How are radon baths useful for endometriosis?
Radon baths for endometriosis Medical portal ENT diseases Stomach diseases Hemorrhoids Pancreatitis Weight loss Edema Skin
Sizes of the uterus and ovaries on ultrasound (norms)
The ovaries are the most important components of the reproductive system of the female body. They are located on the sides of
What foods tone the uterus? How to relieve uterine tone: medications, food? How to independently relieve uterine tone during pregnancy
Video In this video, a gynecologist will briefly tell you everything you need to know about the tone of the uterus:
How to use Genferon suppositories during menstruation
Genferon suppositories activate the immune system and help the body fight thrush pathogens. Advantage
My husband gave me thrush, what does that mean?
Is it possible to infect a man? Men don’t even doubt that thrush is
The uterus does not contract after medical termination of pregnancy
Free consultation with a doctor by phone Surgical abortion is performed in the clinic daily by appointment!!!
Pregnant woman
"Buserelin": reviews from patients and doctors, instructions for use
1 Description of the drug Buserelin, instructions for use. 2 Side effects when using Buserelin 3
Effective treatment of cervical erosion with medication Treatment of
Drug treatment of cervical erosion drugs. What suppositories and tablets are used to treat cervical erosion? Possible consequences of refusing treatment
Cervical disease is now very often treated with medication. The use of antiviral, hormonal, antibacterial agents will allow
All treatment instructions can only be clarified by a doctor during an in-person appointment.
Acyclovir for herpes, how to take it correctly
Symptoms of activation of herpes Symptoms of infection with the herpes virus are absent for some time. There are people
Causes of development and danger of mature teratoma
What is Teratoma - a lipid-cellular formation arising from the primary cellular structures of the gonads. Germinogenic
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