Uterine fibroids
Subserous uterine fibroids: is surgery always necessary?
Diagnostics The doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary treatment for fibroids after they are collected
What anti-inflammatory suppositories are suitable for treating inflammation of the appendages?
Suppositories for ovarian inflammation are most often prescribed by a gynecologist. However, not all patients know the types
How to recover after curettage of the uterine cavity?
Curettage of the uterus is a traumatic procedure for removing the endometrial layer using a loop or other surgical
solution for washing off candidiasis from soda
How to douche for thrush: TOP-6 remedies
Candidiasis or thrush is an unpleasant gynecological disease that today occurs in many women.
Miramistin is used in gynecology
Miramistin: composition, indications, dosage, side effects
Miramistin in gynecology is used as a solution with a concentration of 0.01%, completely ready for use. He
Ultrasound in gynecology (lecture at Diagnostic)
When examining women, gynecological ultrasound scanning plays an important role in the diagnosis of various diseases. Ultrasound
Treatment of E. coli in women - drugs scheme. Escherichia coli in a smear in women. Should my husband be treated?
Bacteriological examination of vaginal discharge for microflora is an analysis that evaluates the composition of vaginal microorganisms and their ratio.
Radio wave excision of the cervix
Diathermocoagulation method of the cervix – Gynecology
With the development of pathological processes on the cervix, therapeutic measures should be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise
Ultrasound examination of the biophysical profile of the uterus
Recurrence of cervical cancer - resumption of the oncological process in the area of ​​the primary lesion after completion
Pathomorphology of endometriosis
Ovarian endometriosis in women, its causes, symptoms and treatment methods
1 Is pregnancy possible with endometriosis? 2 Pathomorphology of endometriosis 3 Theories of the disease 4
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