Why is Atarax prescribed? Instructions for medical use
Why is Atarax prescribed? Instructions for medical use
Atarax is a tranquilizer with anxiolytic, antiemetic and sedative effects. Instructions for use will show how
Acyclovir tablets for children
When should you use Acyclovir ointment, and when will it be useless?
Acyclovir is prescribed to treat viral diseases. The drug is usually used in the treatment of herpetic infections.
Essentiale in injections: indications and rules of use
The liver is one of the main organs of the human body. It is responsible for the synthesis of necessary substances,
An effective cough medicine for adults
Cough suppressants: list with names, compositions, mechanism of action
The beginning of the cold season invariably causes the spread of colds and infectious diseases, causing various types of cough. An important condition
Unidox Solutab release form
To whom and why is Unidox Solutab prescribed for ureaplasma (ureaplasmosis)?
Category: Published 04/09/2017 · Comments: · Reading time: 7 min · Views: 4,992
Ursosan Ursosan instructions for use
Ursosan for biliary dyskinesia and after removal of the gallbladder
Cholecystitis refers to inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and bile ducts caused by stagnation of bile.
Magnelis B6 in a box and blister on a white table
Vitamins Pharmstandard MAGNELIS B6 FORTE TOMSKHIMPHARM, OJSC - reviews
Every mother knows about the weakening of the immune system and the lack of useful microelements after childbirth, especially
The drug "Omez": indications for use, dosage and principle of action
Taking any medication is invariably accompanied by negative consequences for the body. Some medications have bright
Lysobact Lysobact instructions for use
“Lizobakt”: instructions for use for children under one year of age and older, analogues of the drug
Lizobact analogs are cheap for children. There are several high-quality substitutes for this product that help improve children's
Children's "Enterofuril": instructions for use of suspension and capsules for children, the best analogues of the drug
Therapeutic properties The drug "Enterofuril", which helps with infectious diarrhea, is an effective antimicrobial agent.
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