Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area
Symptoms, forms and treatment of adnexitis (salpingoophoritis)
Proper functioning of the ovaries is important for planning pregnancy and its normal course. The ovaries are involved in
Removal of endometrial polyp (hysteroresectoscopy).
Effective and safe ways to remove polyps in the uterus
In the structure of gynecological diseases, the diagnosis of uterine polyp occupies one of the leading places (on average
Thrush causes a lot of discomfort
The procedure for washing with soda to treat thrush
Baking soda for thrush in women: home treatment Thrush is a disease
Symptoms, causes and treatment of ovarian retention cyst
Characteristics of the pathology Retention cyst belongs to the group of female pathologies, and its formation is observed in
Curdled discharge in women, causes of white curdled discharge
Category: Symptoms of thrush - section of the website Published 01/23/2019 · Comments: · To read:
Pain when urinating in women: causes, treatment 71671 17
General information Difficulty removing urine from the bladder (dysuria) is often accompanied by pain, so
Why does bleeding appear after sexual intercourse?
Pain that accompanies sexual intercourse or occurs immediately after it can significantly spoil personal
Ovarian hydatid is a congenital feature
Serous cystadenoma of the ovary is a benign neoplasm that is formed from epithelial cells on the reproductive
What is endometrial hypoplasia and can it be cured?
What is endometrial hypoplasia? Hypoplasia of the uterine endometrium is a pathology in which there is underdevelopment
The best way to cauterize cervical erosion: a few recommendations
Cervical erosion: definition and types Cervical erosion is a pathology of the vaginal mucosa
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