Kidney cyst
Types of discharge from the urethra in women, what is their danger?
Normally, women should not have discharge from the urethra outside of urination. But anatomical
Restrictions on sexual activity or what not to do after cauterization of cervical erosion?
Sex as a component of erosion treatment Rehabilitation after cauterization depends on many factors - type
Transabdominal ultrasound, what is it and when is it prescribed?
Ultrasound diagnostics opens up enormous opportunities for identifying diseases of the pelvic organs even at the initial stages.
Can menstruation be delayed with endometriosis?
The first subtle manifestations of Pain at the beginning and end of menstruation are most often perceived by women as
lactozhinal suppositories
Laktozhinal - a modern remedy for restoring women's health
The female body is especially often exposed to various diseases. Among various pathologies one can note dysbiosis of female
Surgery for cervical cancer: features, contraindications and prognosis
Indications for performance Removal of the cervix is ​​an operation whose main purpose is to prevent
Double-chamber ovarian cyst treatment without surgery. Surgical treatment of multilocular cyst
September 19, 2019 Gynecology Svetlana Pavlova A benign growth on a stalk, inside of which there is a secretion,
Diagnosis and treatment of discharge after hysterectomy
Hysterectomy is a complex surgical procedure that involves the complete removal of the uterus: its body
endometrial condition during pregnancy
What is the endometrium like during early pregnancy?
Endometrium during pregnancy - the role of the endometrium Of course, for every mother, pregnancy is a very
What does a hyperemic cervix mean? Symptoms and treatment of cervicitis of the cervix
In the structure of gynecological pathology, acute and chronic cervicitis occupies a significant place. They meet at
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