Duphalac - instructions for use, contraindications

Published 03/26/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 6 min · Views: Post Views: 603

Every third person in Russia reported symptoms of constipation. This is a delicate problem, and people are often embarrassed to consult a doctor with such a complaint. Constipation is not always a consequence of any disease, and you can cope with this unpleasant ailment on your own. It is important to carefully study which drug is suitable, safe and effective. Duphalac is the latest generation osmotic laxative.

Indications for use

AgeInitial daily doseMaintenance daily dose
Adults and teenagers15-45 ml (1-3 sachets)15-30 ml (1-2 sachets)
Children 7-14 years old15 ml (1 sachet)10-15 ml (1 sachet)
Children 1-6 years old5-10 ml5-10 ml
Children under one year oldUp to 5 mlUp to 5 ml

Duphalac should be taken regularly at the same time, for example during breakfast. For constipation, it is recommended to take 15-45 ml (1-3 sachets) as an initial daily dose, and 15-30 ml (1-2 sachets) as a maintenance dose. If you use Duphalac in vials, measure the required amount of the drug using a measuring cup. Depending on the duration of treatment, you can choose bottles of 200, 500 and 1000 ml. On the road, it is more convenient to take Duphalac in 15 ml sachets.

Instructions for Duphalac "Plum" Instructions for Duphalac

Use of the product in adults

How should adults take Duphalac for constipation? The medicine is intended for oral administration. If necessary, a single dose can be diluted with clean water. The average dosage of syrup for adult patients is 15–40 ml. It should be selected by the attending doctor on an individual basis, based on the severity of the patient’s condition.

To get the expected laxative result, you need to drink Duphalac at the same time

Sometimes taking laxative syrup twice a day may be recommended, in particular for very severe constipation. But this is a rare case, since a single use of the drug is enough to eliminate constipation and normalize stool.

How long will it take for the product to start working? The therapeutic effect appears on the second or third day from the start of treatment, since Duphalac does not have a classic laxative effect. After the first bowel movement, the dosage of the medicine should be reduced, but the use should be continued further. The course of treatment is 2–3 weeks.

Important! For the drug to start working, you need to drink as much water as possible. Mineral water is best.

If in the first three days while taking the drug the patient develops intestinal pain, nausea or symptoms of an allergic reaction, then treatment should be stopped immediately. Such a reaction indicates lactulose intolerance.

At the beginning of treatment for constipation with Duphalac, almost all patients are faced with the problem of increased gas formation. This intestinal behavior is a physiological norm and is not a reason to discontinue the laxative. Symptoms of bloating go away on their own after one to two days.

Duphalac is a lactulose-based mild laxative.

Lactulose is an osmotic type of laxative. Lactulose-based laxatives are used for chronic or acute constipation in people of any age.

The effect of lactulose is based on the fact that it provokes high osmotic pressure in the intestine, increasing intestinal volume. Water quickly enters and is retained inside, which leads to softening of the contents.

The laxative effect does not occur instantly: it takes some time, although it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In addition to the main laxative effect, lactulose also has a prebiotic effect - it normalizes the balance of intestinal microflora, promoting the growth of beneficial microflora, in particular lacto and bifidobacteria. The prebiotic effect of Duphalac also contributes to the mild laxative effect of the drug.

Due to its mechanism of action, high safety profile and proven effectiveness, Duphalac is used to treat constipation in any patient, including newborns and infants, pregnant and lactating women, as well as the elderly. Duphalac helps regulate the rhythm of the intestines and ensures the normalization of intestinal flora.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Constipation becomes more frequent during pregnancy. This is due to many factors: the uterus grows, contractile muscles lose tone, intestinal microflora changes, etc. Often, changing the diet does not cope with the problem, and there is a need to prescribe medications.

Duphalac is allowed to be taken during pregnancy and lactation. This is one of the harmless remedies that have no harmful effects on the body of the expectant mother and child. The syrup softens the stool, making it easier to pass, but the body does not leave the necessary minerals.

Duphalac is allowed to be used during lactation. It has a beneficial effect on the mother's body. It is not excreted in breast milk and therefore has no direct effect on the baby. How to take the medicine? It is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women in the same way as to all other adults.

Mechanism of action

Lactulose reaches the colon unchanged, where it begins its active work. The laxative effect is achieved by the breakdown of lactulose (the active ingredient of the drug Duphalac) by the intestinal microflora, resulting in stimulation of peristalsis and softening of the stool. In addition, lactulose as a prebiotic substance enhances the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Thus, it helps restore the natural rhythm of intestinal cleansing and normalize the balance of microflora.

As a rule, the drug is taken once a day. Read more about the mechanism of action of the laxative in the instructions.

Effect of the drug

The main effect that Duphalac has, according to reviews, is the accelerated movement of feces through the large intestine. This effect is manifested due to the dissolution of the active substance under the influence of the bacterial environment of the intestine. These transformations lead to the liquefaction of the stool.

The drug has prebiotic properties. As a result of chemical processes in the intestines, various substances are released (hydrogen, water, etc.), which stabilize the balance of microflora and contribute to the creation of antiviral protection of the gastrointestinal tract in the body.

All derivatives released into the body are a source of energy for it.

The main pharmacological actions of the drug include:

  • laxative;
  • detoxification;
  • stimulating.

According to reviews, Duphalac is not a fast-acting drug. Due to its mild effect, the positive effect slows down.

Usually the interval between taking the drug and the result is from 4 to 8 hours. In medical practice, there is information that Duphalac had a therapeutic effect 2-3 days after the initial dose.

History of creation

In the history of world science, quite often great discoveries were made by pure chance.

Thus, American scientists Edna Montgomery and Claus Hudson synthesized lactulose as a sweetener for the food industry in 1929.

Their discovery would have remained unclaimed if 20 years later the Australian pediatrician Friedrich Petuely had not started researching dysbiosis in newborns who were bottle-fed.

It turned out that the babies did not get enough lactose, a substance whose mechanism of action activates the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and is part of human milk.

So in 1948, the world learned about the existence of its analogue, lactulose - that same unclaimed sweetener. The lactulose molecule consists of galactose and fructose molecules.

For 10 years, Petueli, in collaboration with Dr. Franz Mayerschofer, studied the properties and mechanism of action of lactulose and the possibility of its use for the treatment of constipation and dysbiosis in infants, and finally, in 1959, they published the first major study.

Already in 1960, the Dutch company Philips-Duphar (later Solvay, currently Abbott) launched industrial production of drugs with lactulose for constipation. For more than 50 years, lactulose has been very popular among doctors as one of the most effective remedies for treating constipation. The amazing properties and effects of lactulose are also used to treat other diseases.

In 1965, the American scientist Franz Joseph Ingelfinger also described the successful experience of using lactulose to treat hepatic cephalopathy.


A big advantage of the drug is that there is no limitation on the period of use. It can be used, if necessary, either once or for the entire necessary treatment period.

For older people, the advisability of taking the medication is due to the occurrence of chronic or very frequent constipation. The disease occurs due to decreased blood supply to the pelvis, weakening of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. The drug is generally well tolerated by older people and does not worsen their blood biochemical parameters. The dosage for the patient is selected individually.

For children, the medicine is prescribed by a local pediatrician, taking into account age, stage of treatment and the absence of allergies to the main active ingredient.

The child can tolerate the drug from 6 weeks of life. However, taking Duphalac is strictly prohibited if you suspect appendicitis, intestinal obstruction or intestinal bleeding.

Indications for use

For constipation, it is recommended to take Duphalac to regulate the physiological rhythm of the colon.

For constipation and its prevention, it is prescribed for medical purposes in the presence of operations on the colon and hemorrhoids. Widely used in the treatment of hepatic coma.

Duphalac should not be used in the following cases:

  • special metabolic disorder (galactosemia);
  • with intestinal obstruction;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

The medicine contains a minimal amount of sugars, which makes it possible to use it in people suffering from diabetes mellitus, subject to strict doses recommended by the doctor.

Mode of application

To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use the drug correctly: at the same time of day.

Morning is the best time to take it. When food enters an empty stomach (ideally, a glass of clean, drinking water should be drunk before breakfast), the release of a special gastric hormone gastrin begins and peristaltic waves are launched. Entering the stomach with food, it is easier for the drug to enter the large intestine. The suspension should be swallowed quickly, without lingering in the mouth.

For the desired laxative effect to occur, it is necessary to normalize the water-drinking balance. Softening stool and gentle bowel movements involves using fluid from the body's water reserve. Therefore, while using Duphalac, you should drink more.

In some cases, the drug is prescribed in the form of enemas in a ratio of 300:700 (syrup: water).


The dosage for administration is prescribed in the instructions and is selected by the doctor individually. It can be primary and subsequent. It is rational to start taking it after consulting a doctor.

The initial volume of the drug is usually 15-45 ml, the maintenance volume is 10-25 ml. There are cases when one dose taken in the morning is not enough, and to improve the effect it is recommended to take the medicine in the evening. Increasing the dose over several days may lead to unwanted side effects.

The first day of use, as a rule, will not give the desired laxative effect. The drug begins to act two days after the start of use.

In the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, the drug is prescribed in the form of a powder of 20-30 g or 30-50 ml of syrup 3 times a day. The use of Duphalac for hepatic coma helps to improve the mental state of patients, reduce the severity of the disease and reduce the concentration of ammonium ions in the blood.

Side effects:

  • Flatulence is the most common undesirable effect in the first days of taking Duphalac. Usually disappears soon.
  • Abdominal pain is less common.
  • Nausea and vomiting are extremely rare.

All this can lead to an imbalance in the electrolyte balance in the body, which is a consequence of the loss of a significant amount of fluid. This condition is dangerous because heart rhythm, muscle contractions and brain function are disrupted.

At the first manifestations, you should compensate for the lack of water, stop taking the drug and consult a specialist about the advisability of its further use.

How to take Duphalac instructions for use for children and adults

The attending physician who prescribes the medication to the person will always tell you where to buy the medicine. You can also contact the nearest pharmacy and ask the pharmacist about the availability of the drug.

Before starting therapy, you should read the instructions and pay attention to the recommended treatment regimens

The main task of the drug is to eliminate constipation in the intestines and soften the stool. In this regard, experts recommend taking the drug, if possible, at the same time of day, throughout the entire course of treatment. Patients should also monitor the amount of fluid consumed and increase it to one and a half or two liters per day.

Depending on age, the primary dose will be determined:

  • Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age can take from 15 to 45 ml daily;
  • For children aged 7 to 14 years, the dosage should not exceed 15 ml;
  • From one year to six years should take from 5 to 10 ml;
  • For infants up to one year - no more than 5 ml.

Scheme for babies

Doctors pay attention to the fact that you can buy and start taking laxatives in infants. In this case, the treatment regimen will differ from the one that is suitable for an adult

Often after the birth of a child and in the first months of life, mothers encounter difficulties with bowel movements in their babies.

The fact is that the digestive system of infants is not yet adapted to the nutrition they receive, plus their intestinal microflora is not yet sufficiently developed and filled, so the rate of fermentation of foods is slow. In view of this, doctors often advise parents to give their children this medicine.

As for the recommended dosage, it is determined by the doctor, based on the person’s condition, and based on how the child feels after taking a dose of the medication. In most cases, babies are not prescribed more than 1-5 ml of syrup, and the medicine should be diluted in water or breast milk. If the remedy does not help, the doctor will prescribe a suitable substitute.

It is better if the child receives a dose of medication immediately after a night's sleep, or when the morning feeding is completed. If the baby burps quickly, then another dose of the drug should be given. It is also worth saying that the onset of the therapeutic effect in children can be noticed several hours after the first dose of the syrup.

Treatment of hepatic coma and precoma

Initially, doctors recommend that people in this condition take 30-45 ml of the drug three times a day. Subsequently, the dose is determined individually for each clinical case, which eliminates the risk of overdose and the development of adverse reactions. In the absence of a therapeutic effect, specialists select an analogue.

If the dose is selected correctly, then the person will notice the following:

  1. The stool became soft and regular (on average 2-3 times a day);
  2. When measuring the acidity level of the large intestine, there are indicators in the range of 5.0-5.5;
  3. There is no pain or discomfort in the abdominal area.

In the case of treatment of various liver diseases, the onset of the therapeutic effect is noted not after the first dose, but after some time. So, depending on the complexity of the disease, the laxative effect occurs on average after 2-5 days, which directly depends on the patient’s metabolic rate.

Therapy of dysbacteriosis

  • Adults and children over 7 years old – 10 milliliters;
  • Children aged from 4 to 7 years – 5 milliliters;
  • Children from one to three years old - 3 milliliters;
  • Infants under one year old - 1 milliliter.

When treating dysbiosis, Duphalac is prescribed not as a medicine with a laxative effect, but as a probiotic. If there is no therapeutic effect, the doctor will recommend an analogue that is cheaper or more expensive.

How long to take

The occurrence of a therapeutic effect directly depends on the dose and the specific disease being treated. Duphalac has a mild effect, so it cannot be called fast. Usually the effect appears 4-12 hours after administration.

In children, metabolic processes proceed faster, which contributes to the appearance of results within 2 hours.

According to reviews, the use of Duphalac is not limited by time, due to the lack of addiction. The annotation states that in case of problems with bowel movements, the course of treatment should not be less than a month. Specialists can prescribe the drug for more than 30 days, because it does not develop addiction.

According to reviews from adults, the instructions for Duphalac are allowed to be taken for a long time.

Taking the drug during pregnancy and lactation will not adversely affect the body of the child and mother. It has a local effect on pathogenic microflora that has settled in the intestines.

"Duphalac" is allowed to be taken by pregnant women at any stage, since it does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus and does not penetrate the bloodstream.

The main reasons why the drug is prescribed to expectant mothers:

  • eliminating constipation;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora.

Thanks to its natural composition, Duphalac can be used by nursing mothers and infants. It contains liquid lactulose, similar in composition to the components in breast milk.

The main thing is to follow the dosage prescribed by a specialist to prevent negative effects on the body.

Dosage and rules of use

The doctor will tell you the dosage for a certain age.

It is important to choose the best option, taking into account the individual characteristics of the small patient. Duphalac is approved for children of any age only for oral administration.

General rules:

  • the drug is taken regularly, at the same time: long breaks reduce the effectiveness of treatment;
  • dilute the syrup with water or give it to children undiluted? The doctor will tell you;
  • For children under one year old, a single dose of the entire dose is recommended; for older children, the syrup is often prescribed twice a day;
  • Taking Duphalac (as well as other laxatives) must be accompanied by drinking plenty of fluids. It is enough for newborns to receive breast milk; for older children, it is advisable to drink at least a liter of liquid (a larger volume is allowed depending on age).

Use for newborns

The use of Duphalac at an early stage of life is permissible with the permission of a neonatologist and pediatric gastroenterologist. The drug is suitable for the treatment of constipation and dysbiosis even in the smallest children. If the frequency of administration is observed and the optimal dosage is selected, side effects rarely occur.

Newborns receive syrup in two forms:

  • diluted (with breast milk or water);
  • undiluted.

The doctor will decide how to give Duphalac to newborns, based on the condition of the tiny patient.

Optimal appointment time:

  • first option: immediately after a night's sleep;
  • second option: during morning feeding.


  • for constipation, the first three to four times - 1 ml, to eliminate dysbiosis - 1.5 ml;
  • for constipation, gradually increase the volume of syrup to 5 ml, for the treatment of dysbacteriosis - to 3 ml.

Helpful Tips:

  • Experts do not advise immediately giving a daily dosage: often a newborn is tormented by increased gas formation caused by the drug. Always start with small doses - 1-1.5 ml;
  • give the drug systemically, do not skip days;
  • Monitor the condition of the baby: if the laxative is ineffective during the week, the doctor will increase the dosage or prescribe another drug;
  • The diet of a nursing mother is important: poor nutrition often causes problems with stool in newborns;
  • For persistent constipation, doctors recommend replacing breast milk with special formulas that restore normal bowel movements.


  • the laxative effect of the drug with lactulose appears after a few hours, often after a day or two;
  • Intestinal motility improves, the composition of microflora is normalized.

When treating constipation and dysbacteriosis in newborns, conduct a course of special gymnastics and abdominal massage. Stroke your tummy slowly, without pressing hard, in a clockwise direction in a circular motion. A neonatologist will advise you on exercises for little ones against colic and constipation.

Instructions for children aged 1 year and older

The dosage of Duphalac for children with constipation is increased. During the day, the young patient should receive:

  • from one year to 6 years – 5–10 ml is enough;
  • age 7–14 years. Dosage – from 10 to 15 ml.

The use of Duphalac to normalize intestinal microflora:

  • for children from one to 3 years old, no more than 3 ml of medicinal syrup is recommended;
  • from 4 to 6 years – 5 ml of the drug is enough;
  • after 7 years, the optimal daily dosage reaches 10 ml.


  • give syrup to children with constipation immediately after waking up or during breakfast (daily dose);
  • to normalize the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, the doctor most often prescribes the drug in the morning and at lunch;
  • For older children, also gradually increase the dose: violating the rule leads to flatulence.

Important! Duphalac is a highly effective drug; the laxative effect will manifest itself in most young patients. Monitor the result of therapy

If after a few days constipation still plagues your child, be sure to consult a doctor. Perhaps difficulties with bowel movements arise for a more serious reason than previously thought. A complete examination of the digestive tract and therapy for identified diseases will be required.

Interaction with other drugs

When using Duphalac with certain drugs, some consequences may occur:

  1. Duphalac in combination with antibiotics may reduce the therapeutic effect.
  2. Simultaneous use with lactulose will interfere with the release of active substances from the intestinal flora.
  3. It is undesirable to use Duphalac with laxatives to avoid overdose, disruption of the defecation reflex, and a decrease in the pH of the intestinal contents.

Duphalac, according to the instructions for use, independently reduces acidity in the intestinal environment, releasing codependent components.

Alcohol compatibility

It is recommended to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages during treatment with Duphalac. It is acceptable to use syrup and powder for men 18-20 hours before drinking alcohol, for women - 24-26 hours or, conversely, 8-10 hours after drinking alcohol.

The compatibility of Duphalac with alcohol can cause side effects from the liver and stomach, leading to:

  • tinnitus;
  • headache;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • ulceration of the mucous membrane.

Contraindications for taking the drug

The official instructions for the drug Duphalac indicate conditions the presence of which makes the use of the drug impossible. Contraindications for use include:

hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to the components of the drug, acute or chronic intestinal obstruction, intolerance to galactose, fructose, severe lactase deficiency, predisposition or development of perforation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Intestinal obstruction

In such cases, use is strictly prohibited. In addition, there is a factor that allows use strictly under the supervision of a specialist - diabetes mellitus.

Important! Ignoring these factors, using the drug is dangerous not only for the health, but also for the life of the baby.


Like any medicine, Duphalac has a number of contraindications. It should not be used to treat constipation in those who have:

  • Acute intestinal obstruction.
  • Hypersensitivity to some components of the syrup.
  • Galactosemia.
  • Hepatic encephalopathy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Lactose intolerance.

Patients who have at least once encountered the problem of intestinal bleeding are not recommended to use this medication for medicinal purposes.

Is this product allowed for use by adult pregnant women? Due to its composition, Duphalac does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

Therefore, it can be drunk not only by pregnant women, but also by breastfeeding mothers.

Contraindications and side effects

Even with its low price and other advantages, Duphalac still has several contraindications. The main factor prohibiting the use of this medication is intolerance to lactulose, fructose or galactose. Hypersensitivity and allergies to these components are also contraindications for Duphalac. In addition to these reasons, there are several other factors when you should not take this medication:

intestinal obstruction; galactosemia; with caution in diabetes mellitus.

Sometimes, if the dosage is incorrectly selected or simply in the first days of use, side effects of Duphalac appear - they are indicated in the instructions for use. This may result in flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Judging by the reviews, the first sign disappears after a couple of days. Pain and diarrhea may indicate an incorrect dosage, so it must be reduced immediately. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of medication if you feel nausea or even vomiting. With increased dosage, water-electrolyte imbalance is often observed.

special instructions

During treatment with Duphalac, you need to remember the following rules:

Bifidumbacterin for constipation and reviews about it

  • If the patient was still unable to empty the intestines on the fourth day from the start of using Duphalac, then treatment should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.
  • In case of individual intolerance to lactulose, the permissible single dosage is 10 ml.
  • If diabetes mellitus and/or renal failure are diagnosed, the daily intake should be reduced to the minimum amount.
  • When treating chronic constipation with Duphalac, the patient needs to monitor the level of blood electrolytes.

Can it be used by newborns?

Problems with bowel movements rarely occur in breastfed babies. During the first 1.5 months, the child passes stool about 7 times a day. Normally, it looks like mush interspersed with undigested milk. It should smell sour. If your stool becomes more dense, it may be a sign of constipation. A bottle-fed baby's stool is harder and resembles adult feces in appearance and smell. In this case, it is more difficult to identify problems with bowel movements.

By the second month of life, the frequency of bowel movements decreases to 2–3 times a day. Even if bowel movements occur once every few days, this is not a cause for concern. If the child maintains his appetite and gains weight, no therapeutic measures are required. A problem is indicated by hard stools with a putrid odor. In this situation, a visit to the pediatrician would be correct.

If there is a problem with stool, newborn children can be given Duphalac. It is recommended for constipation and diarrhea. Abnormalities in bowel function are indicated by the absence of bowel movements for 2–3 days. This is accompanied by anxiety on the part of the child, he becomes whiny and loses his appetite. Parents notice frequent attempts to defecate. Children who are bottle-fed and those receiving complementary foods are more susceptible to constipation.

Problems with bowel movements in newborns who are not receiving complementary feeding are often caused by poor nutrition of the mother or lack of breast milk. Other factors leading to constipation in infants include:


  • congenital intestinal pathologies (narrow anal opening, underdeveloped large intestine);
  • intestinal immaturity (usually disappears by 2 months);
  • rickets;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • liver problems;
  • thyroid dysfunction.

Given the extensive list of causes of this condition, it is necessary to consult with your doctor regarding the possibility of using laxatives.

More often than not, problems with bowel movements indicate that the formula is not suitable for the child. Another reason may be a violation of the intestinal microflora due to taking pills. Since the drug is a prebiotic that stimulates the growth of lactobacilli, it easily copes with this problem. Pathogenic microflora is suppressed as a result of using the drug.


The drug is recommended if the child requires surgery on the rectum or anal area. In addition, Duphalac can be used to treat pregnant and lactating women. It does not affect fetal development and is not absorbed into breast milk.

Before giving Duphalac to a newborn, you need to make sure that the cause of concern is not the accumulation of gases in the intestines, since the medication aggravates the situation. With flatulence, relief comes if you massage your tummy and press your legs against it.

Duphalac in childhood

The use of the drug is permitted in children from birth. During the first few weeks, newborn babies may have stools up to 10 times a day. A little later, this number is reduced to one to three times a day. If the baby does not have stool for two to three days, or the feces released are dense and dry, then we can talk about the development of constipation.

Duphalac can be given even to infants

Most often, the pathology is diagnosed in babies who are bottle-fed. The cause may be a violation of the drinking regime or intolerance to the component composition of the milk formula. Sometimes constipation also occurs in infants receiving breast milk.

To eliminate the problem, it is also allowed to use Duphalac, since lactulose does not pose a danger to the child’s incompletely formed digestive system. In addition, the substance is unable to penetrate into the general bloodstream.

How to take Duphalac correctly for constipation during the first year of a child’s life:

  • The syrup has a rather pleasant taste, so it can be drunk in its pure form. If the baby refuses to drink it, then it is allowed to dilute the product with water or add it to food.
  • You need to take the laxative once. Daily dosage – 5 ml. Sometimes it is allowed to be divided into two times.
  • The baby does not have bowel movements right away. The laxative effect is observed after about 2 hours. In some cases, days pass.
  • Duphalac should be given at the same time. It is best to do this in the morning after waking up or after the first feeding. Then bowel movements will occur during the daytime and the baby will sleep peacefully throughout the night.
  • To eliminate increased formation of gases, the daily dosage should be increased gradually. Treatment should begin by taking 1 ml of syrup, increasing the dose by 1 ml daily and bringing it to the required 5 ml.

Operating principle

The laxative effect of taking Duphalac is associated with the hyperosmotic effect of lactulose. This ingredient is broken down in the large intestine by normal microflora to form low molecular weight organic acids. This reduces the pH and increases the osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen. In addition, under the influence of syrup, the absorption of calcium and phosphate salts improves, and ammonium ions are more actively removed. As a result, the consistency of the stool changes, the volume of intestinal contents increases, and peristalsis is activated.

Taking the medication not only helps restore the natural (physiological) rhythm of bowel movements, but also has a beneficial effect on the state of the microflora, due to which lactulose is classified as a prebiotic substance. This substance stimulates the growth of lacto- and bifidobacteria, which suppresses pathogenic microorganisms, such as E. coli and clostridia.

Duphalac is almost not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After oral administration, the medicine moves unchanged through the digestive system to the colon. In a dosage of less than 75 ml, the medication is completely broken down by intestinal microflora. If you drink more syrup, the excess is excreted unchanged in the feces.

Most often, Duphalac is prescribed for constipation, if the physiological rhythm of bowel movements is disrupted for one reason or another. In addition, the medication is used to soften stool, which may be necessary for hemorrhoids or in the postoperative period. For adults, syrup is also prescribed for hepatic encephalopathy.

The principle of action of the medicine

Duphalac contains lactulose, which is an analogue of the natural carbohydrate obtained from milk. Can this syrup be taken by children or is it recommended for use only by adults?

There are no age restrictions for taking this medication. The lactulose it contains has been used as an ingredient in the diet and baby food industry for many years.

How Duphalac solves the problem of constipation:

  1. To help the patient push stool through the intestines, lactulose must first enter the stomach. After this, it enters the small intestine, and then into the large intestine.
  2. Bacteria in the intestines break down lactulose into amino acids. When broken down, lactulose is small, so the body easily absorbs it. As a result, the osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen increases. This causes water to rush into this area.
  3. As a result, these processes lead to softening of feces, as well as an increase in their volume. Feces easily pass through the intestines and are excreted from the body.

Duphalac helps to quickly solve the problem of constipation. It has a gentle effect on the body, as a result of which intestinal function is not disrupted. The peculiarity of this remedy is that it acts exclusively in the colon.

This is explained by the absence of bacteria in other parts of the body that could break down lactulose. It turns out that Duphalac is useful to take for constipation, since it acts in the place where the problem is localized.

Advantages and disadvantages of bags

Duphalac in disposable bags made of polyethylene and aluminum foil seems to be the most convenient, but any form of release has its pros and cons.

The benefits include:

  • Light weight. You don’t need to take a bottle with you on the road, which will take up a lot of space in your bag; just put the required number of Duphalac sachets in your pocket;
  • Ease of use. There is no need to measure the required dose with a glass; just tear off a corner of the disposable package and squeeze Duphalac syrup into your mouth or spoon and wash it down with any liquid;
  • Long shelf life. The sealed package is stored for 3 years, and after opening the medication must be used within 1 month, after which the excess solution is thrown away.

But there are also small disadvantages:

  • Inability to use in early childhood. A single package of Duphalac can only be taken by an adult and a child over 7 years old. Younger children have to measure the required amount of syrup, and this is not always accurate without a measuring cup;
  • Higher price. A box of 10 packets of Duphalac is more expensive than a bottle of syrup, and contains less medicine in volume.

Before purchasing sachets of Duphalac, it is recommended to evaluate the possible advantages and disadvantages of the release form. But it is worth noting that most adults note the convenience of using disposable medicine packages.

Is it addictive?

How long and how many days it is possible to use Duphalac for both adults and children is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis, depending on the indications for taking the laxative, the age and special conditions of the patient.

The intestinal microflora gets used to the action of the drug and saturation with the active substance, as a result of which the effectiveness of Duphalac decreases. Therefore, discontinuation of laxative medications should be gradual.

After a week's course of administration and selection of an effective dose, you need to reduce the amount of medication by 1 ml. every 3 days, thereby selecting the minimum allowed dosage.

In this case, the duration of use of the laxative can reach several months.


As a replacement for Duphalac, you can use other drugs whose main ingredient is lactulose, for example:

  • . The medicine is produced in bottles containing 200 ml of syrup.
  • Portalak. A package of such syrup contains 250 ml or 500 ml of medicine.
  • Romphalac. One bottle of this medicine contains 270 g of syrup. This version of lactulose is cheaper than others.
  • Good luck. This drug is sold both in 200 ml bottles and in 15 ml portioned sachets.

In addition, if a child is constipated, the doctor may recommend laxatives with a different composition:

  • . This medication is based on sodium picosulfate and breaks down in the intestines and stimulates natural bowel movements. It is produced in drops, which, as prescribed by a pediatrician, can be given to children over two years of age. In addition, there is a tablet form approved for children over 4 years of age.
  • . The basis of this medicine is macrogol. This remedy acts physiologically and is not addictive. The drug is produced in a children's dosage in the form of sachets of powder from which a solution is prepared. It is given to children aged 6 months and older.
  • Bisacodyl. This medicine is presented as rectal suppositories and coated tablets. It is prescribed to children from the age of 6, although the doctor can prescribe such a drug earlier (from 2 years), if there are indications for this.
  • . Such rectal suppositories contain glycerol, which can reflexively stimulate gastrointestinal motility. Especially for children, the medicine is produced in a small dosage (0.75 g of glycerin in 1 suppository). Such suppositories are allowed to be used from the age of three months.

It is important to note once again that the prescription of any medications with a laxative effect in childhood should be monitored by a specialist. Only a pediatrician can determine what is best for a particular young patient.

Giving drugs of this group without a doctor's prescription and examination of the child can be dangerous, because each of these drugs has its own contraindications.

Cost and analogues

In reviews of Duphalac, it’s easy to come across phrases that laxative bottles are not cheap at all. To some extent, this is true, because the price of a 200 ml package reaches 300 rubles. For this reason, many decide it is better to find cheaper analogues.

Among the Russian options, Lactusan stands out, the active ingredient of which is the same lactulose. However, this drug cannot be considered a full-fledged substitute; you should consult your doctor about the possibility of use. Whether it is possible to use other analogues, such as Normaze, Legendal and Lizalak, should also be decided by a specialist.

Duphalac will help eliminate constipation, stimulate peristalsis, and improve the emptying of thick intestinal walls; the instructions for use, taking into account the annotation, state that this medicine is an osmotic laxative.

Normalizes the improvement in the absorption of calcium and phosphate salts, breaks down the intestinal flora into low molecular weight acids, and leads to a decrease in the accumulated pH concentration in the intestines.

The drug Duphalac - indications for use

Before starting use, it is worth studying the indications for the use of Duphalac. The main one on the list is severe chronic constipation. The drug is also used to soften stool for medical purposes for hemorrhoids or before surgery on the colon or anus. In addition to these basic indications, there are several other factors that require the use of medication:

  • dysbacteriosis or enteritis in cases of salmonellosis;
  • putrefactive dyspepsia syndrome in acute food poisoning in a child;
  • preventive treatment for hepatic encephalopathy, coma or precoma;
  • pain syndrome resulting from the removal of hemorrhoidal cones;
  • colitis and colon polyps.

How it works

Due to lactulose, the effect of Duphalac is not only to soften stool. After use, the drug helps to enhance the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. This improves intestinal microflora. Under its influence, lactulose is broken down into organic compounds, resulting in a decrease in acidity and osmotic pressure. These effects help stimulate intestinal motility and soften stool. The result is that the normal physiological rhythm of bowel movements returns.

How to use

Specific instructions on how to take Duphalac correctly depend on the form of the drug. Syrup, tablets and powder for preparing suspensions are taken orally, i.e. inside through the mouth. Suppositories are inserted rectally into the colon through the anus. The syrup is consumed in regular or diluted form. Moreover, the daily dose should be taken at one time or divided into 2 parts using a measuring cup. This should be done at one time of the day during meals, preferably at breakfast. It is recommended to drink or swallow the medicine immediately, without keeping it in your mouth.


In syrup form, this drug has a sweet taste. For use, the medicine does not need to be diluted. The daily dose is determined individually depending on age and disease. To use it, use a measuring cup, which is included with the bottle of syrup. After a few days of treatment, the initial dose can be reduced to a maintenance dose, but only if there is a positive response to the drug. More often, Duphalac syrup shows its activity after 2-3 days. The size of the initial and maintenance dose is indicated in the table.

Age category Daily dose
Initial, ml Supportive, ml
Adults and teenagers 15-45 15-30
Children from 7 to 14 years old 15 10-15
Children from 1 to 6 years old 5-10 5-10
Newborns up to 1 year Up to 5 Up to 5

For the treatment of hepatic precoma and coma, the drug is taken 30-45 ml 3 times a day. Then they switch to an individual maintenance dosage. The condition is the frequency of stool 2-3 times a day. In more severe cases, Duphalac is also used - the instructions for use say that the drug is used for enemas from the medicine itself and water in a ratio of 300 to 700 ml. For salmonellosis and shigellosis, the dosage of the drug is 15 ml three times a day for the first 10-12 days. Then they take a week's break. Next, use the same dosage of 15 ml, only 5 times a day.

In bags

Another form of release of Duphalac is powder. This type of drug is often prescribed to patients with diabetes. The powder is enclosed in aluminum foil bags. Each of them is designed for the minimum daily dose for an adult, i.e. contains 15 ml of the drug. One package often contains 10 sachets, i.e. bags. They tear off a corner and take all the contents at once.

Duphalac in sachets - instructions for use indicate that the recommended doses remain the same as those indicated above for syrup. You just need to transfer everything to bags. Data for infants and children under 6 years of age is also indicated, but more often they are served syrup, because it is more convenient:

Age category Daily dose
Initial, pack. Supportive, pack.
Adults and teenagers 1-3 1-2
Children from 7 to 14 years old 1 2/3-1
Children from 1 to 6 years old 1/3-2/3 1/3-2/3
Newborns up to 1 year 1/3 1/3

Additional benefit

Another use of Duphalac is to alleviate the condition of hepatic coma and precoma. The initial therapeutic dose for an adult is from 30 to 45 ml / 3 times a day. After a few days, the dosage is reduced to maintenance. The control of proper treatment is the appearance of soft stools 2-3 times a day.

If the syrup is used to treat dysbacteriosis, then infants are given 1.5-3 ml, up to 3 years - 3 ml, from 4 to 7 - 5 ml, children after 7 years and infants - 10 ml. For salmonellosis and shigellosis, 15 ml of the drug is used in the first 10 days, three times a day. Then a break is taken for one week, and the treatment is repeated, but now taking the drug 5 times a day.

To achieve quick results, an enema with Duphalac is used. In this case, 200 ml of the product is diluted in one liter of water. Using an Esmarch mug, two liters of this solution are injected, then you need to wait 10 minutes and go to the toilet. For complete cleansing, the procedure is repeated after an hour.

Instructions for the drug

Duphalac is a laxative with hyperosmotic and prebiotic effects. Includes:

  • lactulose is the active ingredient;
  • purified water is an excipient.

Taking the drug helps:

  1. Improving stool consistency;
  2. Strengthening intestinal motility;
  3. Eliminate constipation;
  4. Removing toxic substances from the body;
  5. Restoration of natural intestinal microflora;
  6. Better absorption of calcium salts and phosphates;
  7. Removal of ammonium ions from the body.

Duphalac has low absorption. Once in the body, it reaches the large intestine unchanged and only there is it broken down into organic acids. As a result, the acidity level decreases, which leads to increased growth of beneficial bacteria and suppression of pathogenic microorganisms.

This drug can be given to infants from the first days of life. It does not cause addiction or dehydration. Therefore, parents should have no doubt whether Duphalac can be taken for newborns. Due to its naturalness and harmlessness, this medicine is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Duphalac is available in the form of a transparent viscous syrup. It may be colorless or light yellow with a slight brownish tint. The drug tastes sweet.

Duphalac is sold in polyethylene bottles of 200 ml, 500 ml or 1 l. A measuring cup is included in the kit. The drug can also be packaged in disposable sachets (sachets) of 15 ml. The cardboard package holds 10 of these bags.

The shelf life of the product is 3 years. The drug must be stored at temperatures below +25°.

Release form, composition and packaging

The syrup is transparent, viscous, colorless to light yellow with a brownish tint.

100 ml
lactulose66.7 g

Excipients: purified water.

15 ml - disposable bags (10) - cardboard packs. 200 ml - polyethylene bottles (1) complete with a measuring cup. 500 ml - polyethylene bottles (1) complete with a measuring cup. 1 l - polyethylene bottles (1) included with a measuring cup.

At what age is it allowed to take

The manufacturer does not indicate age restrictions for taking Duphalac in the instructions for the syrup. This remedy can be given even to newborns, but only after examination by a doctor. It does not harm pregnant women or breastfeeding. However, it is not recommended to give this medicine to a 3-month-old or 7-month-old, as well as a one-year-old baby or older children without the consent of the pediatrician.

The drug in sachets is usually prescribed to children over 7 years of age, since the contents should be taken immediately, and the syrup contained in one sachet is one dose only for young patients in this age group. But, if a child aged 7 years and older is prescribed a single dosage of less than 15 ml by a doctor, it is necessary to use the medication in a bottle.

Now let’s listen to Dr. Komarovsky about how to treat constipation in children.

Use of the drug in children (including infants) for constipation

Duphalac is allowed to be given to children from birth. The medicine can be offered to infants undiluted or with breast milk or baby food. The drug is given in the morning immediately after sleep or feeding. The daily dose for newborns is 5 ml.

It is not recommended to give syrup to children under one year of age for longer than 3 weeks. The effectiveness of the drug increases if newborns undergo special exercises and tummy massage.

When prescribing Duphalac to infants, a reduced dosage is used to prevent dysbiosis: from 1.5 ml to 3 ml. The baby is very sensitive to the medicine.

With age, the dosage increases:

  • Children from 1 to 6 years old can be given up to 10 ml of syrup per day. If necessary, it is mixed with juices or diluted with water.
  • A child aged 7 to 14 years is given up to 15 ml of Duphalac per day.
  • After 14 years of age, they switch to the adult dosage.

A doctor should prescribe Duphalac for children. Otherwise, there is a high risk of choosing the wrong dosage and complications: the development of diarrhea, dysbacteriosis.

Why Duphalac

Duphalac is a drug that has an osmotic effect from the group of prebiotics. The therapeutic effect of the drug occurs due to lactulose. This substance is obtained by processing whey from dairy products.

At what age can you take Duphalac? To answer this question, it is necessary to find out the full composition of the drug and its mechanism of action.

Due to lactulose, which is a prebiotic and is not broken down in the upper intestine, but gets there unchanged, the therapeutic effect of the drug occurs. Lactulose breaks down into low molecular weight organic acids, which lower the pH level, while increasing the osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen.

The drug has the following properties:

  • Liquefaction of feces due to the attraction and retention of water molecules. At the same time, under the influence of high osmotic pressure, intestinal motility is stimulated, and feces painlessly and gently exit the body;
  • Improving the absorption of calcium and phosphates;
  • Removing from the body harmful substances that have accumulated as a result of stool retention;
  • Neutralization of a life-threatening toxin – Ammonia;
  • Elimination of symptoms of intoxication and improvement of the general condition of the body;
  • Lactulose suppresses the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, inhibiting the proliferation of pathogenic microflora;
  • The drug is not addictive and does not accumulate in the body. Excreted due to breakdown under the influence of intestinal bacteria;
  • Does not irritate the intestinal mucosa.

In addition to lactulose, Duphalac contains only purified water. The composition and mechanism of action of the drug is safe for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, as well as infants and premature infants. Therefore, you can drink Duphalac for children from birth.

The drug is usually prescribed to children for the treatment of:

  • Constipation;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Salmonellosis;
  • Shigellosis;
  • Hepatic encephalopathy.

Sometimes, for the purpose of surgery or research, a drug may be prescribed to cleanse the lower intestines.

Despite these advantages, the drug still has contraindications:

  • Acute intestinal obstruction;
  • Lactulose and galactose intolerance;
  • Galactosemia;
  • With perforation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and the presence of colostomy and ileostomy;
  • In case of insufficient lactase production.

During treatment of children with Duphalac, side effects may occur:

  • In the first few days after taking the drug, flatulence may occur;
  • Convulsions;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Abdominal cramps;
  • Weakness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Diarrhea;
  • When treating hepatic encephalopathy, due to frequent loose stools, electrolyte imbalance may occur.

Therefore, before giving the drug to a child of any age, you must consult a specialist in advance. The pediatrician will assess the baby’s condition and prescribe the required amount of the drug.

Description and composition

Duphalac has the following pharmacological effects:

  1. Laxative.
  2. Detoxifying.
  3. Stimulating peristalsis.

The effect is achieved by increasing osmotic pressure in the intestine. Duphalac stimulates peristalsis, promotes the excretion of ammonium compounds, improves the absorption of calcium and phosphate ions.

The main active ingredient is lactulose. This is an absolutely harmless substance, which is a synthetic isomer of natural milk sugar - lactose. Once in the intestinal lumen, lactulose is broken down by intestinal microflora into smaller compounds. This leads to a decrease in the reaction of the environment, an increase in osmotic pressure and an increase in the volume of feces, which naturally begin to irritate the intestinal receptors and stimulate the urge to defecate. Duphalac has a positive effect on stool consistency, eliminating constipation and restoring the natural rhythm of bowel movements.

In addition, lactulose inhibits the growth of salmonella, which makes it possible to use it in the complex therapy of intestinal infections.

Duphalac is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Entering the intestines unchanged, the drug is broken down by microflora and has a therapeutic effect directly in the problem area.

Beneficial intestinal bacteria are able to digest lactulose, which produces metabolic products that negatively affect the growth of pathogenic flora, thus restoring the natural balance.

The industrial production of lactulose comes from lactose, which is an absolutely natural compound for the human body.

Instructions for use of Duphalac for newborns

To take Duphalac, you need to decide on the dose and take into account the presence of contraindications. To determine the correct course of treatment, it is better to consult a specialist. Contraindications to the use of the drug are not common, but if there is a suspicion, then it is necessary to carry out appropriate diagnostics. Duphalac is a proven drug; the weakness of a newborn’s vital systems requires a thoughtful approach and decision to use the drug. It is necessary to carefully consider the question of how to take Duphalac for children to replenish the beneficial microflora and bacteria.

How to give

Infants are prescribed Duphalac for oral use in a pure or slightly diluted state with water. The universal dose for newborns and up to one year is 5 mg per day. It is better to approach the use of the indicated dose gradually, starting with 1 mg, adding 1 mg every day. The time of administration should be stable, for example, only in the morning, so that the drug has a beneficial effect during the day and the newborn can sleep peacefully at night. It is acceptable to add Duphalac to food; the best option would be to feed with a spoon or syringe, dripping onto the inside of the cheek.

How many days should children take

Two to three days should be enough to achieve the effect of getting rid of constipation. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor; there may be another reason for constipation. Since Duphalac is safe within the dosage limits and is not addictive, in the absence of contraindications, Duphalac can be taken without a strict deadline. The main factor in stopping treatment is to achieve a known result, that is, 2-3 days. The 15-day course may be due to dysbacteriosis. In this case, the dose of medication should be from 1.5 to 3 mg.


The dosage of Duphalac is tied to the age of the newborn and can be increased only with the permission of a specialist. How to give Duphalac to a baby is indicated in the standard dosage regimen:

  1. Age group up to 3 years: initial dose – 5 ml of syrup, maintenance dose (to consolidate the effect) – 5 mg.
  2. Age group from 3 to 6 years: initial – 5-10 mg, maintenance – 5-10 mg.
  3. Age group from 7 to 14 years: initial – 15 mg, maintenance – 10 mg.

According to the above scheme, the drug should be given to newborns, gradually increasing the dose, monitoring the baby’s condition. If the effect is achieved with 3 mg per day, then a further dose increase is not required. Discontinuation of Duphalac should be done in the reverse order of dosage. Every two days the dose should be reduced by 1 mg. When asked how long it takes for Duphalac to work in newborns, doctors answer – 4-12 hours.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects when using dosages of Duphalac have a low probability of occurrence and are caused by extreme neglect of dosages, which leads to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and electrolyte imbalance. The advantage of the drug is that stopping the dose or reducing the dose immediately normalizes the condition. When used for the first time in a child, the medicine can cause flatulence, and long-term use can cause increased gas formation.

Contraindications of the drug for newborns are due to the presence of certain diseases:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • the presence of abnormalities in the development of the baby’s digestion;
  • genetic problem of metabolic disorders (galactosemia);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • hepatic precoma;
  • diabetes;
  • colo- and ileostomy;
  • rectal bleeding.


Despite the safety of the active substance, you should adhere to the recommended doses for the treatment of pathological conditions. Significantly exceeding the amount of the drug or the frequency of administration can lead to abdominal pain and diarrhea, during which the body will lose fluid and valuable electrolytes. Such dehydration is dangerous for any person and can lead to irreversible consequences in the functioning of internal organs.

In case of overdose, it is necessary to take rehydration measures and stop using the drug until the condition normalizes.

General recommendations for the drug

Duphalac for constipation in newborns can be used from the first days of life, but reviews after its use vary. Some parents note the occurrence of negative consequences after using it. But if you follow the general recommendations given by the manufacturer, they can be completely avoided.

In each specific case, the dosage and regimen of use are selected by the pediatrician, based on the severity of the disease and the age of the little patient. But there are a number of recommendations common to all age categories.

Admission rules:

  • Regularity is extremely important in using the product. If Duphalac is used occasionally, a positive effect will not be achieved.
  • It is acceptable to use both in pure form and when diluted with water. The pediatrician can advise the best method.
  • For newborns, it is preferable to use the drug once; for older children, it is better to switch to taking Duphalac twice.
  • The drug requires an increase in the daily volume of fluid to one liter per day.

Newborn babies are very often susceptible to constipation. But their treatment must occur under the strict supervision of a doctor and according to special rules.

The drug can be given with breast milk, water, or undiluted. It is most optimal to consume it immediately after a night's sleep, or during morning feeding.

To avoid side effects, infants should not be given Duphalac in full. It is better to start giving children a smaller dose and gradually increase to the required amount. This will allow you to avoid unpleasant phenomena, including flatulence and intestinal colic.

In parallel with this, a woman should reconsider her diet. Because nutritional disturbances in a nursing mother can cause problems with bowel movements in the baby. It happens that a woman herself suffers from constipation. Duphalac can also help in this case, because its use is possible not only in preparation for childbirth, but also after it.

As an additional therapy, pediatricians recommend doing special exercises and massages for newborns. Massaging the abdomen with your palm in a clockwise direction is especially effective.

Duphalac for elderly patients

As a person ages, all metabolic processes in the body slow down, muscle activity decreases, and all this affects intestinal motility. Therefore, difficulties with defecation in the elderly are many times more common than in young people and adults.

With the deterioration of intestinal function and the occurrence of constipation, fermentation and putrefactive processes are provoked, and plugs are formed. This greatly affects the well-being and functioning of the body as a whole, so it is very important to establish the proper functioning of the digestive tract.

According to statistics, more than 50% of people over the age of 60 are faced with the problem of defecation; after 75 years, this number rises to 85%. Duphalac allows you to gently solve the problem of emptying without harming the gastrointestinal tract and restore good health. The dosage is prescribed individually after consultation with your doctor, but not more than 45 milliliters per day.

Composition of Duphalac

This drug belongs to the group of laxative prebiotics with an osmotic principle of action. It consists of retaining water in the intestinal lumen, due to which the fecal mass increases. This leads to an increase in osmotic pressure and natural bowel movements, which are gentle and without discomfort. As a result of using the drug, the functioning of the intestines as a whole is improved.

The composition of Duphalac includes only 2 main components. One of them is the active substance lactulose, which is contained in an amount of 66.7 g per 100 ml. The second component is purified water in a volume of up to 100 ml. The main form of release of the drug is a transparent viscous syrup from colorless to yellowish and even brownish. In this form, the medicine is convenient to give to infants. Powders are analogues of syrup. Duphalac is also available in this form. The only difference is the volume and price of the drug itself.


The drug is available in the form of syrup in bottles of different sizes or in packs of 10 powders. The price for them is different. In any form, the drug can be bought at an online pharmacy or go to a regular one. The price depends on the volume of the medicine purchased. 100 ml syrup costs about 600-700 rubles. The price of a 500 ml bottle is slightly less - 350-450 rubles. Syrup in 200 ml is even cheaper. The price of such a bottle is 250-300 rubles. If you order or buy Duphalac in powders, then a package of 10 pieces will have a price of 200-250 rubles.

The effect of using the drug Duphalac

When taking the drug, there is a better absorption of salts and phosphates, an increase in the volume of intestinal filling, which stimulates its peristalsis, restores the physiological rhythms of the large intestine, eliminating constipation.

For better suction

  • The growth of lactobacilli begins, which contribute to the formation of the required amount of acids in the body, mainly lactic acid, in smaller volumes, but formic and acetic acids are also produced.
  • Bound ammonium ions, which alkalize the plasma, are removed.
  • Duphalac also reduces the development of salmonella, which do not ferment lactose, and reduces the time of bacterial excretion.
  • It acts in the large intestine without being absorbed in the stomach.
  • At doses not exceeding 70 ml it is broken down without a residue, in large quantities it partially remains and is excreted from the body unchanged. The effect occurs 1-2 days after the start of administration. There have been no cases of addiction to the drug.

How long does it take for Duphalac to work?

The manifestation of the therapeutic effect directly depends on the use of a certain dosage and the disease against which the therapy is carried out. In addition, Duphalac is characterized by a mild effect, so it cannot be called very fast. The desired result appears 4-12 hours after administration. When answering the question of how quickly the medicine works, there are cases when you have to wait even about a day. In a child, metabolic processes proceed much faster, so the effect of Duphalac appears after a couple of hours.

Adults with constipation

Taking Duphalac is made easier due to its convenient release form in the form of syrup. If in its pure form it is too sweet, it is recommended to dilute it with water, tea or even juice. For the first 2-3 days, you should use an initial dosage of 15-45 ml, depending on the severity of the condition. Then, when improvements appear, it is worth reducing this value to 15-30 ml. For prophylaxis, the drug is taken for about 2-3 weeks.

Constipation is a very common occurrence during pregnancy. Women in this situation cannot take laxatives, because they force not only the rectum, but also the uterus to contract, which has a negative effect on the child. Duphalac is also allowed during pregnancy, but you should still take the medicine not just according to the instructions, but after consultation with a specialist.

The active ingredient of the drug does not harm the fetus and does not affect the development and physiology of an already born child. For this reason, Duphalac is taken not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation. Only a specialist can determine the dosage, but in most cases it does not differ from that recommended for adults. After 2-3 days of improvement, the amount of medication taken can be reduced and used for prevention for another 2-3 weeks.

  • What laxatives are most effective for constipation?
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Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug Duphalac

Indicated for liver diseases, excess ammonia in the body leading to poisoning (hyperammonemia), intestinal dysbiosis, enteritis caused by certain bacteria, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A drug

Duphalac is contraindicated in cases where there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, if there is rectal bleeding of unknown etiology, colostomy and ileostomy, or intestinal obstruction. Contraindications also exist for abdominal pain, similar to the symptoms of appendicitis, and galactose metabolism. In each individual case, the doctor considers the possibility of using Duphalac in treatment in the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Side effects

The first few days are characterized by slight bloating. In this case, it is not worth stopping the drug, but it is possible to temporarily reduce the dose to 1.5 ml per day. Afterwards, the volume can be increased again to 5 ml, if severe diarrhea is not observed.

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the specified dosage, otherwise abdominal pain and diarrhea may occur. The latter will lead to an imbalance of elements such as sodium, magnesium, potassium and others, and therefore arrhythmias and finger cramps are possible in the presence of consciousness and an adequate reaction of the child.

Possible appearance:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • regurgitation.

Why give Duphalac?

With diarrhea and colic in newborns, mothers do not know what to do and what medications can be given. In a normal state, a newborn baby can have bowel movements up to ten times a day and this is not considered a pathology at all.

The set includes a special measuring cup

Several months will pass and the bowel movement process will begin to regulate, now the frequency of bowel movements will reach up to three times a day.

But what happens:

  1. Problems in the functioning of the intestines may remain, and it is because of them that the child will suffer from constipation. A doctor can make such a diagnosis when the baby cannot go to the toilet for two or more days. At the same time, each time he will push hard and cry, and the consistency of the stool will be dry and hard. In those children who are breastfed, constipation is not common. This is explained by the fact that along with mother’s milk, the body receives everything it needs, including beneficial bacteria that stimulate digestion.
  2. Those babies who are fed formula milk are more likely to suffer from constipation. The body may not tolerate individual components in the mixture.

If problems with bowel movements are suddenly noticed, mothers should consult a pediatrician. After the examination, the doctor will be able to determine the causes of this condition and also prescribe the necessary medications.

The drug has been successfully used for several years

Constipation is rather a temporary phenomenon, which is not at all difficult to get rid of today. The most popular drug is Duphalac for newborns; instructions for use are in the package, but a doctor can give some advice.

The drug contains components of natural origin. The basis is cow's milk whey. The main component is lactulose. After penetration into the body, no changes occur in the functioning of the digestive system.

Carbohydrates belong to the group of disaccharides and are not absorbed by the body:

  • penetrating into the small intestine, it absorbs water, feces become more liquid and increase in volume;
  • the muscles of the intestinal walls begin to contract.

After taking the drug, the baby can fully go to the toilet

How long does it take for Duphalac to work in newborns? If all dosages have been followed, then within an hour the baby will fully go to the toilet, without pain or tears.

Indications for use

Thanks to the drug, it is possible to restore the physiological rhythm of bowel movements, and a favorable environment in the intestinal flora begins to form. But parents should know not only how to take, or rather how to give, the drug, but also when to do it.

The indications are as follows:

  • colitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • liver functions are impaired;
  • food infections;
  • constipation

To alleviate the child’s condition, mothers can massage the tummy or pull the legs up

The drug is also used for medical purposes to soften stool. For example, a drug can be prescribed to obtain a prebiotic effect. The intestinal microflora is populated with beneficial bacteria, and constipation will not bother you for a long time.

How long should I take Duphalac? The drug is most often used for a one-time dose, but sometimes, for medicinal purposes, doctors may recommend giving it for several days.

Dosage for adults and adolescents

In what dosage do you take Duphalac syrup? Reviews from adults say that to treat constipation, as well as to soften stool, adults and adolescents (from 14 years of age) are prescribed from 15 to 45 ml of medication. This dose can be taken either once or after dividing it into two parts.

After a few days of treatment, the initial dosage is adjusted. As a rule, it is reduced to 15-30 ml.

The therapeutic effect of taking this medication appears after about 2-3 days.

Information about the drug

Duphalac is a natural laxative medicine. The release form for children is a transparent brown liquid in the form of syrup.

The main component of the drug is lactulose, which stimulates gastrointestinal perilstatics and promotes the rapid removal of ammonium ions from the body.

Lactulose (disaccharide) in Duphalac enhances the growth of low molecular weight acids and thereby normalizes the contents of the intestinal flora. As a result, bowel movements are restored to the previous norm and constipation in children goes away.

Indications for use

The main indications for taking the laxative Duphalac are:

  • postoperative period, in order to soften stool;
  • infectious diseases (food poisoning);
  • slowing down the processes of feces (constipation);
  • with hepatic encephalopathy;
  • as a prophylactic agent for the colonization of intestinal flora with beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria;
  • dysbiosis.


Duphalac is an effective laxative for constipation in one-year-old babies.

Lactulose increases the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and normalizes stool consistency. Still, this drug should be given to children with caution.

In the instructions for use , the manufacturer indicates the main contraindications and warnings for taking the medicine:

  • galactosemia - a violation of the process of converting galactose into glucose;
  • hypersensitivity to individual components included in Duphalac;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • with diabetes mellitus.

With long-term use of Duphalac or incorrect daily dosage, its effect on the child’s body can cause other side effects, for example:

  • vomiting reflex;
  • skin rashes;
  • arrhythmia;
  • muscle cramps.

Sometimes, after taking this medicine, infants may experience severe abdominal pain and increased gas formation. To help the baby, you need to contact your doctor, who will review the course of therapy and possibly prescribe other similar drugs - Lizalak, Goodluck, Lactulose Stada, etc.

Properties of the drug Duphalac

After passing meconium, children's stool becomes normally soft. During the first 2 months after the baby is born, the frequency of stools is up to 7 times per day. After a month, the number of bowel movements will decrease to 3. If constipation is observed, Duphalac, which belongs to a number of prebiotic and osmotic agents and has a laxative effect, will come to the rescue:

  1. increases the volume of stool, softening it
  2. prevents fluid from being absorbed into the blood, retaining it in the rectum
  3. increases the amount of beneficial microflora in the children's intestines
  4. prevents the appearance of pathogenic microflora

The medicine is released in the form of a viscous transparent solution. Shades range from completely colorless to faint yellow. There may be a light brown tint. The basis for the raw material in the production of the drug is cow's milk whey - a more natural medicine cannot be found. Due to the properties of Duphalac, it can be given to infants suffering from dysbacteriosis.

Osmotic laxatives have a lot of disadvantages, so their long-term use for chronic constipation does not give the desired result and relief. Duphalac compensates for the negative aspects due to the presence of prebiotics in it. They in turn:

  1. Stimulates intestinal motility in children under one year old
  2. Removes toxins from the body
  3. Improves the absorption of calcium salts and phosphates
  4. Remove ammonium ions
  5. Not addictive in infants

The effect of the drug begins in the right place: under the influence of intestinal microflora, lactulose is broken down, increasing the acidity level and increasing osmotic pressure. Due to this property, the volume of feces increases.

The remedy is prescribed 4 days after the absence of bowel movements, if the baby has not previously begun to show concern in the form of constant pushing and crying. After 3-4 days from the moment of the last bowel movement, the baby will no longer cope with the problem on his own, and an enema is not the optimal solution. It weakens intestinal functions, leads to a deficiency of beneficial microflora and is addictive. At the same time as taking the medicine, you should review the diet of the nursing mother or replace the mixture with a more suitable one.

Prebiotics also have disadvantages, as the instructions warn about. The therapeutic effect does not occur immediately, but at least after a day. For some children, results become noticeable within a few days. However, compared to other fast-acting drugs, Duphalac provides long-lasting and lasting improvement, which is important for infants.

The instructions for use of the drug state that they are successfully treated:

  1. constipation
  2. putrefactive dyspepsia syndrome
  3. enteritis
  4. dysbacteriosis
  5. various liver dysfunctions

The product can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, and the period of use lasts up to 3 years. The medicine must be stored in a cool, dark place.

pharmachologic effect

Under the influence of the intestinal flora of the large intestine, lactulose breaks down into organic acids and low molecular weight. This leads to an increase in osmotic pressure, a decrease in pH and an increase in intestinal contents. The instructions for use of Duphalac indicate that the active ingredient in the syrup is:

  • has a mild hyperosmotic laxative effect;
  • improves the adsorption of phosphorus and calcium salts;
  • accelerates the excretion of ammonium ions;
  • has a stimulating effect on intestinal motility.

These effects change the consistency of the stool to a softer one. This helps restore the natural rhythm of bowel movements of feces.

In case of hepatic encephalopathy, while taking syrup, the activity of proteolytic microorganisms is suppressed due to an increase in the proportion of acidophilic flora. Due to the acidification of the intestinal contents, ammonia turns into an ionic form. A decrease in pH and osmotic effect leads to bowel movement. The reduction of nitrogen-containing toxins occurs due to the activity of bacteria that use ammonia to synthesize bacterial protein molecules.

Lactulose is a prebiotic agent and enhances the growth of beneficial microflora, namely lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. At the same time, pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli and Clostridium spp are suppressed. and the genus Salmonella, which leads to restoration of the balance of intestinal microflora. Reduces the period of bacterial excretion during intestinal bacterial infections.


The drug is characterized by low absorption. It reaches the large intestine without being absorbed, where it is broken down by microflora. Complete metabolism occurs at a dose of up to 45-70 ml, and at higher dosages, part of the lactulose is excreted unchanged by the intestines.

Dosage for newborns

The question: “How to give Duphalac to a baby?” worries many mothers. Before using the medicine, the child should be examined by a neonatologist and a pediatric gastroenterologist. With the help of the medication, constipation and intestinal microflora disorders are treated even in children from the first days of life. If parents follow the dosage and frequency of administration determined by the doctor, then negative reactions do not occur.

Infants are given syrup in its pure form or slightly diluted with liquid (breast milk or boiled cooled water). Doctors recommend giving the drug to the child in the morning on an empty stomach; there is also a second option - during the morning meal.

Dosage for infants aged 0 to 1 year:

  • for constipation, the first 3-4 doses – 1 ml, to normalize the microflora – 1.5 ml once a day;
  • for constipation, the daily dose of medication is gradually increased to 5 ml, and to eliminate dysbacteriosis - to 3 ml.

The question of how to give Duphalac to newborns so as not to cause negative reactions worries parents. If the mother immediately gives the full dose of the medicine, then the baby will experience flatulence in the first year of life. For this reason, 1 to 1.5 ml of syrup is first given. It is important to take the drug regularly, without interruptions. If after 7 days of taking a laxative the newborn’s condition does not improve, then you should contact your pediatrician to increase the dosage or replace the drug.

A lactating woman should monitor her baby’s diet during treatment. You should exclude from your diet all foods that increase gas formation. Otherwise, the mother will only worsen the child’s condition.

For chronic constipation, the baby should be switched to artificial nutrition. For this purpose, special mixtures are suitable that restore normal stool.

The therapeutic effect of the drug appears after 2–3 hours, and sometimes after 1 or 2 days. Intestinal motility improves, natural bacterial flora is restored.

To speed up recovery, pediatricians recommend doing exercises and massage. To do this, stroke the child’s belly with the palm of your hand (without pressure) in a clockwise direction. Before performing gymnastics, you should consult a doctor who will tell you which exercises are the most effective.

When should you not take Duphalac?

Like any medicine, Duphalac has contraindications. The drug should not be taken if there is:

  • individual intolerance to lactulose and some carbohydrates and monosaccharides (lactose, galactose, fructose, etc.);
  • intestinal obstruction associated with mechanical or functional disorders;
  • galactosemia is a hereditary pathology characterized by impaired metabolism of galactose.

Diabetes mellitus may be a possible contraindication. In this case, treatment with Duphalac should be very careful and only under the supervision of a specialist.

Composition, physical and chemical characteristics, price

The drug is available in the form of syrup for internal use.

Main substanceLactulose – 66.7 g.
ExcipientsPurified water up to 100 ml volume
Physicochemical characteristicsTransparent syrup of viscous consistency, colorless or with a slight brown tint, pleasant taste
Package200, 500, 1000 ml in a food grade polyethylene bottle with a measuring cup. 15 ml in disposable sachets. Outer packaging – cardboard pack.
  • 200 ml: 250-300 rub;
  • 500 ml: 380-420 rub;
  • 1000 ml: 580-680 rub;
  • Packages of 15 ml No. 10: 270-300 rub.

How to use

Duphalac to cleanse the intestines should be taken during breakfast, in the morning. Usually the dosage is set on an individual basis. For the first two days, it is recommended to take the maximum amount of the drug, and then switch to maintenance dosages established in accordance with age.

The dose can be reduced after 2 days of administration depending on the patient's needs.

The clinical effect after the first use occurs within 2 days. This is normal for medications containing lactulose. The dose or frequency of administration is increased only if there is no improvement in the patient’s condition within 2 days of treatment with the drug.

For adults

It is recommended to take Duphalac for constipation in adults with an initial dose of 15 to 45 ml. And then you should switch to maintenance - from 10 to 25 ml.

For children

Children under 3 years of age are given 5 ml of the drug. From 3 to 6 - 5-10 ml. For schoolchildren from 7 to 14 years old, the maximum dose of the drug is from 10 to 15 ml.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Predisposition to constipation in pregnant women occurs due to a decrease in household activity, adherence to bed rest when determining pathologies of pregnancy, prescription of medications with iron to treat anemia and other conditions.

The peculiarities of the baby's intrauterine development cause some discomfort to the woman, which often manifests itself in the form of constipation and other digestive disorders. Such conditions can harm not only the mother, but also the unborn baby, since the woman does not receive all the necessary substances from the diet.

Lactulose is not absorbed into the mother’s blood, and also does not have the ability to penetrate the placental barrier, so it will not harm the intrauterine development of the child. The use of a laxative occurs without pain in the abdominal area, which is very important for a pregnant woman.

Lactulose does not pass into breast milk, so treatment with Duphalac is not contraindicated for nursing mothers. Constipation occurs in all trimesters of pregnancy - both in the early stages and in the last weeks.

A medical assessment of the woman’s condition and establishment of a diagnosis is necessary, as well as instructions on how long to take the laxative, since long-term therapy can provoke pathologies of water and electrolyte metabolism. A woman needs to monitor her drinking regime and consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

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