Extragenital endometriosis - types and features of treatment
Stages Infertility may develop. The disease is easier to treat in the early stages of its formation. In more
What is squamous cell metaplasia of the cervix, can it be cured?
Squamous metaplasia of the cervix is ​​an adaptive reaction of the body, characterized by a change in a more vulnerable single-layer
Trichomoniasis in women, what are the causes and how to treat
Trichomoniasis is rightfully considered one of the urogenital infections, and untreated disease can lead to a number of complications.
Can thrush interfere with pregnancy?
Vaginal candidiasis is a disease better known as thrush, which most often occurs against the background of decreased
Tingling in the uterus in early pregnancy
Unpleasant sensations after ovulation The cause of pain in the uterus is the intrauterine device. Tingling feeling in
Risk of having ovarian malignancy (ROMA)
Early diagnosis of cancer of the female reproductive system is extremely important. Ovarian tumors rank first
Panthenol ointment
How to use vaginal cream for thrush?
Thrush is caused by single-celled fungi and can cause unpleasant physical sensations. Symptoms of acute candidiasis
Hypoplasia, aplasia or small uterus
Surely every representative of the fair half of humanity will agree that gynecological problems
Bend of the uterus: types, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention
What is the bend of the uterus and where does it come from? With a normal position, the body and cervix
dietary supplements
Adenomyosis of the uterus - definition. Adenomyosis of the uterus: treatment with folk remedies, reviews
Advantages Why is it worth using traditional treatment? What are the advantages of this therapy compared to
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