Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of chronic inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs. Antimicrobial therapy in the practice of an obstetrician-gynecologist.
Inflammation of the uterus Diseases of the uterus can be divided into several main groups: inflammatory diseases, anatomical disorders
Endometrioid ovarian cyst
Endometrioid ovarian cyst. Treatment without surgery
Why does endometrioma occur? There are many theories regarding what leads to the formation of pathology, however
Cervical ectropion: photos, symptoms, therapy, surgery
What are the options for eversion? Most often, cervical ectropion is limited only to the outer part of the canal, which
There are single leukocytes in the smear, what does this mean?
Smear in women for flora: norm (table), explanation, what it means
Second degree of purity In this case, leukocytes in the smear (the norm in women is 1-3
Possibility of pregnancy with an endometrioid cyst
Causes of cervical cysts The factors that provoke the development of formations are varied. The main causes of cervical cysts
Cervical polyps - causes and methods of removal
Types Polyps can be single or multiple. The outer part of the polyp consists of epithelial cells,
Baking soda
Causes and treatment of chronic thrush in women
Causes of the chronic form of the disease Candida fungi in a dormant state are found in the body of every person,
What to do when the uterus prolapses: surgery, gymnastics, bandage, folk remedies
Pelvic organ prolapse in women: symptoms and treatment
Uterine prolapse is caused by incompetent pelvic floor muscles. Due to weakening or pathological changes, their
Liquid cytology. Examination of scrapings of the cervix and cervical canal (Papanicolaou staining)
Why is oncocytology performed? Why is the research performed and what is it? Oncocytology is
maximum vaginal length
Vagina: size matters!
Scientifically verified The vaginal vestibule expands only slightly after childbirth. In 1996 in
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