Duphaston - instructions for use. Duphaston when planning pregnancy

Not all women manage to become a mother without any problems. One of the common causes of difficulty conceiving is hormone imbalance. With a lack of progesterone, conception does not occur or pregnancy fails in the early stages. Duphaston helps solve the problem when planning pregnancy.

Until relatively recently, women with hormonal deficiency were diagnosed with infertility. But after synthetic progesterone substitutes appeared, many married couples had the opportunity to become parents. One of the drugs that allows you to successfully carry a child is Duphaston.

"Duphaston" instructions for use

  • Today, Duphaston is the most commonly used hormonal drug in the field of gynecology. This drug is similar in properties to the hormone progesterone.
  • In accordance with the days of the female menstrual cycle, the predominance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone alternates cyclically, and an insufficient amount of progesterone in the female body can cause the development of various pathologies
  • Progesterone is involved in the process of preparing the female body to maintain and carry a pregnancy. Since an insufficient amount of this female sex hormone can cause the development of diseases, the drug Duphaston is often prescribed by gynecologists for therapy

How does it work?

This product is an analogue of the female hormone progesterone, the only difference is that Duphaston is obtained in the laboratory. Moreover, such a medicine is identical in structure to the natural hormone and replaces it if necessary.

If there is not enough progesterone in a woman’s body, this negatively affects not only pregnancy, but also affects the normal course of menstruation. As a rule, this deficiency is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • severe headache;
  • sudden changes in mood;
  • swelling of the mammary glands and abdominal area;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • severe fatigue.

In addition to these signs, a low amount of progesterone leads to the fact that a woman can suddenly gain additional weight before the start of her “special days.” Therefore, a woman’s doctor can prescribe Duphaston during early pregnancy in order to equalize hormonal levels, but only after passing the appropriate tests.

However, there are situations when treatment with the hormonal drug Duphaston is mandatory, namely:

  • For quite a long time, the woman was unable to bear a child due to spontaneous miscarriages.
  • In cases where a phenomenon called recurrent miscarriage occurs. As a rule, this occurs due to disturbances in the hormonal system.
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage and the impossibility of carrying a baby. If test results indicate low progesterone levels.
  • If a woman has had precedents with a frozen fetus.

"Duphaston" when planning pregnancy

"Duphaston" when planning pregnancy

  • Since Duphaston is an analogue of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, it is often prescribed during pregnancy planning and gestation. The substance has a high rate of absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and the maximum of the substance in the blood plasma occurs after 2 hours
  • To ensure a sufficient level of progesterone in a woman’s blood during pregnancy planning, a special regimen for taking it has been developed.
  • It is prescribed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle after the onset of ovulation, that is, on average from the 11th to the 25th day of this cycle. During this time, it is recommended to take 1 tablet of the drug once a day. If necessary, the dose of the drug is increased by the treating gynecologist.
  • For a positive effect of treatment, the drug is prescribed for a duration of 6 months, and only after this period is it recommended to plan to conceive a baby. The same recommendations apply to preparing a woman for IVF
  • Before prescribing a course of this therapy, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests for the content of sex hormones in the blood and determine their current level before starting therapy with Duphaston.
  • For the accuracy of the tests, it is necessary to know exactly the day of ovulation; for this, a woman must monitor her basal temperature for a month
  • It should be noted that pregnancy occurs already at 3-6 months of Duphaston therapy


Duphaston is available in tablet form. Dydrogesterone is a progesterone substitute obtained artificially. One tablet contains 10 mg of the main component. In addition, it contains:

  • lactose hydrate;
  • polysorb;
  • stearic acid;
  • maize starch.

The tablets are coated, thanks to which the absorption of the drug begins in the gastrointestinal tract. You should not chew or crush the drug before taking it. The drug is excreted through the urinary system, the half-life is about 20 hours, complete elimination occurs in 72 hours. In case of impaired renal function, Duphaston is prescribed with caution.

Utrozhestan or Duphaston?

Both of these drugs contain progesterone and are prescribed for difficulties conceiving or recurrent miscarriages. Which option is preferable?

  • Utrozhestan contains hormones obtained from plant materials, Duphaston is a synthetic drug. However, the natural origin of the first drug is not always a plus. Plant hormones have a bad effect on the liver, so they should not be prescribed for diseases of this organ. But a synthetic analogue of the hormone does not cause any harm to the liver.
  • Utrogestan can be taken orally or inserted into the vagina. Duphaston can only be drunk, as it is available exclusively in tablet form. This circumstance is minor, but still a drawback. Because if you have nausea, it can be difficult to take pills.
  • Taking Utrozhestan often causes side effects, but Duphaston is almost always well tolerated.

From the above we can conclude that both drugs have their pros and cons. The choice of option should be made by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics.

"Duphaston" by days of the cycle "Duphaston" from 16 to 25 days of the cycle

"Duphaston" by days of the cycle "Duphaston" from 16 to 25 days of the cycle

  • As strange as it may sound, not all women calculate their menstrual cycle correctly. Therefore, first, let’s determine how long a woman’s cycle lasts.
  • The days of the cycle begin to be counted from the first day of the start of menstruation until the first day of the start of the next menstruation. On average, this period is 28 days, but the norm can be an interval from 25 days to 35 on average
  • As we mentioned earlier, for treatment in preparation for conception, Duphaston is prescribed for use after ovulation. This is done with the aim of getting into the biological rhythm of increasing the concentration of progesterone in the female body. And this happens precisely in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • Depending on the day of ovulation and the length of the cycle, this period falls in the middle of the period of time between the beginnings of the last two menstruation
  • For example, if your cycle lasts 25 days, and ovulation occurred on the 16th day of the cycle, then Duphaston is prescribed from the 16th to the 25th day. Then the reception is interrupted until the next ovulation

Can an overdose occur during pregnancy?

To date, no cases of overdose from this drug have been recorded. But, if there is an accidental use of this drug in large quantities, then the first thing to do is to rinse the stomach with large quantities of water. Then the person who has suffered from careless use should be laid down and kept at rest until all unpleasant symptoms pass. Therefore, it is important not to take Duphaston uncontrollably and haphazardly during early pregnancy.

In case of overdose, you can use additional medications that will help cope with poisoning, but only after consultation with a specialist. Since there are no specific drugs that can neutralize the effect of Duphaston in nature.

Menstruation after Duphaston

Menstruation after Duphaston

  • "Duphaston" is prescribed precisely in cases where the menstrual cycle is interrupted and delayed due to a lack of the hormone progesterone in the female body. Normally, progesterone affects the endometrium of the uterus, stimulating its thickening and loosening. All these processes prepare the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg.
  • If there is a lack of the hormone, the endometrium does not grow and menstruation may be scanty or absent altogether. In this case, the drug is most effective
  • "Duphaston" does not have an inhibitory effect on the reproductive function of the ovaries, therefore, in the absence of ovulation, it is also prescribed. In this case, progesterone artificially provokes the onset of menstrual bleeding, and when it is canceled, ovarian function is often restored on its own

The role of progesterone

This is a key steroid hormone responsible for both maintaining the menstrual cycle and the gestation period. Deficiency leads to reproductive dysfunction.

Its balance can only be replenished with the help of exogenous progestogens. Used for infertility, miscarriage or miscarriage.

The role of progesterone during pregnancy is to protect the fetus from immunological rejection; it is a foreign matter for the mother's body.

The hormone suppresses the contraction of the myometrium by reducing its sensitivity, and also prepares the endometrium for implantation of the embryo.

"Duphaston" indications for use

"Duphaston" indications for use
"Duphaston" is prescribed not only for planning or maintaining pregnancy. This drug has a number of indications for use in the following diseases:

• Threat of spontaneous abortion • Infertility associated with lutein deficiency • Endometroiosis • Habitual abortion • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) • Algomenorrhea (painful menstruation and cycle irregularity) • Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) • Uterine bleeding associated with dysfunction • Hormone replacement therapy • Maintaining or planning pregnancy

Why is menstruation delayed?

Time “X” has arrived, but menstruation has not begun; there are many reasons for the absence of menstruation:


If there is a delay, or even absence of menstruation for more than 10 days, the first step is to exclude pregnancy. As they say, an unloaded gun fires once a year. That is, despite the protective measures taken, there is still a chance of getting pregnant (see Duphaston during pregnancy).

Postpartum period

Menstruation should not wait at least 4 (or better yet,8) weeks after childbirth, despite the fact that the woman adheres to artificial feeding. In the first 6 to 8 weeks after birth, the wound surface of the uterus (at the place where the placenta is located) should heal and grow a new functional layer of the endometrium, ready for desquamation. And if a woman is breastfeeding, then she has increased prolactin in her blood, which inhibits the production of FSH and LH in the pituitary gland, which, accordingly, block the secretion of estrogen and progesterone and changes in the endometrium (transformation and secretion) necessary for its rejection - menstruation.


During puberty, an irregular menstrual cycle is considered normal for two years after menarche, which indicates unsteady hormonal levels and constant “jumps” of hormones. There is a shortening or lengthening of the cycle, which is accompanied by either a delay in menstruation or its unexpected onset. If after the specified time the cycle has not been regulated, you should undergo an examination and exclude other causes of delayed menstruation.


Lack of ovulation can occur in a healthy woman in 2–3 menstrual cycles throughout the year (see ovulation test). The corpus luteum does not form due to anovulation, and the proliferative phase does not give way to the secretory phase, that is, the functional layer of the endometrium does not grow and there is nothing to be rejected. Such anovulatory cycles occur due to short-term disruptions in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system under the influence of various but short-term factors (climate change, stress, physical overload).

Poor nutrition

Poor and insufficient nutrition, including strict diets for weight loss, affect the menstrual cycle. The level of estrogen, which is synthesized not only in the ovaries, but also in adipose tissue, decreases with a sharp weight loss, which leads to hormonal disorders up to the development of amenorrhea.


Excess body weight can also cause persistent delays in menstruation, oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea. Estrogens, synthesized in large quantities by adipose tissue, are converted into androgens, which causes hyperandrogenism, cycle disruption and changes in appearance (acne, stretch marks, hirsutism and others).

Artificial or spontaneous termination of pregnancy

Both medical abortion and miscarriage are stressful for the body; sudden changes in hormonal levels after an interrupted pregnancy cause malfunctions in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system and lead to cycle disruption (short and scanty menstruation, their delay).

Gynecological hormonal diseases

Polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, ovarian tumors and uterine cancer can be accompanied by prolonged delays in menstruation with subsequent bleeding.

Taking hormonal drugs

Preventing pregnancy with hormonal drugs (see oral contraceptives pros and cons) or treating endocrine pathology also affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle and provokes delayed menstruation.


With age, the production of hormones in the ovaries decreases, which is often accompanied by hormonal fluctuations and menstrual irregularities (the body prepares for menopause).

"Duphaston" dosage

"Duphaston" dosage
For each of the listed diseases, a specific course of treatment with this drug is prescribed with a specific dosage regimen. The dose of use can vary quite a lot, depending on the level of the hormone progesterone in the woman’s blood.

The duration of the course, regimen and dose of taking this drug can only be determined by your treating gynecologist. Do not take the product yourself, as uncontrolled use of the hormone can harm you.

Average doses: • For endometriosis 10 mg up to 3 times a day (5-25 days of the cycle) • Infertility—10 mg 1 time a day (14-25 days of the cycle) • Threat of miscarriage 10 mg 2 times a day (up to 20 weeks) • PMS—10 mg 2 times a day (11–25 days of the cycle)

Remember!!! Only the doctor prescribes the regimen and dosage.

Analogues to get pregnant

The drug has a number of cheaper analogues of progynov, which will help bring the long-awaited pregnancy closer.

  • 1. Utrozhestan
  • 2. Kagocel
  • 3. Divigel, candles
  • 4. Clostilbegit

When consumed, there may be a brown discharge due to side effects on the glandular tissue. How much it costs and the cost depends on the country of origin. Your doctor will tell you how to stop taking the drug.

Duphaston or Utrozhestan, which is better?

Utrozhestan has a milder effect on the body. However, the content of hormones in it, in particular progesterone, is somewhat lower. In order to determine which drug is suitable for your case, your doctor will tell you (to call him) if your period has not arrived.

Duphaston side effects

"Duphaston" side effects
The side effects of taking this drug include the following conditions:

• Development of iron deficiency anemia • Development of allergic reactions to the constituent components of the product • Migraines and headaches • Very rarely, so-called breakthrough uterine bleeding associated with high levels of progesterone in the blood may develop, while the breasts may also swell and be painful on palpation • The liver can also very rarely be affected, accompanied by the development of pain in the epigastric region and symptoms of hepatitis • Skin manifestations of an allergic reaction in the form of itching and redness, and an edematous condition may also develop

Who is the drug prescribed to?

The drug is recommended to patients for planning pregnancy if a woman has had problems conceiving due to a lack of progesterone.

Typically, such pathologies include:

  • endometriosis;
  • infertility due to lack of lutein;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • menstrual cycle disorders;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • pregnancy fading;
  • habitual, threatening miscarriage due to lack of progesterone.

It is prohibited to take the drug on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe a medicine and select a dose so that the effect of its use is maximum. Experts are well aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of the drug. Before treatment, the doctor will definitely conduct an examination and determine the level of hormones. And only then will the patient be prescribed a course of treatment.

Progesterone levels should be measured from the beginning of ovulation until the first day of your cycle. If menstruation is irregular and it is difficult to determine the date of ovulation, the test is prescribed twice, every few days. The timing of the analysis task is recommended by the doctor.

He also recommends the optimal treatment regimen and the required dose of the drug, taking into account all the individual characteristics of each patient. Usually, you start taking pills from the second phase of the cycle after ovulation occurs and before your period begins. It is recommended to take the tablets several times a day, at regular intervals. The usual course of treatment lasts at least six months.

If a woman takes the drug with the aim of becoming pregnant, she is advised to continue this further, after conception and at the beginning of pregnancy.

Only a doctor can stop the drug; a woman should not make such a decision on her own

It is very important to follow the dosage schedule, then the likelihood of conceiving quickly will increase significantly. If for some reason a woman forgot to take a pill when planning a pregnancy, then it can be taken within the next 6 hours

At the same time, you should not change the dose of the drug, even if a lot of time has passed since the moment when it was necessary to take it. If taking Duphaston lasted for about a year, but you still failed to get pregnant, then the doctor will have to change the approach to treatment and prescribe another drug after additional examination.

Duphaston is well tolerated by any organism. Only occasionally, when planning pregnancy, the drug can cause headache, dizziness and in rare cases provoke minor uterine bleeding.

There may be engorgement and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. Allergic reactions cause skin burning and hives. In more severe cases, swelling of the extremities, nausea, and flatulence are observed. Very rarely, Duphaston can impair liver function, provoke a weakened state, pain in the right hypochondrium and abdomen. Jaundice may occur due to liver problems. In some cases, anemia may develop as a result of the death of red blood cells.

Taking the drug usually affects sexual desire, so the doctor should warn the patient about this manifestation. A patient who has been taking the drug for a long time may experience weight gain and water accumulation in the body.

Duphaston contraindications

“Duphaston” contraindications
The drug is contraindicated for use in the following conditions: • If hypersensitivity to this drug or its constituent components is detected • Marked itching or redness of the skin during previous pregnancies • “Duphaston” should not be prescribed if there is malabsorption syndrome or if the woman is intolerant to galactose • The drug is prescribed with caution if a woman has migraines, a history of epileptic seizures and metabolic diseases • When using the drug for replacement therapy, constant ultrasound monitoring of the condition of the pelvic organs and regular mammography are required

Contraindications and side effects

Before you start taking any medication, you should read the instructions. Especially with the part where the presence of contraindications is indicated.

At its core, Duphaston has virtually no contraindications, but they still exist.

For whom the drug is contraindicated:

  • Like everything in this world, if there is a risk of developing an allergy to dydrogesterone or another component of this drug. It is clear that if a girl does not know her reaction, she needs to carefully monitor her condition after taking the pill.
  • The instructions also say that you should take the pills carefully if the woman had itching during a previous pregnancy.
  • No one knows how these pills will work for people with chronic kidney disease.
  • Duphaston should be used with caution in women who suffer from epilepsy.
  • Girls with problems in the body's metabolic processes.
  • Representatives of the beautiful part of humanity who suffer from migraines should also be attentive to their condition after taking Duphaston.
  • The drug is contraindicated for people with malabsorption syndrome.
  • Not prescribed for galactose intolerance.
  • When Duphaston is prescribed as a hormone replacement, you need to undergo a pelvic ultrasound examination, as well as a mammogram.
  • Tablets should not be used during lactation. Doctors recommend stopping feeding milk until the course of medication is completed.

Also, do not forget to carefully monitor yourself after using Duphaston for the first time. But before that, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible side effects. They can occur as with any other drug.

It is worth noting that there have been no cases of overdose with Duphaston. In situations where the drug was drunk accidentally, treatment consists of eliminating the symptoms.

If you believe the instructions, side effects occur very rarely.

Among them are:

  • Immune system: highly sensitive;
  • In the area of ​​the hematopoietic system: hemolytic anemia;
  • From the nerves: migraine, headaches;
  • In the area of ​​the hepatobiliary system: sometimes there are slight disturbances in liver function, possibly appearing together with jaundice and pain in the abdomen.
  • From the gynecological side: it happens that breakthrough bleeding occurs, it can be stopped by increasing the dose. Sometimes there is increased breast sensitivity.
  • The skin and tissue may suffer in the form of an allergic rash, itching, urticaria, and less commonly, Quincke's edema.
  • Peripheral edema may be observed in the general area.

If one of the signs of a side effect is detected, you should stop taking Duphaston until the cause is determined. You need to contact your doctor, he will identify the cause, and then prescribe a new drug or change the regimen for taking these pills.

Taking Duphaston in addition to estrogen should be cautious for people suffering from:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Migraine;
  • Vascular disease;
  • Kidney;
  • Hearts;
  • And the liver.

When pills are taken in the field of hormone replacement therapy, the patient must undergo a series of tests before starting the course of treatment. And then she constantly undergoes mammograms. You should carefully study all contraindications and side effects.

During treatment, the patient is constantly examined, especially in the first months of therapy. The thing is that breakthrough bleeding may occur during this period. When such bleeding appears after treatment, it means you need to do a biopsy in order to rule out a malignant “problem”.

If a woman experiences unusual discharge while taking a course of medication, it is worth informing the doctor.

It happens that some ladies use Duphaston to call their periods, but this should not be abused. You must understand that in this way you are disrupting the natural process of the reproductive system. As a result, there may be heavy bleeding or a long period of menstruation, more than 7 days.

If you are a driver or work where a reaction is needed, then you don’t have to worry, Duphaston does not in any way affect the quality of life in general.


The tablet of the drug is white, round, convex, coated.

Table of constituent substances.

Active ingredientDydrogesteroneArtificially synthesized analogue of the female hormone progesterone
Excipientslactose compound (monohydrate)
cellulose derivative (hypromellose)
corn starch
silicon and magnesium compounds
film casingOpadry white

The optimally selected composition of the drug prevents undesirable effects on the digestive system and liver, does not disrupt carbohydrate metabolism, does not interfere with conception and helps maintain pregnancy.

What women say: reviews

We wish you health and happy motherhood!

Information about Duphaston. The pharmacist says.

Other patients noted that when planning a pregnancy they were prescribed to take Duphaston tablets. And some were able to conceive beautiful pencil babies after the first year.

Some took a little longer, but the results were positive.

Let everything be only positive for you, dear ladies.

Duphaston tablets official instructions for use

What to do after the appointment?

The doctor describes the dosage regimen and duration of treatment. Usually it is 3-6 months (cycles). When planning a pregnancy, the treatment plan may include other medications (folic acid, various vitamins). In some cases, the drug is discontinued after 3-6 months of use and a break is taken for several months, after which it is necessary to take another test to identify improvements or unchanged hormonal levels. If pregnancy is not observed within a year, the doctor will most likely increase the dose or change tactics and prescribe another drug against the background of additional examinations.

No incompatibility of duphaston with other drugs has been identified. It also does not have side effects that affect concentration when working with complex mechanisms, and therefore does not interfere with driving or other activities.

If a desired pregnancy occurs while taking duphaston, you should not suddenly stop taking the drug. The baby's placenta, which will take over the function of producing the necessary progesterone, has not yet developed. A sharp drop in hormone levels can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, a gradual reduction in the dosage of duphaston should occur under the supervision of a specialist. In case of threat of miscarriage, the drug is continued until 20 weeks of pregnancy. The synthetic hormone, and then progesterone produced by the placenta, creates a favorable environment for the fetus, relaxes the muscles of the uterus and intestines, and prepares the mammary glands for the upcoming lactation.

In some cases, while taking duphaston, breakthrough uterine bleeding may occur. This suggests that the dose of the drug should be increased after prompt consultation with a doctor. Other possible side effects: nausea, dizziness or headache, allergies, swelling of the extremities.

Effect of the drug and properties

Duphaston is considered a safe remedy, but it has a serious effect on the body.

Action of the drug:

  1. Effect on ovulation. The principle of the structure of a healthy female body is such that in the postovulatory part of the cycle, the level of progesterone increases and, in the case of successful conception, continues to increase, thereby blocking the subsequent maturation of eggs for the entire period of gestation. If a woman with normal hormonal levels takes additional dydrogesterone, the body, similar to the situation with pregnancy, blocks ovulation. Therefore, it is necessary to take the drug with caution, only according to a regimen individually selected by the doctor.
  2. Effect on the endometrium. Women of reproductive age often face a disease such as endometriosis. This is the growth of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium), which subsequently leads to bleeding, pain and even infertility. To cope with this diagnosis, doctors often prescribe Duphaston. The effectiveness of its action is achieved by reducing the amount of estrogens, the excess of which is one of the causes of this pathology. As a result, endometrial cells stop growing, normal monthly discharge returns, and pain is suppressed.
  3. Does Duphaston affect basal temperature? According to official research data, this remedy has no effect on basal temperature. But practice shows that improper use, as well as the individual characteristics of each woman, can lead to the opposite. Thus, an overestimated dosage of the drug can cause an increase in temperature; the effect of incorrect administration is also unpredictable.
  4. Does Duphaston affect weight? Unlike drugs that were marketed decades ago, the new generation of drugs does not affect patients' weight. In the case of Duphaston, clinical trials show that you can gain weight from it if you become pregnant while taking it, or if it is used by a woman who is naturally inclined to be overweight. The thing is that weight gain during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon that does not directly depend on taking pills. But even if pregnancy does not occur, but thanks to the product the hormonal balance is normalized, a woman who was previously overweight can gain it again - this indicates the body’s readiness to bear a child.

When planning pregnancy, Duphaston acts individually on the body of each woman and depends, first of all, on a high-quality examination and a correctly prescribed dosage regimen.

Important aspects

While taking Duphaston you should not:

  1. Increase or decrease the dosage as prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Abruptly discontinue the drug without consulting your doctor (including during pregnancy).
  3. Skip taking the drug.
  4. Take a break from treatment during pregnancy.
  5. Make the transition from Duphaston to Utrozhestan without good reason.

Duphaston does not have a contraceptive effect. If a woman is not planning a pregnancy, she should use reliable methods of contraception during this period.

Taking Duphaston will help when planning a pregnancy. This drug is indicated for infertility and pathological miscarriage. It helps to quickly and effectively equalize hormonal levels and create a state of the woman’s body favorable for conception.

Self-medication with Duphaston, like other hormonal drugs, is prohibited. The drug is prescribed only by a gynecologist after a thorough examination of the patient.

The drug prepares the uterus for the egg

If a woman cannot get pregnant, it means that there is a lack of a hormone such as progesterone in her body. Its main responsibility is to prepare the inner layer of the uterus before the fertilized egg is released.

This is what they call the pregnancy hormone. In addition, progesterone not only increases the likelihood of conception, but also maintains the normal state of the body after this process.

A woman should understand that the medicine only prepares the uterine cavity. It does not have a contraceptive effect, and also does not help stimulate ovulatory processes.

If fertilization occurs, the process of fetal development continues further. Otherwise, the unnecessary mucous membrane is rejected, and the woman begins her menstrual days.

Taking Duphaston helps to correct problems in the female body. Sometimes external factors affect the menstrual cycle, hormonal imbalance leads to disturbances.

This can happen after severe stress or moving. The drug helps correct disorders, restore hormone levels, which makes it possible to conceive a child.

Qualified specialists prescribe their patients to take the medicine for at least 3 months. After passing a full medical examination and tests, the doctor will tell you how to drink Duphaston.

If the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, it’s okay. Dydrogesterone can be taken for up to 6 months. The course of treatment is prescribed and adjusted by the doctor.

Progestron is precisely the hormone without which continuation of life is impossible. This is not just an active substance that has a beneficial effect on pregnancy. Progesterone is even called the matrix of all other hormones, which once again emphasizes its importance.

Prohibitions, restrictions, possible adverse reactions

I want to warn you right away that the drug is not as safe as is commonly believed and has a number of prohibitions. Among the limitations I can note:

  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • serious liver pathologies;
  • problems with blood clotting.

Even if there are no restrictions, you do everything correctly and do not make mistakes, no specialist can guarantee that you will not be disturbed by adverse reactions. Listening to reviews of the drug from our patients, I learned that most often women complain of rashes, headaches, and intestinal disorders. If you are bothered by such symptoms, stop the course immediately and tell your doctor about the alarm signals from your body.

As far as I know, there have been no cases of overdose. Despite this, I do not advise you to check what will happen if the dosage is exceeded or the amounts taken are not observed. In order to successfully conceive and bear a healthy baby, it is better to follow medical recommendations - this will guarantee the absence of unpleasant surprises.

I suggest you watch a short video (06:30), which talks about progesterone and duphaston in simple, understandable language.

Duphaston is an indispensable medicine for the inability to conceive, problems with bearing a baby, and women's diseases. I hope I helped you understand how the drug works, when and how much you need to take it when planning a new addition to your family. Don’t forget that even if you don’t have any health problems, it’s better not to self-medicate! I’ll say goodbye for a little while, see you soon!

Question answer

Does taking duphaston increase weight?

The drug enhances metabolic processes, that is, it accelerates the absorption of nutrients, which can “stimulate” appetite and provoke weight gain. When treating with duphaston, physical inactivity should be avoided and appetite controlled, then the weight will remain at the same level. There may be some increase in body weight due to peripheral edema, but they disappear with the onset of menstruation on their own.

Is it possible to drink alcohol while being treated with duphaston?

Drinking alcoholic beverages is not advisable (but not prohibited) during treatment with duphaston. The drug is metabolized in the liver, and alcohol accelerates this process, so the therapeutic effect of duphaston may decrease due to alcohol consumption.

Is it possible to speed up periods with duphaston?

Yes, taking the drug from the 11th day of the cycle allows you to bring the onset of menstruation closer, but doctors categorically do not recommend doing this. All hormonal drugs affect the body’s hormonal levels, and an “innocent” desire to shift the cycle in one direction or another can lead to ovarian dysfunction and even infertility.

What drugs are not recommended to be taken simultaneously with duphaston?

During treatment with duphaston, it is not recommended to take phenobarbital and rifampicin, which accelerate the metabolism of the drug, thereby reducing its effectiveness.

Use after conception

To understand whether to stop taking Duphaston on the 25th day of the cycle, when there is no monthly bleeding yet and the pregnancy test does not show the correct result, it is recommended to take an analysis for hCG levels on the last day of taking the drug. Even if the result is borderline, you must continue to take the medicine.

Since if pregnancy occurs while taking the hormone, it can end in miscarriage if the drug is abruptly discontinued and, as a result, progesterone levels drop. The dosage, as a rule, remains the same - 1 tablet per day, period - up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Pharmacological properties

The active ingredient dydrogesterone is an artificial analogue of progesterone. It is taken orally, quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, maximum accumulation occurs within half an hour - 2.5 hours after entering the body. More than 60% is excreted in urine after 3 days. A stable concentration of the active substance is observed after 3 days of administration.

Dydrogesterone affects the uterine mucosa, preventing its growth and the appearance of cancerous tumors. The substance has no androgenic, estrogenic, corticoid and anabolic activity.

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