Inflammation of the ovaries and epididymis: symptoms and treatment methods
Symptoms of ovarian inflammation in women, treatment and prevention Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) is a pathology
Endometriosis of the uterus - what is it in simple terms?
Category: Women's health What is it? Endometriosis is one of the forms of benign, dyshormonal,
Is it possible to take antibiotics for this disease?
How to cure vaginitis with metronidazole
Instructions for use Metronidazole is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent. It is released
TOP 8 analogues of the drug Diflucan: list of effective and inexpensive substitutes
I. Kalinina 3 years ago / 26715 reads Fragile women’s health is often subject to negative
Methyluracil suppositories are used in gynecology
Methyluracil suppositories in gynecology: instructions for use
Indications for use of the drug Methyluracil in gynecology. Such pathological conditions include: Vulvitis, Bartholinitis,
Drug treatment of hemorrhoids with drugs
Depantol suppositories for thrush: indications and contraindications
Tambuil suppositories instructions for use The drug is used rectally at night. Before using suppositories, it is recommended
Inflammation of the genitourinary system in men: symptoms, treatment
Antibiotics for inflammation of the genitourinary system in women
Treatment of genitourinary infections in women Male infectious diseases, like female ones, are treated according to
mid-cycle discharge
Why does spotting appear in the middle of the cycle?
The female body faces changes every month. Hormonal levels change, which often affects the condition
List of inexpensive but effective suppositories for thrush for women
General information Modern vaginal antifungal suppositories for thrush are by far the simplest
Surgical treatment method
Cervical erosion was discovered: what is it, what does it look like in the photo, its symptoms and complications + reviews from women
Cervical erosion: causes of hormonal imbalance; decreased ability of the immune system to carry out its protective functions
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