Features of treatment of uterine fibroids with its size of 12 weeks in centimeters
What determines the size of the tumor? Myoma appears for the following reasons: Excessive physical activity; Permanent
Causes of cyst in the groin area in women
Round ligament cyst. Cyst of the round ligament of the uterus. What is a round ligament cyst of the uterus?
Features of cysts in the groin An inguinal cyst (atheroma) is a cavity formation that develops as a result of blockage
How long can you get pregnant after removing erosion? Pregnancy after cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current: differences
Cauterization methods After confirmation of erosion, additional examinations are always prescribed to determine the type of cauterization.
Inflammation of the cervix treatment with folk remedies
Cervicitis is an acute inflammatory process, the focus of which is concentrated in the area of ​​the vaginal segment of the cervix
Urinary incontinence in a woman
Gynecological ultrasound: types, indications, how it works
Indications for ultrasound in gynecology is a reliable, accurate way to detect diseases in this area.
Cervical cancer
What influences the formation of cervical cancer metastases
Main types of metastasis Atypical cells in cervical cancer can move from their primary
Effective treatment of nasal polyps - ointments, sprays and drops
Polyps in the intestine are small benign neoplasms that grow asymptomatically on the internal mucosa
Symptoms of cervical cancer
SCC tumor marker of the cervix, normal, interpretation
The uterus is located in the pelvic region in front of the rectum and behind the bladder. She
How does the uterus change to the touch before the onset of menstruation?
It’s not for nothing that gynecologists closely monitor the condition of the cervix – changes in this organ
Is thrush transmitted to a man through a condom?
The disease, which everyone knows as thrush, can bring a lot of suffering to a woman. It occurs
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