels located under the mucous layer of the final segment of the colon. This process is manifested by cavernous nodular formations in the intestinal lumen, consisting of many cavity cells separated by partitions of muscle-connective fibers.

The disease is well known to most of the population. Every eighth of women who give birth faces this problem. And every repeated birth significantly increases the risk of developing varicose veins in the colon. The internal form of hemorrhoids is insidious in that many of its symptoms are similar to other pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems.

The clinical picture characteristic of internal hemorrhoids is often observed with peritonitis of organs located in the pelvis, with birth injuries, cystitis and pyelonephritis. Therefore, it is not surprising that a proctologist is often consulted only when acute signs of chronic internal hemorrhoids appear, accompanied by severe symptoms.

There are many reasons for the development of the disease, but its appearance is due to only two factors - increased rectal pressure and weakness of the walls of the intestinal venous vessels. It is under this condition that the processes of varicose vascular plexuses and their nodular protrusion into the rectal cavity occur.

What are internal hemorrhoids

This disease is associated with a chronic disorder of the hematopoietic system, when the hemorrhoidal nodes of the rectum become pathologically enlarged and become painful due to the natural passage of feces. Often the disease develops during progressive pregnancy, and the expectant mother can determine it by palpating the anus and rectum. To achieve final recovery, it is important not only to eliminate pain and other unpleasant symptoms, but also to restore impaired venous blood flow.

Photos, symptoms and features of treatment of internal hemorrhoids

Based on the location of the nodes, hemorrhoids are divided into internal, external and combined. Already from the names one can understand that internal hemorrhoids are characterized by the location of nodes inside the rectum, external hemorrhoids - outside, and in the combined form both of these phenomena are observed.

This article will talk about what internal hemorrhoids look like, what are their manifestations and what remedies are used to treat them.

What internal hemorrhoids look like: photo

Causes of the disease

In the internal form of the disease, hemorrhoidal plexuses are localized inside the rectum, and outside periods of exacerbation they can only be seen with instrumental or digital examination.

Nodes arise as a result of protrusion of the walls of the cavernous plexuses. And there are certain reasons for this:

  • Physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle. Prolonged sitting or standing work combined with low physical activity is one of the main causes of the development of this disease;
  • Poor diet low in fruits and vegetables. Food depleted in plant fiber causes disruption of the intestinal excretory function, which ultimately leads to constipation;
  • Excessive passion for alcoholic beverages;
  • Stool disorders: constipation or diarrhea;
  • Regular lifting of weights;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.

All of the above factors cause blood flow to the pelvic organs. The veins of the rectum become overfilled with blood, and if preventive measures are not taken in time, hemorrhoids form in the rectum.

Stages of the disease

Hemorrhoidal disease has four stages of development. The severity of the condition depends on the size of the hemorrhoidal plexuses. So, the larger the nodes and the more they protrude into the intestinal lumen, the more pronounced its symptoms.

  1. Stage 1 is characterized by the small size of the nodes and the almost complete absence of signs of the disease. Sometimes patients feel a feeling of discomfort and incomplete bowel movement after defecation;
  2. Stage 2 – the nodes enlarge and protrude into the lumen of the rectum. Hemorrhoids bleed as a result of constant trauma to the nodes with feces. The second stage is characterized by the prolapse of nodes during defecation, which subsequently go into the rectum on their own;
  3. Stage 3 is characterized by prolapse of the hemorrhoidal plexuses from the rectum during bowel movements or any straining or lifting heavy objects. However, they no longer go back on their own, and the patient has to straighten them with his hands;
  4. the last 4th stage of hemorrhoids means that the nodes fall out regularly: during bowel movements, coughing, sneezing, not to mention severe stress. At the same time, it is impossible to straighten them even with your hands. You have to see a doctor to find out how and with what to treat internal hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids

The symptoms of hemorrhoids in men and women are similar and depend primarily on the stage of development of the disease, as well as on the presence of concomitant problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In the initial phase of the disease, symptoms usually do not appear at all. And, taking into account the fact that the patient cannot independently detect nodes in himself, he does not even suspect the presence of hemorrhoids.

Some patients complain of itching and burning in the anal area, but since they are transient in nature, these manifestations are quickly forgotten.

The surest symptom of hemorrhoids at an early stage is the presence of blood after bowel movements. This is already a reason to consult a doctor and conduct a proctological examination to identify internal hemorrhoids.

As the disease progresses, the nodes inside the rectum increase, causing a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the anus. The patient has a feeling that there is a foreign object in the anus. During defecation, strong straining, coughing or sneezing, the nodes may fall out of the anus, but are still able to return to their place on their own.

If a person is not alarmed by these symptoms and does not go to the hospital, the nodes begin to fall out of the anus even with minor loads, and they have to be reset manually. Regular bleeding from the anus occurs. Most often, blood appears during bowel movements, but it can also occur with the slightest effort.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with blood should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, otherwise the disease will worsen and there will be a likelihood of complications.

The very last, fourth stage, is the most advanced. Hemorrhoids are already so large that they constantly hang in the opening of the anus. At the same time, pain with internal hemorrhoids is quite severe, and occurs not only during bowel movements, but also during movement. Bowel movements are accompanied by bleeding, sometimes quite profusely, which threatens the development of anemia.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids often come in waves. Chronic internal hemorrhoids are characterized by subtle symptoms. How do the nodes hurt? The pain is short-term in nature, occurs during defecation and stops some time after it. Exacerbation of internal hemorrhoids is accompanied by severe pain, which prevents the patient from leading a normal life.

Complications of the disease

The internal form of the disease does not always proceed smoothly. Complications that require immediate medical intervention may develop at any time:

  1. Infringement of nodes. When prolapsed from the rectum, the nodes may be pinched. This occurs due to spasm of the anal sphincter. As a result, blood stagnates in the nodes, which is manifested by severe pain, problems with bowel movements, and difficulties with moving a person.
  2. Thrombosis of the hemorrhoid. Thrombosed hemorrhoids occur as a result of stagnation of blood in the node and its coagulation. This condition is accompanied by severe pain. The pain is so acute, sharp, twitching that the patient can sometimes not only go to the toilet, but also be at rest.
  3. Inflammation, which often accompanies thrombosis. At first, the inflammatory process occurs directly in the node, but subsequently spreads to the surrounding tissues and subcutaneous tissue.
  4. If inflammation does not promptly consult a doctor, complications such as paraproctitis, including purulent, and perirectal fistulas arise, which require surgical treatment.
  5. Anemia is a common complication of hemorrhoids that occurs when there is heavy or regular bleeding from the anus.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with bleeding must be carried out as quickly as possible, otherwise anemia may develop, which is dangerous for the condition of the entire body. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it can harm the condition of the fetus and interfere with its full development.

Diagnosis of the disease

In the early stages, diagnosing internal hemorrhoids presents certain difficulties. The symptoms of the disease are not pronounced, and the nodes are not visible from the outside, so patients rarely suspect that they have the disease. Hemorrhoids can be detected at stage 1 only through careful diagnosis.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the proctologist uses the following types of diagnostics:

  1. A digital rectal examination, which allows the doctor to feel the nodules inside the rectum and determine their tenderness and density. However, this method is ineffective if the nodes are localized too high.
  2. Anoscopy is an examination of the rectum with a special device called an anoscope. This is a tube with an optic at the end, giving the proctologist the opportunity to examine the intestine at a depth of up to 10 cm.
  3. Sigmoidoscopy is a highly informative method that allows you to examine the rectum at a depth of up to 25 cm.

In later stages, when the nodes fall out, diagnosis occurs quickly. The doctor immediately determines that it is hemorrhoids. His task is only to find out the stage of the process and prescribe the optimal treatment.

Treatment methods

In the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, two approaches are used: conservative and surgical.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of hemorrhoidal disease involves the use of various medications.
Medications are prescribed by a proctologist based on diagnostic results. He selects medications depending on the severity of the pathology and the presence of certain symptoms: infectious and inflammatory processes, pain, bleeding. Typically, the following categories of drugs are used:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. These are mainly ointments and suppositories for internal hemorrhoids. They can be steroidal (for example, with hydrocortisone) or non-steroidal (Indomethacin suppositories);
  • Microcirculation correctors, thrombolytics. These are medications in the form of ointments and suppositories that prevent the formation of blood clots in the nodes (Troxevasin, Heparin ointment);
  • Painkillers. These can be local anesthetics or non-steroidal analgesics. The group of painkillers used for hemorrhoids includes suppositories with belladonna extract, menthol;
  • Antiseptics - prevent the development of an infectious process in the hemorrhoidal plexuses (Sea buckthorn suppositories, suppositories with calendula, Ichthyol ointment);
  • Wound healing. These medications stimulate regeneration processes in tissues, causing rapid healing of damaged tissues (Methyluracil, propolis suppositories);
  • Hemostatic. Used in the form of suppositories (suppositories with adrenaline) or tablets (Vikasol).
  • Venotonics. These include the drugs Detralex, Phlebodia, Vasoket. They are available in tablets and are intended for internal use. These drugs are used as part of complex therapy and are able to act directly on the cause of the disease, eliminating venous congestion.

Now there are many drugs that have a complex effect on internal hemorrhoids. This is very convenient, as it allows the doctor not to prescribe several medications at once. Complex suppositories for internal hemorrhoids are:

  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Anestezol;
  • Procto-Glyvenol;
  • Relief series drugs;
  • Proctosedyl.

Most of these drugs are available in two dosage forms: ointment and suppositories. Suppositories are usually used for internal hemorrhoids, while ointment is intended for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. However, some ointments come with special applicators, thanks to which the product can be injected into the rectum if there are internal nodes. Thus, the ointment can also be used for internal hemorrhoids. It all depends on which form of the drug is more convenient for the patient.

Surgical treatment

Surgeries for internal hemorrhoids are performed for various indications. This is primarily the ineffectiveness of drug therapy. Now there are many minimally invasive techniques that allow you to forget about the problem of hemorrhoids for a long time (and with the appropriate lifestyle, forever). These are methods based on different principles, but they all have the same goal - to neutralize the feeding vessels, or completely remove hemorrhoids. No node - no problem.

Common minimally invasive interventions include:

  • ligation of hemorrhoidal plexuses with latex rings;
  • cryotherapy;
  • disarterization;
  • sclerosis;
  • laser coagulation;
  • infrared photocoagulation.

Removing internal hemorrhoids using such a radical method as hemorrhoidectomy does not happen often today. The main indications for surgery are advanced hemorrhoids, accompanied by complications such as prolapse, strangulation, thrombosis of nodes, as well as purulent paraproctitis.

Traditional methods

Many are in no hurry to contact a proctologist with such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids, but are looking for an answer to the question: how to cure internal hemorrhoids at home?

There are many folk remedies for hemorrhoids, and many of them are actually quite effective. But only on the condition that they will not be used as the only treatment, but will serve as an addition to conservative therapy carefully selected by a specialist.

Treatment at home may consist of the use of suppositories made from natural ingredients: propolis, honey, lard, raw potatoes, aloe leaf.

Microenemas with decoctions of medicinal plants are also quite effective: calendula, chamomile. You can make microenemas with sea buckthorn oil, potato and beet juice, clay, and aqueous extract of propolis.

The above folk methods help eliminate the symptoms of the disease and cope with inflammation in the nodes.

It is important to know that treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies during pregnancy and after childbirth should not be carried out independently. Since the use of any medicines and folk remedies can be dangerous for the fetus, you should coordinate them with your doctor!

Preventive measures

Not a single treatment method, even the most common and effective, is able to cope with the disease unless appropriate preventive measures are taken to eliminate the factors that provoke the disease.

It is important for patients to maintain moderate physical activity, monitor regular bowel movements and adhere to an appropriate diet. Diet therapy means:

  • refusal of salted, smoked, fried, spicy, pickled foods and taboos on alcohol;
  • inclusion in the diet of a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products.

If a person who is faced with the problem of hemorrhoids constantly lifts weights as part of his job, he should look for another job.

You should not expect that by taking a certain medicine, but without changing your lifestyle and habits, you can get rid of the disease. Only comprehensive measures will help you forget about such a problem as internal hemorrhoids for a long time.>


The first sign of the disease is discomfort during bowel movements, itching and burning in the anus. The internal node hurts at times, when periods of remission of hemorrhoids are replaced by acute relapses. Increased pressure in the anus becomes commonplace, but gradually blood appears in the stool. Other signs of internal hemorrhoids:

  • mild bleeding during bowel movements;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the anus;
  • chronic constipation and predisposition to it;
  • loss of internal nodes;
  • intense hemorrhage from the rectum.
  • Hemorrhoids 1st degree - symptoms and signs of the disease, diagnosis and treatment
  • How to relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids quickly
  • How to cure hemorrhoids forever at home: effective remedies and methods

How do internal hemorrhoids hurt?

The pathological process begins with internal discomfort, which develops into noticeable pain during bowel movements. The patient experiences unpleasant sensations that can be compared to the presence of a foreign body in the anus. This abnormal stagnation of blood in the veins over time develops into intense bleeding, and the pain when going to the toilet becomes unbearable and burning.


Early diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids is difficult, since there are no external signs of the disease, and the patient’s complaints are scant. If the doctor suspects a pathology of the rectal veins, then he performs a digital examination of its ampoule. During the study, the size, density and location of varicose nodes, their pain, and density are determined. Internal hemorrhoids have a mulberry-shaped feel to the touch and bleed easily. Against the background of long-existing internal hemorrhoids, the nodes and mucous membrane of the rectum easily fall out, which is clearly noticeable during a digital examination.

Internal hemorrhoids can be easily palpated during digital examination of the rectum

A more detailed study of the characteristics of hemorrhoids is carried out using anoscopy. An anoscope tube with a special illumination system is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 10 cm. If the nodes are located higher, then sigmoidoscopy is indicated instead of anoscopy. Endoscopic research methods make it possible to obtain detailed information about the condition of the rectal mucosa, the size and number of protrusions of the cavernous bodies, and also help to identify or exclude other proctological diseases. During an endoscopic examination, if necessary, a biopsy of the rectal wall is performed, followed by histological analysis of the resulting tissue. This allows for timely diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the rectum, which in the early stages are clinically manifested by signs of internal hemorrhoids.

If endoscopic examination of the rectum is not possible, irrigoscopy is used. To do this, a suspension of barium sulfate is injected into the rectum, and then an X-ray examination is performed. Irrigoscopy makes it possible to diagnose the presence of anal fistulas and bulges in the intestinal wall, which can also be formed by hemorrhoids.

To assess the obturator functions of the sphincter, sphincterometry is performed.

2-3 days before any instrumental method of examining the intestines, the patient is prescribed a diet with a minimum content of coarse plant fibers. A cleansing enema must be given the night before and in the morning of the test day.

Instrumental methods for examining the intestines are contraindicated during exacerbation of internal hemorrhoids, as they contribute to increased bleeding and the spread of the inflammatory process.

Endoscopic examination of the rectum allows you to determine the degree of hemorrhoids

Laboratory methods for diagnosing internal hemorrhoids are rather of an auxiliary nature. These include:

  • general blood test (in case of bleeding, a decreased concentration of hemoglobin is determined, in case of inflammation of hemorrhoids - leukocytosis and acceleration of ESR);
  • coprogram and feces for occult blood - allow you to detect even minimal bleeding and clarify the features of intestinal functions;
  • feces for Giardia cysts and worm eggs - allows you to exclude helminthic infestation and the associated cause of perianal itching.

In the overall structure of proctological diseases, internal hemorrhoids account for 35-40%.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with the following pathologies:

  • anal fissure;
  • diverticulosis;
  • rectal polyp;
  • congenital malformations of the rectum and perianal region;
  • hypertrophied anal papilla;
  • anal condylomas;
  • paraproctitis;
  • villous tumor;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • rectal cancer.

First signs

The disease is asymptomatic for some time, and the patient does not even know about its existence. Over time, the first symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, which significantly reduce the quality of life and turn habitual trips to the toilet into torture. You should pay attention to the following changes in general well-being:

  • rectal pain;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • disturbance of intestinal motility;
  • difficulty defecating;
  • deterioration in general health.

Prevention of transformation of internal nodes

To prevent the appearance of new internal nodes in the rectal cavity and to prevent the recurrence of old ones, it is necessary to take control of the diet. It is important to exclude spicy, salty foods. Do not drink alcoholic beverages or strong coffee.

Light daily exercise will help improve blood flow from organs located in the pelvis, including the rectum.

Important to remember! Internal hemorrhoids are tricky cavities filled with blood. Their inflammation can lead to serious complications. At the first symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should seek help from a proctologist. The specialist will diagnose and prescribe the most effective treatment.


Author of the article Alexey Alexandrovich Egorov, proctologist

  • Oleg

    I have no bleeding, no itching or burning, but the nodes fall out when I have a bowel movement. They easily go back inside after pressing with a finger. This makes me uncomfortable and inconvenient. What can be done in my case to prevent the nodes from falling out?

  • Svetlana Ivanovna

    Oleg, unfortunately, if the nodes constantly fall out, they need to be removed. Pills won't help here. Today, there are many quick, minimally invasive methods for removing hemorrhoids, after which a person can continue to lead an active lifestyle the very next day.

Write your opinion


If going to the toilet causes acute pain, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and jointly determine the main causes of internal hemorrhoids. The clinical picture of the disease is long-term stagnation of blood in the rectal area, and the etiology of the pathological process is as follows:

  • increased physical activity throughout the day;
  • high intra-abdominal pressure;
  • prolonged upright walking;
  • weakness of the vascular walls;
  • hard physical labor;
  • progressive pregnancy;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • one of the stages of obesity;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • genetic factor.

Causes and risk factors

The main reasons leading to the formation of internal hemorrhoids are:

  • disruption of the outflow of blood through the venules from the cavernous bodies located in the wall of the rectum;
  • formation of enlarged cavernous bodies during embryogenesis;
  • congenital functional deficiency of connective tissue;
  • violation of the nervous regulation of the tone of the muscular lining of the venous wall.

The main risk factors for developing internal hemorrhoids include:

  • increased venous pressure due to pregnancy, heavy physical labor, prolonged work in a sitting or standing position, chronic constipation, sedentary lifestyle;
  • failure to maintain optimal water balance (with insufficient water intake, feces become denser, as a result of which the process of defecation is accompanied by a significant increase in pressure in the venous plexuses of the rectal ampulla);
  • abuse of alcohol and spicy foods (provokes irritation of the rectal mucosa, thereby creating the preconditions for the formation of hemorrhoids);
  • malignant tumors of the rectum;
  • obesity;
  • liver cirrhosis with symptoms of portal hypertension;
  • chronic intestinal infections leading to damage to the rectal mucosa;
  • atrophy of muscle fibers (observed in older people);
  • severe nervous stress (have a negative impact on the functioning of the nervous system and its innervation of the venous walls);
  • anal sex.

Two factors always take part in the pathological mechanism of the formation of internal hemorrhoids: weakness of the venous walls and increased internal rectal pressure. They lead to the expansion of the venous sinuses and their gradual protrusion.

A sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition lead to weakness of the venous walls and the development of internal hemorrhoids

The internal hemorrhoidal node is a mature cavernous tissue located under the mucous membrane of the rectum, represented by several lacunae (cavities) and individual venous-type vessels with folded walls, due to which it can quite easily change volume.

More than 80% of women who give birth experience dilation of the venous plexuses of the rectal wall to varying degrees of severity. Repeated births increase the risk of developing internal hemorrhoids.


Before choosing an effective remedy for internal hemorrhoids, it is necessary to determine the stage of the disease and assume the size of the painful rectal node. A progressive pathological process has several degrees of development:

  1. First stage. There is no protrusion of the nodes, and instead of pain, the patient experiences discomfort after defecation.
  2. Second stage. The painful nodes increase in size, the feeling of heaviness and the presence of a foreign body in the intestine increases, and bloody discharge is observed.
  3. Third stage. The nodes fall out of the anus with minimal physical exertion, signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane, rectal fissures, and bleeding appear.
  4. Fourth stage. The internal nodes are very painful and sag, the number of relapses systematically increases.

How to recognize?

Internal hemorrhoids have several stages. The severity of conditions is determined using the size of the hemorrhoid. The larger and larger it protrudes in the intestinal lumens, the higher the stage of internal hemorrhoids.

At the early stage of internal hemorrhoids, the veins are dilated and the nodes are small.

The patient does not feel anything (very rarely, slight discomfort): there may be a sensation that there is some object in the rectum and that the intestines have not completely emptied.

There may be some bleeding during bowel movements. Then the node enlarges and protrudes into the intestinal lumen.

It turns out that they are constantly injured by feces. The patient begins to feel the foreign body more and more, there is also more bloody discharge, and there is severe pain during bowel movements.

How to identify internal hemorrhoids

A similar examination of the rectum is carried out by a proctologist, with whom you need to make an appointment at the first symptoms of hemorrhoids. You can successfully treat an internal disease after making a final diagnosis, and for this, the doctor recommends undergoing a series of clinical examinations. This:

  1. Anoscopy. Examination of hemorrhoids by inserting a tube into the anus.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. It is performed like an anoscopy, but distant nodes are examined.
  3. Colonoscopy. Can be used at the first symptoms of hemorrhoids after examination.
  • Medicines and folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women at home
  • Quick treatment of hemorrhoids at home: effective remedies and methods
  • How to treat hemorrhoids in women: effective remedies and methods

Effective treatment of internal hemorrhoids at home

When internal hemorrhoids are diagnosed, there is no need to despair; treatment at home is possible, provided that the disease is at an early stage. When the disease has just begun to develop, home treatment methods will be enough to cope with the disease.

Treatment at home will be useful for those who choose simple, affordable, natural and effective methods. In addition to self-prepared remedies, there are a number of drugs that can be used without prior consultation. Typically, such drugs are able to cope with the first stage of the disease, at which it is enough to disinfect the damaged area and ensure speedy healing.

Internal hemorrhoids are more difficult to diagnose because they are not visible during visual inspection. In the internal form of the disease, hemorrhoids are located in the walls of the large intestine and do not come out without provoking factors. Internal hemorrhoids are best treated with suppositories, which are located at the location of the internal nodes.

Development of internal hemorrhoids

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids at home can be carried out after a final diagnosis has been made. Some diseases have symptoms similar to hemorrhoids, so it is necessary to undergo an examination and coordinate home therapy with your doctor.

In the early stages of hemorrhoids, internal nodes appear. From time to time a person experiences unpleasant sensations similar to finding a foreign body in the rectum, as well as a feeling of heaviness in the rectal area. After defecation, especially if constipation occurs, bloody marks may appear on the toilet paper.

As the disease progresses, the symptoms intensify. Due to the narrowing of the intestinal lumen, hemorrhoids are increasingly damaged during defecation, and the appearance of blood in the stool and on toilet paper begins to become common. During this period of the disease, hemorrhoids come out during bowel movements, but then return to their place.

At the last stage, hemorrhoids manifest themselves with even more intense symptoms. Bowel movements become very painful and are accompanied by large blood loss. The nodes begin to fall out more often and no longer adjust on their own. The last stage of hemorrhoids requires surgical treatment, so it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids at home

If you notice at least some of the above symptoms, for example, itching and burning of the anus, you need to seek advice from a specialist. It is possible to independently determine internal hemorrhoids only if the hemorrhoids are located near the anus. You can feel the nodules with your index finger. However, if the nodes are located higher, then instrumental examination methods will be needed to identify them.

If you have no doubt about the presence of internal hemorrhoids, then only a doctor can determine the degree of its development. Hemorrhoids in later stages are very difficult to cure at home, so before any home procedures you need to consult a specialist.

How to cure internal hemorrhoids at home?

There are a number of drugs that can be used to treat hemorrhoids without medical supervision. Before using pharmacological agents, you must read the instructions. Pay special attention to contraindications and side effects of the drug.

Internal hemorrhoids are treated with rectal suppositories. This form of the drug helps to reach the internal nodes and act on them. The following list of drugs can be used without medical supervision. The only contraindication is an allergy to the active substance of the drug.

  1. Propolis suppositories. Propolis has a bactericidal and wound-healing effect. Cocoa butter is used as a candle filler.
  2. Posterized. These suppositories contain intestinal bacteria as an active ingredient, which is why they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Use candles before bed and in the morning.
  3. Ichthyol candles. Suppositories with ichthyol help cope with inflammatory processes and disinfect the affected area.
  4. Sea buckthorn suppositories have antiseptic properties. Sea buckthorn suppositories accelerate tissue healing and help cure hemorrhoids faster.
  5. Candles with extracts of medicinal plants. Such preparations contain small doses of extracts of various plants. Homeopathic suppositories have different properties depending on which plant acts as the active substance. A series of such preparations includes candles with tea tree oil, calendula, etc.

Homemade suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids

When internal hemorrhoids are detected, treatment at home can be carried out using suppositories prepared independently. Available components are used to prepare suppositories, so the cost of self-prepared suppositories is very low, but in terms of effectiveness they are not much different from pharmaceutical preparations.

The easiest way to make a candle is to cut it out of a potato. The potatoes need to be washed, peeled and a candle cut out, similar in shape to a pharmacy candle. Try to make the suppository smooth so as not to injure the walls of the rectum. The suppository is inserted at night, and in the morning it comes out during bowel movements. For ease of administration, the suppository can be lubricated with honey or vegetable oil.

A candle with antiseptic properties can be made from garlic. To do this, one clove needs to be fried in internal lard. Garlic must be inserted into the anus. Before insertion, the anus can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil.

Another way is to use minced garlic. Grate the head of garlic on a fine grater and mix with thick butter. Form candles and store in the refrigerator. Use candles after going to the toilet. Before the procedure, you need to wash yourself with cool water.

You can use honey to make a candle. You can form a candle from heavily candied honey. The suppository will dissolve itself in the intestines and will have an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and bactericidal effect on the intestinal walls.

Ice suppositories help relieve pain. The secret to making these candles is simple: take a rubber glove and fill your little finger with water. Place the glove vertically in the refrigerator and wait until the water hardens. Try taking a chamomile decoction instead of plain water - such a candle will not only soothe the pain, but also help cope with inflammation.

You can use an aloe leaf as a candle. Aloe has a unique composition that allows you to completely get rid of the disease at an early stage. A small aloe leaf is dipped in a mixture of butter and honey and placed in the anus in the morning and evening. After a month of such procedures, the symptoms of the disease will disappear and the hemorrhoids will disappear.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with enemas

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids at home is carried out using enemas with various compositions. An enema helps to carry out hygienic procedures in the area of ​​​​the affected nodes and deliver medicinal substances to them.

For hemorrhoids, it is useful to use potato juice. Squeeze the juice from one potato and use an enema to inject it into the anus before bed.

Strawberry infusion helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and stop bleeding. A tablespoon of strawberry leaves is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for half an hour. Then the infusion is filtered and used for an enema before bedtime.

To reduce hemorrhoids, you can use a decoction of wormwood. 4 tbsp wormwood leaves need to be boiled in a liter of water for 5 minutes. The enema must be done every evening for 7 days.

If severe constipation occurs, oil enemas are used. Vegetable oil is introduced into the rectum using an enema with a long tip so that the oil can penetrate as deeply as possible.

An oil enema relaxes the intestinal muscles, envelops the nodes and helps facilitate bowel movements.

Infusions and decoctions for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids

Taking medicinal decoctions orally speeds up the healing process and helps more effectively fight the disease. For internal hemorrhoids, it is useful to take a decoction from the following collection:

  • strawberry leaves;
  • plantain;
  • cuff;
  • coltsfoot;
  • linden and rose petals.

All components must be taken in equal parts and poured with the same amount of boiling water. Keep the entire mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes, but do not bring the mixture to a boil. Take decoctions 3-4 times a day. The effectiveness of treatment increases if you make honey suppositories at night. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Traditional healers recommend consuming jam from dogwood fruits. Dogwood has many therapeutic properties and is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Dogwood fruits contain vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system; dogwood also has anti-inflammatory and tonic properties.

Treatment of hemorrhoids using a set of special exercises

Therapeutic exercises for hemorrhoids help strengthen the abdominal muscles, buttocks and perineum and prevent the occurrence of congestion in the pelvic area.

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and slowly raise your pelvis, while straining your buttocks.
  2. Exercise "Scissors". Lie on your back, raise your legs to 45°, cross and spread them 50 times horizontally and vertically.
  3. Starting position on all fours. Bend and arch your back 100 times.
  4. Sit on a hard seat and strain your anus muscles. Perform the same exercise while lying on your back. It is necessary to perform 15 tensions in one approach.

Exercises must be performed slowly. Gymnastics should become part of your lifestyle even after complete recovery from hemorrhoids, then the risk of re-development of the disease will be minimized.>


Analgesics alone are not enough to completely get rid of this disease. Effective treatment of internal hemorrhoids involves the simultaneous use of drugs from several pharmacological groups and vitamins. These are venotonics, thrombolytics, antiseptics and hemostatic agents. If the source of the pathology is not identified in time, surgery is a radical method of intensive therapy, individual in each clinical case.


If hemorrhoids are found inside, modern medicine provides special tablets for oral use, ointments for topical use, rectal suppositories and vitamins. The effect of suppositories is local, so hemorrhoids can be treated in this way even during pregnancy with minimal risk to the intrauterine development of the fetus. Here are effective medications in a given direction:

  1. Indomethacin suppositories. These are suppositories with an anti-inflammatory effect that increase the elasticity of vascular walls and normalize blood flow through the veins. Administer 1 suppository rectally, preferably at night. Course duration is 7-10 days.
  2. Suppositories with heparin. This drug is prescribed only at the initial stage of hemorrhoids, after which it is useless. The list of contraindications is minimal. Administer 1 suppository when the acute stage appears. The course of treatment is 5-7 days until remission occurs.
  3. Relief Advance. Rectal suppositories to eliminate pain and normalize the patient’s general condition are allowed even for pregnant women. Insert 1 suppository into the anus at night for 10 days. There are almost no contraindications or side effects.
  4. Ultraproct. Suppositories are prescribed for acute proctitis, anal fissures, and all forms of hemorrhoids. Inject rectally if there is acute pain after defecation, 1 suppository for a week.
  5. Ibuprofen. This is a representative of the NSAID group for the elimination of acute pain. Insert 1-2 suppositories into the anus after bowel movements throughout the day. If there are other symptoms of hemorrhoids, the medicine is no longer effective.

Radical treatment methods

In the absence of positive dynamics from conservative methods, the proctologist will recommend surgical intervention performed in the pelvic area. The operation includes excision, removal of thrombotic masses and complete disposal of thrombosed hemorrhoids. In the modern world, using innovative technologies, laser treatment has been developed, which is considered a safer and more effective method, but costs the patient much more.

Folk recipes

Natural venotonics in the form of rectal suppositories are also very popular, especially if the plant composition contains horse chestnut and viburnum extract. This kind of medicine expands the lumen of blood vessels, increases the elasticity of the vascular walls, and prevents pathological stretching of the veins. Positive dynamics are also evident when using other folk recipes:

  1. Cut a candle out of raw potatoes and insert it rectally at night. Carry out the procedure 7 nights in a row, and the internal node will disappear imperceptibly.
  2. Pour 2 kg of table salt into a full bath of warm water and stir. Perform the water procedure every other day to completely get rid of acute pain.
  3. Pour a quarter cup of chopped celandine herb into 1 liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and cool. Drink the cooled decoction warm, 1 glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Treatment of hemorrhoids, treatment of hemorrhoids

  • For stage 1 hemorrhoids, the following are indicated: conservative therapy, infrared photocoagulation, sclerotherapy.
  • For stage 2 hemorrhoids, the following are indicated: conservative therapy, infrared photocoagulation, sclerotherapy, ligation with latex rings, suture ligation, combined methods.
  • For stage 3 hemorrhoids, the following are indicated: ligation with latex rings, transanal resection of the mucosa using the Longo method, combined methods, surgical treatment (hemorrhoidectomy).
  • For stage 4 hemorrhoids, surgical treatment (hemorrhoidectomy) is indicated.

Rustam Abdullaev, a surgeon and proctologist at MedicCity, talks about the technique of disarterization of hemorrhoids under ultrasound control in the program “Doctors” (TVC).
Many people believe that with today’s choice of medications, hemorrhoids can be cured using only drug treatment, but this is a misconception . Today, the pharmacy can offer you a lot of drugs (ointments, suppositories, tablets) that will only temporarily eliminate certain symptoms of the disease. After their use, some relief may occur, but “experienced” patients understand that it is temporary, until the next exacerbation.

Early diagnosis allows our coloproctologists to perform gentle removal of hemorrhoids and treatment of hemorrhoidal thrombosis using the most modern minimally invasive techniques. You can learn about the advanced method of treating hemorrhoids - disarterization of hemorrhoids under ultrasound control using the AMI HAL-Doppler II device - from our video.

Prognosis and prevention

With a timely response to emerging hemorrhoids, the clinical outcome is favorable. Although the disease has a chronic form, there is a long period of remission. To prevent recurrent attacks, and simply for prevention purposes, the following measures are recommended for patients at risk:

  • adherence to healthy eating rules;
  • physical activity;
  • reduction of physical activity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • weight control.

Causes of internal hemorrhoids in men and women

The development and appearance of internal hemorrhoids are based on the following factors:

  • excessive physical activity with heavy lifting;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • violation of the diet, addiction to diets that lead to chronic constipation;
  • bad habits;
  • prolonged sitting in a sitting position due to working conditions;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hard physical labor;
  • flights and long-distance travel;
  • insufficient fluid intake, which can cause blood thickening;
  • diseases of the genital area in women;
  • anal sex.

Traditional medicine against chronic hemorrhoids

Proctologists do not deny the effectiveness of non-traditional methods in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, emphasizing their auxiliary role in complex therapy.

Compresses, ointments, suppositories, poultices, and baths are included in the complex treatment regimen; the choice of medicinal plants and other components must be agreed with the doctor.

You can relieve the symptoms of a chronic illness with oak bark, chamomile, calendula, wild strawberries, sage, and St. John's wort. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants are used in the form of compresses, baths, they are added to homemade ointments and suppositories, and used for irrigation in microenemas. Herbal teas made from raspberry leaves and rose hips are useful for hemorrhoids; diluted beet juice is also taken for the same purpose.

A microenema with chamomile infusion will help temporarily relieve symptoms

The ulcerated mucous surface is irrigated with potato juice or liquid honey. You can make homemade candles from the same components, as well as from the pulp of aloe leaves. For inflammation and light bleeding, ice suppositories are effective. To do this, decoctions of the listed herbs are frozen in molds. For this purpose, you can use, for example, the fingers of medical gloves.

Cut candles from potatoes. If you can simply hold the ice cone in your hand so that the sharp end melts, then to make inserting the potato candle easier, it is lubricated with Vaseline or sea buckthorn oil. The latter option is preferable, since sea buckthorn provides an additional therapeutic effect. It is convenient to insert the candle on your side, with your knees bent.

It is important to ensure that it does not slip out during a reflexive contraction of the sphincter. If you lie quietly for at least half an hour, the medicine will be completely absorbed and will work exactly in the area for which it is intended.

External hemorrhoids can be treated with an ointment made from beeswax and olive oil. If you buy a special tip at the pharmacy, this product can also be applied to internal nodes. Before processing, do not forget about hygiene procedures: cleansing the intestines and washing the perineum with soap.

With progressive inflammation, a caustic exudate is often released, irritating sensitive skin. You can eliminate itching and burning with the help of lotions. To impregnate a gauze napkin, you can use a decoction of knotweed, rowan berries and just cold water.

Chronic hemorrhoids and methods of its treatment

If chronic hemorrhoids are diagnosed, treatment and techniques can be divided into three areas:

  • non-surgical (conservative);
  • minimally invasive;
  • surgical.

If hemorrhoids are detected at the very initial stages of development, you can limit yourself to the first and second treatment methods. Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids with surgical intervention is used only in the most difficult situations. Early stages of the disease can be cured through measures to strengthen the vascular walls, preventive measures to stop bleeding and prevent constipation.

Medicines from the category of venotonics are prescribed to improve the quality of vascular walls. They are available in the form of tablets for internal use, as well as ointments or gels for external use. Treatment of bleeding and its prevention is well done by local remedies with sodium alginate. However, when nodes fall out, conventional medications become ineffective, so more radical treatment is required, using surgical methods.

Causes of the disease

The formation of hemorrhoids occurs due to an increase in the arteriovenous cavernous plexuses, which form in humans during prenatal development.

The location of one of the groups of such plexuses is observed in the submucosal layer of the lower rectum. The other group is located in the area of ​​exit from the anus.

If it was initially believed that the development of hemorrhoids occurs due to dilation of the veins of the rectum, now another cause is also identified. The formation of pathology begins after a significant increase in blood volume in the cavernous bodies, which occurs due to an increase and acceleration of arterial inflow.

As a result, a slowdown in venous outflow is observed, thrombosis and inflammatory deformations in the vascular wall develop. All this leads to the development of dystrophic processes not only in the muscles, but also in the ligaments of this area.

That is why patients with chronic hemorrhoids have an enlarged rectal artery; their number and density of small vessels significantly increases.

Due to disruption of the muscles and ligaments, hemorrhoidal nodes are displaced. And due to straining and pressure from feces, the nodes shift in the distal direction - closer to the anus.

The long-term course of the chronic form of hemorrhoids leads to rupture of the ligaments, as a result of which the nodes that are localized above the dentate line fall out. This is how external hemorrhoids form.

The main factors that increase the chance of developing the disease:

  • sedentary work;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • improper diet;
  • frequent constipation;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • infectious process.

In addition, external and internal hemorrhoids can form in people who have multiple bowel movements. In other words, their excretion of feces occurs in several stages with short intervals.

Also, the formation of chronic hemorrhoids occurs in women during pregnancy, which is explained by a significant increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity and pelvis. Also, according to numerous studies, the pathology is hereditary.


To avoid the development of chronic hemorrhoids, you should follow several rules:

  • Monitor proper bowel function and avoid frequent constipation.
  • Carry out thorough hygiene procedures after defecation. Avoid using hard toilet paper.
  • Drink enough liquid.
  • If you have hemorrhoids in remission, it is best to wash yourself with cool water.
  • Avoid heavy lifting.
  • Avoid gaining excess weight.
  • Take a regular walk. Especially when working sedentary.
  • Maintain proper diet.

Also, many doctors recommend that patients who suffer from chronic hemorrhoids do gymnastics. Daily exercise will help avoid the development of exacerbations, especially with a sedentary lifestyle.

Thus, chronic hemorrhoids are a pathology whose development can be avoided. Timely consultation with a doctor will prevent the development of serious complications and severe discomfort.

But even if therapy for the disease has not begun at the initial stage, it can be cured at any stage of development; for this it is necessary to select the correct treatment method.

Author: Anastasia Mironova, doctor, especially for


Internal hemorrhoids not only cause painful symptoms that affect a woman’s quality of life. Very often the disease causes severe complications, sometimes posing a serious threat to the patient’s life:

  • anemia (with sluggish, prolonged or large-scale bleeding);
  • significant blood loss due to breakthrough bleeding and the development of a terminal condition;
  • infection and paraproctitis;
  • pinching of the node and its necrosis;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • formation of pararectal or rectovaginal fistulas;
  • malignancy of damaged tissues (oncology).

Any of these conditions requires urgent medical intervention (often surgical) and comprehensive treatment of internal hemorrhoids.

Complications of the disease

What are the dangers of internal chronic hemorrhoids? Since the pathological process often occurs secretly, patients usually seek medical help when the disease becomes chronic and moves into stage 2 or even stage 3.

Constant or severe bleeding from the rectal canal leads to anemia.

The most common complications of the internal form of the disease include the following conditions:

  1. Vein thrombosis. Due to congestion in the nodes, the blood thickens, blood clots form in the veins, which compress the nerve endings. As a result, varicose nodules become cyanotic, swell, and the pain syndrome increases significantly (the entire tailbone may hurt).
  2. Infringement of nodules. This complication is quite rare, but you should still be aware of it. In the final stages, the internal lump extends beyond the rectal canal and is compressed by the anal sphincter muscles. The nodes become almost black, and necrotization and thrombosis may occur. There is probably no need to talk about how the anus hurts.
  3. Anemia. Typically, persistent or severe bleeding from the rectal canal leads to anemia. Against this background, hemoglobin drops, the person feels weak and quickly gets tired. Since immunity also decreases, there is a high probability of an infectious process joining hemorrhoids.
  4. Sphincter weakness. With constant and prolonged prolapse of cavernous formations (especially in older people), weakening of the anal valve may occur, resulting in incontinence of intestinal gases and liquid feces.

If an infection penetrates into the rectum or perianal area, an inflammatory process begins.

If left untreated, inflammation will spread to the subcutaneous fat, which may result in the development of sepsis.

If left untreated, inflammation will spread to the subcutaneous fat, which can result in the development of a dangerous condition - pararectal abscess and even sepsis.

Diagnostic measures

Before internal hemorrhoids can be treated, they must be diagnosed. Determining the disease at the initial stages can be a difficult task, since the nodes do not protrude from the outside, and the complaints are common to various diseases. Diagnostics must be performed by a qualified specialist.

The simplest diagnostic technique is finger testing. Using the index finger, the doctor feels the nodules that protrude and expand, and then determines their swelling and the presence of pain.

For the previous method, the upper nodes are not available; for them you will have to use anoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. Anoscopy is a study of the lumen and condition of the mucous membrane in the rectum through the use of an anoscope. The device looks like a tube into which a camera is installed and the image is broadcast on the screen. The doctor can examine all pathologies with a depth of about 10 cm. If the information content was insufficient, and the nodes are located even higher, sigmoidoscopy is prescribed - the study involves inserting an optical tube with the ability to examine 25 cm.

Use of medications

The proctologist will tell the patient how to treat internal hemorrhoids. There are many antihemorrhoidal drugs on the pharmaceutical market, which are extremely difficult for an untrained person to understand on their own.

The drug Detralex will cope with the weakness of the venous vessels.

In the early stages, it is permissible to treat hemorrhoids at home using the following groups of medications:

  • Venotonics. These medications are designed to combat directly one of the causes of hemorrhoids – weakness of the venous vessels. Tablets Detralex, Phlebodia 600, Venarus, etc. improve venous tone, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, normalize the filling of veins with blood, eliminate congestion in the pelvis and relieve the main symptoms of the disease. There are also local venotonics - for example, Troxevasin gel.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Inflammation of internal hemorrhoids is usually treated with local medications - ointments and rectal suppositories. They are non-hormonal (suppositories with indomethacin, Relief, Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment) and hormonal, for example, with hydrocortisone (Ultraproct, Relief Ultra, Proctosedyl M). It should be remembered that drugs with hormones get rid of hemorrhoids faster at home, but have more contraindications and adverse reactions.
  • Anesthetics. To reduce pain, the doctor can prescribe both systemic drugs (Nise, Pentalgin, Ibuklin) and suppositories with an anesthetic effect. The most popular analgesic suppositories: with belladonna, novocaine, Relief Advance, Anestezol, Neo-Anuzol, Ginkor Procto, Procto-Glivenol, etc. Another common local remedy is Bezornil ointment.
  • Antiseptics. Such drugs are designed to suppress the spread of infection in cavernous formations. Antiseptics contain both natural ingredients (propolis, sea buckthorn, calendula) and chemical ingredients (bismuth, zinc). The most popular drugs in this group: ichthyol suppositories, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, Anuzol, Neo-Anuzol, Anestezol.
  • Wound healing medications. Such products are designed to stimulate regenerative processes due to the content of bioactive ingredients. Treatment of hemorrhoids with internal localization of nodules involves the use of suppositories with methyluracil, sea buckthorn oil, propolis and shark liver oil (Relief).
  • Anticoagulants. To prevent the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids, anticoagulants are used, the main active ingredient of which is heparin. The patient can purchase heparin ointment or suppositories Gepatrombin G, Nigepan.
  • Hemostatics. These drugs stop bleeding from the rectum. You can use tablets (for example, Vikasol) or suppositories that constrict blood vessels or restore the affected areas. Local medications include suppositories with adrenaline, Relief, Relief Advance, Procto-Glivenol, Natalsid.

Like most diseases, chronic hemorrhoids can occur in an acute form, accompanied by severe symptoms, but can develop into a chronic, sluggish stage. Therefore, it is very important to treat a sudden outbreak of the disease by contacting a proctologist, in this way you can get rid of hemorrhoids forever, and not provoke the development of a chronic form.

However, it is worth noting that in most cases, hemorrhoids, without the necessary treatment, smoothly progress to the chronic stage. Most patients, due to their own shyness or lack of time, are in no hurry to consult a doctor, and the acute symptoms of the disease gradually fade away, creating an illusion of recovery. The patient calmly lives on, thinking that hemorrhoids have been cured, but in fact, the disease has not gone away, it simply “fell asleep” until the next favorable conditions, in order to remind itself again with an exacerbation of symptoms.

Stages of development

Chronic hemorrhoids go through several stages of development:

  1. First stage. It is characterized by an inconspicuous course, the symptoms are either mild or completely absent.
  2. Second stage. Hemorrhoids begin to fall out. This often occurs during a bowel movement. However, after the procedure is completed, the nodes reset themselves.
  3. Third stage. Symptoms of hemorrhoids intensify. The nodes increase in size, so they cannot be adjusted on their own. For this reason, you have to return them back yourself.
  4. Fourth stage. The knots reach large sizes, so they cannot be straightened even by hand. At this stage, the risk of complications increases: thrombosis, severe inflammation and infection associated with hemorrhoids.

Surgical intervention

Depending on the activity and stage of the disease, minimally invasive or extensive surgical interventions are used. Today, the most effective method of treatment is the Milligan-Morgan operation; its successful implementation guarantees a positive outcome and the absence of relapses for at least fifteen years. This method is used both at the second and fourth stages of the disease.

While gentle methods such as sclerotherapy or ligation of rectal nodes cannot provide such a guarantee. Typically, these methods eliminate the cause for a period of about five to ten years. At the same time, the undeniably positive side is the speed of their implementation and the short recovery period.

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