Unbalanced nutrition is one of the causes of metabolic disorders
Metabolism (metabolism) disorders in the body
Metabolism or metabolism is a set of various interrelated chemical reactions occurring in the body
Cortisol: What to do if the stress hormone is elevated
Why cortisol increases in women - the causes of the problem
Normal levels of this hormone in the body have a positive effect on a number of functions, including
Menstrual cycle schedule
What does such a symptom as vaginal mucus in women indicate?
Physiology of discharge in girls Transparent discharge like snot without odor is the result of physiological processes,
Issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of leishmaniasis
Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease caused by the protozoan parasite Leishmania. The pathogen penetrates into
Chronic Periostitis - Clinic Etiology and Comparative Characteristics
Remembering the structure of the bone, including the jaws, it must be said that the bone is covered with periosteum
Burning, pain in the chest: in the middle, left, right, reasons, what to do
Symptoms such as pain and burning in the chest are quite frightening. After all, everything
dry skin
Fish scales on human skin: causes, symptoms and treatment of ichthyosis
One of the problems that arise with appearance is dryness and flaking of the facial skin. She has
Paraovarian ovarian cyst: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Author of the article, Candidate of Medical Sciences O.Yu. Ermolaev Make an appointment with a gynecologist Paraovarian cyst -
Strengthening peeling nails at home. Causes and treatment of the problem.
It has long been believed that the condition of hands and nails is an indicator of health. And it is true,
Trauma is one of the causes of brain cysts
Cerebral cyst of the brain: causes, symptoms, treatment
A brain cyst is a benign, volumetric neoplasm that resembles a bubble filled with fluid, which is located
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