What can be seen in a lung fluorography image?
Fluorographic examination - diagnosis of pathologies of the lungs and chest organs
Every adult at least once in his life has encountered a medical examination called fluorography.
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC): what it is, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC, modern name “ulcerative colitis”) is a chronic disease that manifests itself as purulent hemorrhagic
Instructions for use of staphylococcal Bacteriophage for children and adults
Bacteriophages are specific viruses that selectively attack and infect microbes. By multiplying inside the cell, they destroy
Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart - what is the danger of the pathology, how to identify and treat it?
Left ventricular hypertrophy - signs on the ECG. Treatment of myocardial hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart
Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart is a dangerous pathological condition that is often diagnosed in people of different
Symptoms of chronic renal failure, stages, treatment methods, drugs
Modern medicine manages to cope with most acute kidney diseases and curb the progression of most chronic ones.
Peony tincture - magical properties for men, women and children
Peony tincture - magical properties for men, women and children
In biology, this plant is the evasive peony, also known as the peasant rose or marin
my throat hurts very much
Sore throat, painful to swallow – how to treat it at home?
If you have a sore throat, it may go away on its own without any treatment.
Acylact suppositories and instructions for use in gynecology
December 10, 2019 Obstetrics and gynecology Svetlana Saksina “Acilact” suppositories, instructions for use
Coloproctologist: what kind of doctor is he and what diseases does he treat?
Proctology is a branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis, research, treatment and prevention of any diseases and pathologies.
Causes of excessive sweating in women's armpits
A person sweats a lot - what diseases can this mean?
1 15015 Sweating is a completely normal process. It provides thermoregulation of the body, as well as
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