Cortexin - instructions for use and reviews. Indications for the use of Cortexin in injections and analogues of the drug

Composition of the drug, form and properties

Cortexin consists of a substance of the same name, which is the main one.
The medication also contains glycine. The main active ingredient is cortexin. It is sold in the form of a light powder intended for injection. You can also find the substance in ampoules for injections and tablets in pharmacies.

Analogs are cheaper

Only on the recommendations of doctors can you use cheaper analogues of Cortexin. You can replace the drug using similar, but not identical medications. Also, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the course of the disease, the doctor prescribes complex treatment. But under no circumstances make decisions on your own. Next, we will name a number of medications that are similar, but not similar to Cortexin:

  • 1. Cerebrolysin
  • 2. Actovegin
  • 3. Mexidol
  • 4. Gliatilin
  • 5. Cogitum
  • 6. Ceraxon
  • 7. Pantogam.

In pharmacies, prices for these drugs in rubles differ. Therefore, depending on the financial capabilities of the patient, the doctor makes an appointment. At the same time, remember that the main thing in treatment is effectiveness. Cortexin is also sometimes prescribed in combination with lidocaine, and sometimes it can be diluted with novocaine.

Contraindications and side effects

Considering that the chemical structure of the active substance is quite harmless, side effects occur extremely rarely. However, a certain proportion of patients experience rapid heartbeat, impaired coordination of movements, and insomnia. A burning sensation, hyperemia and swelling are sometimes noted at the injection site.

In a situation where novocaine is used as a solvent, the list of adverse reactions expands. In this case, the following phenomena may occur.

  1. Allergic reactions: itching, skin rash, anaphylactic shock.
  2. Vascular system: pressure lability, rhythm disturbances, pain in the pericardial region.
  3. Nervous system: drowsiness, headache, dizziness.


During the use of the drug, not a single case of overdose was recorded. However, it is recommended not to use the medication without consulting a doctor, and also to adhere to the maximum permissible therapeutic dose in therapy.

Opinion of Komarovsky and other doctors about the drug

Medical opinions differ regarding the need to take nootropic drugs, in particular Cortexin. Some say that the effectiveness of the drug has not yet been proven, while others, on the contrary, consider it almost a panacea.

The well-known children's doctor Komarovsky notes that, despite the vast experience of use, positive properties and breadth of application, it has still not been possible to demonstrate the benefits of nootropic drugs using the methods of “evidence-based medicine”. The head of the scientific and medical center, Viktor Koss, believes that brain cells absorb the necessary vitamins and amino acids to maintain life.

Many medical center specialists are confident in the effectiveness of nootropics and claim that problems arise only when the dose of the drug is prescribed incorrectly.

Precautionary measures

Cortexin is safe for almost everyone. The use of the drug is prohibited only for pregnant women and persons with individual intolerance to its components. For the youngest patients, if an allergic reaction is detected, it is also canceled.

If children are diagnosed with renal failure, Cortexin should not be treated. It is also useless when degeneration of brain tissue of genetic origin is detected.

Pregnancy and lactation

Cortexin is not prescribed during pregnancy; clinical studies on the effect of the drug on fetal development have not yet been conducted.

When breastfeeding, women are also prohibited from using Cortexin, since it is unknown how the drug will affect the baby in this case. If maternal therapy is necessary, milk is expressed while taking the drug. When the course of treatment is completed, feeding is resumed.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Driving a car and operating complex machinery during Cortexin therapy is not prohibited. The drug does not inhibit reactions, but on the contrary, improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system and has a positive effect on overall well-being.

Alcohol compatibility

Cortexin is often used to get rid of alcohol addiction. Under its influence, an increase in neuronal tone occurs, ethanol ceases to affect the brain centers. As clinical studies have shown, with the use of Cortexin, the intensity of hangover symptoms decreases and the desire to drink alcoholic beverages decreases.

During therapy, patients are clearly conscious, there is no aggression, and their mood improves. But alcohol and Cortexin are incompatible. They cannot be taken at the same time.

When combined with alcohol, the drug loses its medicinal properties if you drink both at least once on the same day. With repeated combination, metabolic processes occur and the body is filled with formaldehyde. The patient develops side effects in the form of alcohol intolerance, severe withdrawal syndrome, changes in consciousness are observed, and the person suffers from obsessive states.

Terms of purchase and storage

You should buy the medicine only after it has been prescribed by your doctor. The drug belongs to class B, so it must be stored under certain temperature conditions: from 2 to 20 degrees. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, which can lead to deterioration of the medication.

The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years, and after its expiration the medicine should be disposed of. For disposal, the drug should be returned to the pharmacy.

The cost of the drug ranges from 800 to 1200 rubles for a child and adult dosage. Complete analogues of Cortexin are not commercially available. The following medications are similar in their principle of action: Trenal, Omaron, Cavinton, Glycine and others. The choice of the necessary medication should be made by the attending physician, depending on the indications. If you feel worse after using the medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Drug release form

Depending on the situation, different methods of administering medications are recommended to the patient. So, in severe conditions, the patient cannot swallow a pill, so he has to give an injection.

In other cases, it is easier to take the drug than to endure pain or try to find a vein.

In this regard, the standard remedy is Actovegin. It is available in tablets and ampoules. It can be used even in infancy. Has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. Optimizes blood flow, stimulates brain function. Used in cardiology. Contraindicated in case of edema, heart failure, pregnancy.

Armadin. Vascular, nootropic drug produced in Ukraine. The same thing happens in tablets and injections. In addition to restoring blood circulation and treating complications of TBI, it is used to treat glaucoma and heart disease. It should not be prescribed to patients with kidney and liver pathologies.

Analogues of Cortexin in ampoules:

  • Ceraxon.
  • Recognan.
  • Nikomex.
  • Cytoflavin.

Analogues of Cortexin in tablets (capsules):

  • Vimpocetine.
  • Glycised.
  • Piracetam.
  • Phezam.

When prescribing a drug, the attending physician is based on personal experience and characteristics of the course of the disease. The decision to replace a drug with a generic cannot be made independently. Before purchasing medication, consult the specialist who is supervising you.

Description of the drug

Cortexin is a stimulator of metabolic processes between neurons (nerve cells), that is, a nootropic drug that has an active beneficial effect on higher analytical and mental functions of the brain, memory, activating mental activity, learning processes, increasing the resistance of cerebral tissues to any damaging factors.

The product was developed in Russia by specialists from the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. The drug is well accepted by the body, well tolerated by adult patients and children from the first days of life, therefore it is very often prescribed to children for the effective restoration of brain function after many pathologies that damage cerebral tissue.

Composition and release forms

The active substance of the drug - cortexin - is a complex of biologically active protein compounds, which, using a special technology, is obtained from the tissue of the cerebral cortex of mammals of the Bos taurus (bovine) family.

An auxiliary component that acts as a stabilizer is glycine, which is an aminoethanoic acid found in many natural protein compounds. At its core, it is also a nootropic substance that reduces nervous tension.

Cortexin is supplied to the pharmacy chain in a single dosage form of lyophilisate (lyophilized powder), which has a yellowish color, porous structure and is intended for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration. Other forms, including tablets and capsules, are not provided in the series of this pharmacological agent. It is intramuscular injections that allow the active substance to quickly enter the bloodstream without passing through the gastrointestinal tract, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

They produce two types of Cortexin: for adults and children, which differ only in the amount of powder in a glass bottle (10 and 5 mg, respectively).

Cortexin lyophilisate for children is produced in 3 ml bottles. The package contains 10 bottles. Both options are allowed to be used for treating children, but the required dosage is strictly calculated by the doctor.

Cortexin for children

Release form and composition

The medicine is presented on pharmacy counters in the form of vessels with a substance for injections.
The bottle contains a loose powdery (lyophilisate) or porous white substance. A yellowish tint is allowed. The original packaging contains 10 glass bottles with a dosage of 0.005-0.01 g of the drug. The main components of the drug are the remains of polypeptide compounds with low molecular weight. Cortexin is a water-soluble medication obtained from the cortical layer of the pig or bovine brain. Glycine acts as a stabilizer for the drug. The following dosages of medication are found on the pharmacy counter:

  • 0.006 g of stabilizer with 0.005 g of active substance in a 3 ml bottle;
  • 0.012 g of glycine with 0.01 cortexin in a 5 ml bottle.

About the dosage of the drug

Before using a medication, make sure you know the correct dosage. Often the dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. For adults and children weighing over 20 kg, Cortexin is indicated in a dosage of 10 mg. This dosage is the same for all available indications, except for ischemic stroke. The product should be used in the indicated dosage once a day, and the course of therapy should last 10 days. A repeated course of treatment is allowed no earlier than after 3-6 months.

In case of exacerbation of stroke, as well as during the rehabilitation period, the drug is administered in an amount of 10 mg 2 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 10 days. After completing the 10-day course, you should take a break for 10 days and then repeat the procedure again. A double course of therapy with Cortexin is more than sufficient to cure a stroke, as well as improve well-being during the rehabilitation period. It is recommended to administer the drug in the morning and afternoon. It is not recommended to give the injection in the evening for the simple reason that the medicine can cause insomnia.

If the child’s weight is less than 20 kg, then the dosage of the medicine should be calculated individually. For 1 kg of weight, 0.5 mg of medication is required. The calculated dosage is administered to the child once a day during a 10-day course of therapy. Repeating treatment after a 10-day course of therapy is allowed after 0.5 years.

Instructions for the drug

When prescribing Cortexin injections to a child, parents always have questions. Many people do not know how to dilute the drug and how to inject it into their children. For young patients use Cortexin 5 mg. The solution is prepared using the same ingredients as for adults. Use water for injection or saline, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

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Injections help babies develop faster: they learn to control their movements, begin to sit up, crawl and stand on their feet. Their concentration and memory improves.

How to dilute the powdery substance?

To prepare a solution for intramuscular administration, you can use:

  • procaine 0.5%;
  • sodium chloride solution 0.9%;
  • specially prepared water for injection.

It is better not to use other liquids with similar qualities (for example, lidocaine). When introducing liquid into a bottle with the drug, the needle should be directed closer to the wall to prevent foaming.

Cortexin with Novocaine

Sometimes a doctor may recommend diluting Cortexin with novocaine. The fact is that injections cause pain in patients, and novocaine has an analgesic effect and reduces sensitivity. Cortexin should be diluted with novocaine at the rate of 0.5 ml or 1 ml per bottle of the drug.

In young patients, Novocaine can cause allergic reactions - which is why newborns need to prepare a solution using hypoallergenic liquids. Some experts are inclined to assume that the anesthetic is capable of reducing the therapeutic effect of Cortexin.

The drug should be administered in the morning due to its ability to increase psychomotor agitation. If injections are made before bedtime, the baby will have difficulty falling asleep.

Dosage for infants and children over one year old

The drug is administered exclusively intramuscularly. One injection is given daily. For infants, injections are given in the area of ​​the front thigh. The pain from the injection can be reduced if you use thin needles and introduce the medicinal solution gradually.

READ IN DETAIL: how to give an injection to a child in the buttock: video

  1. The daily dose for adults is 1 bottle of 10 mg. Children whose weight exceeds 20 kilograms also need to be administered 10 mg of Cortexin.
  2. Babies under one year of age need to accurately calculate the dosage. For them use Cortexin 5 ml. For every kilogram of body weight, 0.5 mg of the drug is taken.

The duration of the course is 10 days. If during treatment the desired result was not achieved, it is necessary to repeat the course after 3-6 months.

A new solution should be prepared each time; it cannot be reused. The dose required for the baby is isolated from the prepared solution, since the lyophysate cannot be divided correctly. Anything that remains in the bottle must be disposed of.

Impact principle

The main active ingredients of the pharmacological agent are polypeptides obtained from the cerebral cortex of animals (often cattle or pigs). The drug is presented in the form of an injection for intramuscular use. Lyophilisate (powder) is placed in glass bottles with a dosage of 5 mg and 10 mg. A dosage of 5 mg is suggested for children.

Polypeptides help normalize the level of amino acids, thereby regulating the processes of inhibition and excitation of the cerebral cortex. Cortexin is actively involved in maintaining the balance of the following types of mediators, such as dopamine and serotonin. The nootropic effect that the drug has allows you to normalize memory processes, optimize concentration, and also increase efficiency and stability in the development of stressful situations. During treatment, an increase in the resistance of brain tissue to various pathogenic effects is observed.

After completing a course of therapy with Cortexin, patients experience normalization of memory, disappearance of headaches, and increased interest in learning. In newborns and infants, noticeable improvements in development are observed, which are manifested not only by mental, but also physical activity, for example, babies begin to roll over faster.

A course of treatment with Cortexin helps improve speech and motor function in children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. In people over 50 years of age, after the end of therapeutic use of the drug, significant changes are observed, manifested in the form of improved memory, as well as a slowdown in the progression of senile dementia.

After the main active ingredient enters the body intramuscularly, the breakdown of amino acids and neuropeptides is observed within 3 minutes. From this it follows that pharmacokinetics are simply impossible to track. Nothing is known about such properties of the drug as the penetration of active substances into the placenta, liver, as well as the rate of its elimination from the body.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Dr. Komarovsky and most patients believe that this medicine is effective in treating patients of all ages. The opinions of parents and neurologists say that the substance gives a positive result, and the patient quickly recovers.

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Reviews from mothers who gave the drug to children with speech delays indicate a rapid onset of results in a fairly short period of time.

The drug is contraindicated in patients who have negative compatibility with any components of Cortexin. The substance is not recommended during pregnancy and tone. By drinking alcohol during the course of treatment, the patient risks worsening his health and neutralizing the effect of the medicine. Therefore, drinking alcohol during treatment is prohibited.

Side effects can only manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions.

What is Cortexin?

Cortexin belongs to the group of nootropic drugs, that is, drugs that improve cerebral circulation. It follows that it is used in neurological practice. Independent use of the drug in infants is unacceptable.

The drug contains amino acids, vitamins (B1, PP, A and E) and minerals. Polypeptide fractions are obtained from the extract of the cerebral cortex of calves and pigs (not older than 1 year). The active substance undergoes multi-stage purification. As a result, the drug becomes safe in infectious and antigenic terms.

Cortexin is widely used in the complex therapy of neurological diseases. It has the following actions:

  1. Nootropic – improves microcirculation in the brain, helps normalize concentration, learning processes, mastering new skills, promotes stress resistance;
  2. Neuroprotective – protects brain cells from various internal toxins (free radicals, calcium ions and glutamate);
  3. Antioxidant – inhibits the oxidation (peroxide) of organic compounds, increasing the stability of brain cells in conditions of lack of oxygen;
  4. Tissue-specific – improves nutrition and metabolism in neurons, promoting restoration and improvement of brain function

Indications and contraindications

The drug is prescribed to patients when a number of pathological processes occur:

  1. Traumatic brain injuries.
  2. Previous hemorrhagic strokes (acute cerebrovascular accident with vascular rupture and hemorrhage in the brain).
  3. The phenomena of cerebral ischemia (a complex pathology in which the blood vessels of the brain narrow, which impairs the flow of blood to the brain, and accordingly causes a lack of oxygen in the brain tissues).
  4. Encephalopathies (a general name for pathological processes of various origins, the basis of which is the degeneration of brain neurons due to disruption of their metabolism).
  5. Memory impairment.

For what diseases is Cortexin still used? The drug is prescribed for the following conditions:

  1. Decreased attention.
  2. Absent-mindedness.
  3. Forgetfulness.
  4. Epilepsy (a chronic neurological disease manifested in the body’s predisposition to the sudden onset of seizures).
  5. Poor performance.
  6. Failure to perceive new information.
  7. Vegetative-vascular dystonia with panic attacks (a polyetiological syndrome characterized by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system).
  8. Birth injuries in newborns.
  9. Cerebral palsy (the result of brain damage received during pregnancy, childbirth and during the first 28 days of the baby’s life).

The drug can be used by patients only on the recommendation of a doctor after examination. The main contraindication for Cortexin is individual intolerance and increased sensitivity, pregnancy.

Instructions for use: how and how to dilute the drug, can it be injected if you have a cold?

The drug is administered intramuscularly. Studies have shown that the injection is best given in the shoulder area, but for babies under six months of age, injections are given in the front surface of the thigh. Doctors recommend performing manipulations in the morning, from 7–8 o’clock, this way you can avoid side effects.

It should be borne in mind that the administration of Cortexin causes pain, so you need to dilute the powder in 1–2 ml of water for injection, a solution of novocaine/procaine or a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride and heat it to 25–30°C.

The diluted drug is used immediately and in full. The finished solution is not subject to further storage.

Cortexin is diluted with saline or water for injection

The average course of treatment is 10 days; if necessary, therapy is repeated after three to six months.

The dosage of the nootropic drug depends on the weight and age of the child. Thus, children weighing more than 20 kg are given an adult dose; infants and children weighing up to 20 kg, the volume of the drug is calculated according to a special scheme.

Colds, cough and runny nose are not indications for discontinuing a nootropic drug. In addition, it can be combined with any antipyretics. It is believed that the child’s body will cope with the symptoms of a cold faster if treatment with Cortexin is continued. In any case, at the first signs of illness, you should inform your doctor.

How to dilute Cortexin

Many patients who are prescribed to inject this lyophilisate intramuscularly are interested in the question of how to dilute cortexin? Cortexin's instructions contain the same rules for use and dilution of the drug for adults and children. A bottle with one dose of medication is diluted with the following solvents: novocaine, sterile water for injection or a special physiological solution.

All solvents can be purchased for a small price at the pharmacy, since they are not included in the package with the drug. It is better to buy solutions bottled in small containers of 5 ml or 2 ml (ampoules or bottles). This requirement is due to the fact that the liquid for diluting the lyophilisate must be sterile. According to the instructions, dilution should be carried out as follows:

  • take a sterile syringe with a needle;
  • open the ampoule with the solution;
  • lower the needle into the bottle and draw the required amount of solvent (1 – 2 ml);
  • remove the foil from the stopper on the medicinal product;
  • pierce the stopper with the needle of a syringe that already contains a solvent;
  • lower the needle to the middle of the ampoule with lyophilisate;
  • press slowly on the syringe plunger;
  • release the solvent into the medicine;
  • It is necessary, without removing the needle, to gently shake the bottle to completely dissolve the powder;
  • a homogeneous solution can be used for injection.

Water for injection instructions

Can Cortexin be diluted with water for injection? Yes, this practice also exists. Water for injection is available in separate glass or plastic containers of 1, 2 and 5 milliliters. The medication is intended for subcutaneous, intravenous and intramuscular administration. But from the instructions it is known that Cortexin is injected exclusively into the muscle zone.

The abstract says that Cortexin should be diluted with water for injection under sterile conditions. This solvent has no contraindications for use. It is often prescribed to children and adults. It is prohibited to dilute injection powders with the described substance only in cases where the instructions provide for the use of another substance.

Analogues of other countries

Analogues of Cortexin Features of the drugs
Fezam This particular drug is synonymous with Cortexin. It is prescribed for the treatment of insufficient blood circulation in the central nervous system, intoxications of various types, diseases associated with the brain and spinal cord, and mental illnesses.
Olatropil Cortexin's analogue is prescribed for the treatment of poor concentration, constant fatigue, and irritability. The drug improves memory and brain activity of a person.
Cavinton Forte The drug is prescribed by experienced specialists for neuralgia. Can treat ophthalmological diseases associated with the choroid and retina of the eyeball. Improves hearing, eliminates noise in the ears.
Pramistar An analogue of Cortexin is prescribed in the post-stroke period for the treatment of encephalopathy, psychological disorders, and decreased initiative. Improves brain activity, helps a person think and reason correctly.
Huato Boluses The Cortexin analogue treats frequent dizziness, noise in the ears, and memory impairment. Helps improve concentration, ability to concentrate, and relieves mental fatigue. Treats poor coordination of movements.

Manufacturers produce many cheap analogues of Cortexin, which can be purchased at any pharmacy in the country.

It is important to consult with your doctor before use so that he or she is familiar with all the side effects, indications and contraindications for use, and conducts a structural analysis. If you notice symptoms of an overdose, immediately call an ambulance


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Procaine how to dilute powder

So, you have been prescribed the drug Cortexin. How to dilute 5 mg of active substance? To do this, you can use a solvent with the trade name “Procaine”. Let us immediately note that it is not recommended often. This medicine has a moderate anesthetic effect. After intramuscular administration, the drug undergoes systemic absorption in full. The “Procaine” solution is used to prepare various agents in anesthesiology. It is not recommended to dilute Cortexin with this solvent for persons with heart, kidney and liver failure. Also, the medication is not prescribed to children (replaced with another solvent).

Before diluting Cortexin, open the ampoule of procaine. To prepare this medicine, you will need a solvent at a concentration of 5 mg per 1 ml. Mix the ingredients according to the instructions described above.

Preparing the drug for injection

To properly administer the drug into the body, you need to know how to choose the dosage and properly dilute Cortexin.

The powder mass must be diluted before injection. It is better to use a special aqueous solution for injection or sodium chlorine in the amount of two milligrams.

Regular drinking water is not suitable. Lidocaine should also not be used. Lidocaine destroys the active substances that are present in the drug.

Cortexin's injection is quite painful, so the drug is diluted with Novocaine. It acts as an antiseptic. However, this can lead to allergies, so doctors do not recommend using this method in practice.

How to properly dilute Cortexin:

  1. Take a 2-5 mg syringe.
  2. The lid is opened on the selected solution and on the Cortexin ampoule.
  3. Using a needle, the solvent is drawn up.
  4. The solution is combined in a flask with a dry substance. The liquid level should be up to the middle of the bottle.
  5. The solution should be poured slowly to avoid foaming.
  6. The bottle must be shaken gently so that the solvent and powder become a homogeneous mass.

Before injecting the drug into muscle tissue, the needle must be changed so that particles of undissolved powder do not enter the body. The finished substance cannot be stored for more than 15 minutes. If this condition is not met, the solution will have to be replaced.

For adults, the normal dose is 10 mg; for children, a 5 mg bottle is more suitable. A dosage of ten milligrams can be taken by a child weighing more than twenty kilograms. Cortexin is administered intramuscularly once a day. The medicine is taken in the morning to prevent insomnia.

The duration of the course of taking the drug and its dosage is prescribed by the doctor personally to each patient. It often lasts ten days. Before re-therapy, you should be off the drug for 60-90 days. The medicine cannot be injected directly into a vein.

Cortexin instructions for use during pregnancy, for children

Cortexin is a medicine that belongs to the polypeptide group. It also partially has the properties of neurotransmitters.

It penetrates well into nerve cells. Cortexin has a nootropic, neuroprotective, antioxidant and tissue-specific effect on the body. In other words, it helps improve the functionality of the cerebral cortex. A person's memory and concentration improves. He becomes more resistant to stress and tension. At the same time, the drug helps protect neurons from negative influences and reduce the intensity of toxic effects on the nervous system.

In a person taking the substance, neurons become more resistant during stressful situations and hypoxia. Cortexin activates metabolic processes occurring in the central and peripheral parts of the human nervous system. The reparative process improves. The general condition of the nervous system improves, the functioning of the nervous system and the functions of the cerebral cortex are normalized

pharmachologic effect

Due to its water solubility, Cortexin easily crosses the blood-brain barrier. Once in the medulla, the drug has a protective effect on neuronal connections. This drug is characterized by the following pharmacological actions.

  • Cerebroprotective. The effect of therapy is to increase the resistance of neurons to unfavorable conditions, hypoxia, and the action of drugs that are tropic to brain tissue. Neurons resist damage by endogenous neurotoxic elements - glutamate, calcium ions. The medication also prevents the launch of the oxidase cascade of free radicals (products of lipid peroxidation).
  • Nootropic. When treated with the drug, an increase in cognitive properties is observed. The patient notes improved memory, increased concentration, and the ability to perceive new information. The central nervous system begins to respond more adequately to external stimuli, which is due to an increased threshold for the sensation of stress.
  • Anticonvulsant. The medication locally affects the pathological focus with increased convulsive activity. The drug restores the balance between inhibitory mediators, dopamine and serotonin, reducing the likelihood of seizures in the patient.
  • Antioxidant. By slowing down lipid peroxidation, damage to the walls of brain cells by free radicals is inhibited. The survival of neurons improves under conditions of hypoxia and oxidative stress.
  • Neurometabolic. Cortexin is tissue specific. The medication restores the structure of cell membranes and activates metabolism in brain tissue. The drug stimulates the metabolism of neurons. As a result, the functionality and tone of the central nervous system increases, the speed of transmission of nerve impulses between brain structures increases, restoration processes are activated, and the function of the cerebral cortex is improved.

The pharmacological action of Cortexin is due to the following processes:

  • activation of neuropeptides, neurotrophic factors of the brain;
  • balancing the metabolism of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids, dopamine, serotonin;
  • impact on the GABAergic system;
  • reduction of paroxysmal convulsions and improvement of bioelectrical activity of the brain;
  • counteracting the formation of free radicals.

Can I use regular water?

Consumers often ask questions: “How can Cortexin be diluted and can ordinary water be used for this?” After all, the instructions do not say a single word about such restrictions. Does this mean that such actions are allowed? What do doctors think about this?

The medicine "Cortexin" is strictly forbidden to be mixed with plain water. Even if you have previously filtered and boiled the liquid. Despite all the cleaning procedures carried out at home, you will not be able to obtain a sterile solution. Bacteria in the water may die, but they will remain there, causing intoxication. If you use such a solvent to prepare a nootropic medicine, the consequences can be the most unexpected. Remember: it is forbidden to dilute Cortexin with drinking water, it is dangerous!

How to store

The medicine is kept in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Storage conditions allow its fluctuation range of +2°С…+20°С.

You must be vigilant to ensure that the medication does not fall into the hands of a small child or pet.

Must be used within 36 months of date of issue.

It must be concluded that Cortexin for adults and children is a strong nootropic agent. It is indicated for a wide range of patients suffering from pathologies of the brain and nervous system. However, the drug has some peculiarities in its release form, and therefore requires strict adherence to the instructions for its use.

How safe is Cortexin for children?

The use of Cortexin is not allowed if the baby is particularly sensitive to the active substance and glycine.

Undesirable side effects

Experts say that children tolerate Cortexin well. But in rare cases, the medication can cause:

  1. An allergic reaction in the form of skin itching, rashes.
  2. Irritability, overexcitation, tearfulness.

In the practice of using the product, there was no mention of cases of development of Quincke's edema, shortness of breath, or airway obstruction in children. But parents should remember that any medicine can cause unpredictably strong allergic manifestations, therefore, throughout the entire course (both initial and repeated) use of Cortexin, you should carefully monitor the baby’s behavior.

Cortexin - contraindications

Like many medications, Cortexin has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
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  • Mexidol - instructions for use, analogues and reviews
  • The use of hydrocortisone in ampoules for inhalation and injections

What is the best way to dilute Cortexin?

You learned that there are several solvents for preparing medicine. Which one should you prefer? After all, you want the treatment to be correct and effective. It is prohibited to use Lidocaine and ordinary sterile water for preparing injections. The powder is also not diluted with oil additives. Doctors don't even consider this possibility.

If you are prescribed Cortexin, your doctor will tell you what is the best dilution. For young children, water (for injection) is usually used. It is safe and does not cause negative reactions. “Novocaine” and “Procaine” can also be used, but it is worth remembering that these medications can cause allergies. Reviews say that using water for injection makes the injection quite painful. If your child is not allergic to the components of Novocain, then you can safely use it. This solvent is ideal for preparing injections. When there is an allergy, give preference to sodium chloride solution or water for injection. Be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor prescribing the nootropic.

What side effects may occur in pregnant women?

Pregnancy is the greatest physiological stress for a woman's body. Inside the mother's body, the development of the fetus occurs, which has a different set of antigens. Normally, when something foreign enters the internal environment of a person, the immune system makes active attempts to expel the foreign object. However, during pregnancy, the fetus must remain inside the mother's body for about 9 months. To prevent the immune system from interfering with this process, during pregnancy the amount of hormones and substances that suppress the immune system (progesterone, estrogen, cortisol, human chorionic gonadotropin, etc.) increases.

Thanks to this mechanism, allergic reactions in pregnant women occur less frequently.

There is no information about the occurrence of side effects of Cortexin when administered to pregnant women. However, due to the small number of clinical studies on the effect of Cortexin during pregnancy, this drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Overdose and its consequences

The main manifestations characteristic of an overdose appear almost immediately after using the medicine, in some cases the appearance of undesirable consequences of an overdose after a few days, which is due to the individual qualities of the patient.

Overdose symptoms:

  • An overdose of the drug L-Thyroxine (L-Thyroxine) contributes to the appearance of symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, in severe situations it can lead to the appearance of serious complications and the appearance of a diffuse toxic disease;
  • The patient feels an increased rhythm of the heart;
  • Frequent diarrhea appears;
  • Pain occurs in the area under the xiphoid process;
  • Frequent attacks of chest pain due to lack of blood flow to the heart muscle;
  • Heart failure appears;
  • Fast and rhythmic movements of various limbs (tremor);
  • Disturbances in the daily routine;
  • Feverish condition and deterioration of general condition from exposure to high temperatures;
  • Increased sweat production;
  • Severe temper and nervousness;
  • The laboratory indicator of the free level of the thyroxine index T3 and T4 increases;
  • There is also a significant decrease in body weight.

Treatment for overdose consists of stopping the medication. In case of severe overdose, it is recommended to administer glucocorticosteroids intramuscularly, namely:

  • prednisolone;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • dexamethasone.

In particularly severe situations of levothyroxine poisoning, the use of plasmapheresis is recommended.

How can I replace Cortexin for an infant?

If the medicine contains components that are unsuitable for infants, then Cortexin can be replaced with other pharmaceutical products.

  1. Actovegin is available in the form of an injection solution. Also suitable for premature babies. The active substance is a calf blood hemoderivate. The analogue has a similar effect on the functioning of the infant’s central nervous system. The estimated cost of the medicine is 500-550 rubles, it is cheaper than Cortexin.
  2. Tenoten for children. For infants, the tablet is diluted in water. Contains lactose and antibodies to brain protein. This is suitable for those who are afraid to give injections to their child themselves. The approximate price of the product is 400-500 rubles.
  3. Cerebrolysin in ampoules. The active ingredient is pig brain hydrolysate. Usually prescribed when there is a violation of the blood supply to the brain of a newborn. Costs 300-450 rubles.
  4. An encephobol substitute in suspensions (the drug is more convenient than injections, as it is taken painlessly) is used to identify chronic disorders in the brain. Approximate cost from 650 rubles.
  5. Carnicetine is a product in the form of capsules, the contents of which must be dissolved in filtered water for oral administration. Costs no more than 600 rubles.
  6. Semax. A convenient drug in the form of nasal drops. Preserves brain cells after encephalitis, hydrocephalitis, cerebral ischemia. Costs from 450 to 1500 thousand rubles.

Actovegin is well tolerated by newborns and children up to one year old, so it can be a substitute for Cortexin


This medicine is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the central nervous system in adults. Pediatric psychiatrists also use Cortexin for mental retardation in young patients. Indications for prescribing the medication are as follows:

  • cerebral circulation disorders;
  • all types of encephalopathies;
  • injuries of the skull and brain, as well as their consequences;
  • memory disorders;
  • decreased concentration;
  • thinking disorder;
  • encephalitis;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • asthenic conditions;
  • autism spectrum disorders in children;
  • delayed development of speech and psychomotor functions;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • cerebral palsy.

The drug is also used to treat children with serious learning difficulties. It was noted that in young patients, memory and the ability to assimilate new information significantly improve after a course of Cortexin therapy. Indications for prescribing the drug are also congenital diseases of the central nervous system in infants. In this case, the drug is used as part of a complex treatment.

Main side effects when using the drug

By following the recommended dosages of the drug L-Thyroxine (L-Thyroxine), the occurrence of side effects is extremely rare.

Types of possible side effects:

  • increase in weight and total body weight due to increased appetite under the influence of the drug;
  • possible hair loss and kidney failure;

Children who suffer from epilepsy and seizures may experience a significant deterioration in the course of the above diseases.

Taking the drug in excessive dosages or increasing dosages too quickly leads to the manifestation of:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmias;
  • disturbances in sleep and wakefulness;
  • tremors of the limbs and states of causeless anxiety and restlessness.

It is also worth noting the occurrence of possible attacks of angina, hyperhidrosis, diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. Quite rarely, allergic dermatitis can occur.

If side effects occur, it is recommended to reduce the therapeutic dosage or stop taking the medication until they disappear and resume the treatment course with a slightly smaller single dosage of the drug.

Beware, fake

On the Internet you can sometimes find reviews that after taking Thyroxine, an increased heart rate began, the body began to tremble, and there were even cases of loss of consciousness.
Upon inspection, it turned out that they had purchased counterfeit drugs, the active substance in which did not correspond to the norm or was completely absent (in this case, the reaction to the drug was zero), to which the thyroid gland reacted accordingly. Women who are familiar with the drug are advised to carefully examine the packaging when purchasing. On the box in the lower right corner there is a part of a circle that consists of two layers: the larger one is pink, the smaller one is purple.

If you hold this picture under an ultraviolet light, for example, under a device that verifies the authenticity of money (available in all pharmacies), you can see the letter “M” on one side of the package, and “RUS” on the other. If they are absent, it is a fake. According to reviews, it was thanks to the presence of such protection that many chose this drug.

Indications for use of l-thyroxine 75

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • relapse of nodular euthyroid goiter;
  • restoration of the body after removal of the thyroid gland;
  • replacement therapy for toxic goiter;
  • gland cancer.

The hormone is used to diagnose thyroid suppression. Decreased thyroid function requires the use of medication to restore the function of the diseased organ. The patient takes the tablet once a day.

L-Thyroxine is prescribed for hypothyroidism.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood after oral administration is observed after 3-4 hours. Monotherapy with Levothyroxine reduces the volume of the gland by 20% after 4 months of treatment.

The hormone is used for the following pathological conditions:

  • primary hypothyroidism;
  • as part of combination therapy (with thyroxine);
  • in cases of dysfunction of the endocrine organ in old age (in patients without CVS pathology);
  • for the treatment of congenital hypothyroidism in children from 0 to 12 years.

Does it help you lose weight?

For weight loss, the medication is taken in an amount of 75 mcg/kg in the first half of the day. The starting dose of the hormonal drug is divided into 2 times. Gradually the amount of the drug is adjusted to 150-300 mcg.

The medicine is taken 3 times a day, and at the same time the patient is prescribed a beta-blocker. The course of therapy lasts 7 weeks.

The patient must adhere to the regimen when refusing to take the medication. The interval between courses of treatment with a thyroid drug is from 1 to 3 weeks.

It is unacceptable to treat patients suffering from diseases such as:

  • dysfunction of the small intestine;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of enzymes.


You can replace Cortexin with the following analogues:

  • Armadin;
  • Glyceside;
  • Mexidol;
  • Mexiprim;
  • Neuroximet.


It is a membrane protector that has nootropic, anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects. The active ingredient in it is ethyl methylhydroxypyrine succinate. The drug increases the body's defenses to the effects of various negative factors and pathological conditions associated with cerebrovascular accidents, alcohol intoxication, and long-term use of antipsychotics.

The drug Armadin improves cerebral metabolism and blood supply to the brain, improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood, reduces platelet aggregation

Armadin normalizes platelet levels, increases stress resistance, reduces the risk of memory loss, increases mental performance, and activates the process of supplying oxygen to organs and tissues. The drug is produced in ampoules and tablets.

Like Cortexin, Armadin is prescribed for traumatic brain injuries, acute cerebral circulatory disorders, encephalopathy and anxiety disorders.

Note! Armadin is contraindicated for people with renal and liver failure, during pregnancy and lactation.

Armadin price is 250-1420 rubles. Country of origin: Ukraine.


Glycised is a nootropic drug that has a mild sedative and anti-anxiety effect. The active substance is glycine, which belongs to the group of amino acids. It reduces nervous tension, has an anti-stress effect, normalizes sleep and improves brain metabolism. The advantage of the drug is the absence of addiction. It can also be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of alcoholism. No prescription from a doctor is required upon purchase.

Important! Glicised is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, people with arterial hypotension and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The price of Glitsed is 1050-1100 rubles per package. Country of origin: Ukraine.


It is an antioxidant drug that has nootropic, anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects, and increases stress resistance. Mexidol improves metabolism and blood supply to the brain, reduces total cholesterol levels. The drug is produced in the form of an injection solution and tablets.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to use Mexidol for children, people with kidney or liver failure.

Side effects from Mexidol are extremely rare, including allergic reactions, dry mouth and nausea.

The price of Mexidol is 290-1700 rubles. Country of origin: Russia.


An antioxidant drug that has membrane protective activity and inhibits the development of free radical reactions. In addition, it has a nootropic effect and prevents the occurrence of hypoxia. It is prescribed for cognitive disorders, increased anxiety, severe stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia and decreased mental performance.

The injectable form of Mexiprim is used for the treatment of acute cerebral circulatory disorders, neurocirculatory dystonia, cognitive disorders that are provoked by the progression of atherosclerosis

Important! Mexiprim is not used in pediatrics, for the treatment of patients with acute disorders of the kidneys and liver, during pregnancy and lactation.

The price of Mexiprim ranges from 180-1020 rubles. Country of origin: Russia.


An antioxidant drug based on gamma-aminobutyric acid and ginkgo biloba leaf extract, which has a nootropic effect. It improves memory, accelerates the recovery of speech and motor activity after a stroke or in people with cerebral circulatory disorders. Unlike Cortexin, the drug is not used in pediatrics.

Persons with systemic chronic diseases should consult their doctor before using Neuroximet

Note! Neuroximet should be used with caution in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

The price of Neuroximet is 550-680 rubles. Country of origin: Ukraine.


Cortexin is produced in the form of lyophysilate for the preparation of a solution. It is administered to the patient intramuscularly. The active component in the drug is polypeptides of the cattle cerebral cortex (cortexin). Glycine serves as a stabilizer in the medicine. The drug improves brain function, increases stress resistance and learning ability. In addition, it reduces vascular permeability, normalizes the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and improves microcirculation.

Cortexin improves the metabolic process in the structures of the brain, and due to this has a cerebroprotective, nootropic, anticonvulsant and antioxidant effect on the central nervous system

According to the instructions for use, Cortexin has the following indications:

  • traumatic brain injuries and complications after them;
  • severe cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • encephalopathy of various origins;
  • impaired concentration of memory and attention;
  • absent-mindedness and forgetfulness;
  • epilepsy;
  • decreased performance;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by frequent panic attacks;
  • delayed psycho-speech development in children;
  • birth injuries in infants;
  • cerebral palsy.

You can buy the drug at a pharmacy only with a prescription from a doctor. The price of Cortexin varies between 840-1300 rubles. Country of origin: Russia.

Excerpt characterizing Cortexin

Kutuzov walked through the ranks, occasionally stopping and speaking a few kind words to the officers whom he knew from the Turkish war, and sometimes to the soldiers. Looking at the shoes, he sadly shook his head several times and pointed them out to the Austrian general with such an expression that he didn’t seem to blame anyone for it, but he couldn’t help but see how bad it was. Each time the regimental commander ran ahead, afraid to miss the commander-in-chief's word regarding the regiment. Behind Kutuzov, at such a distance that any faintly spoken word could be heard, walked about 20 people in his retinue. The gentlemen of the retinue talked among themselves and sometimes laughed. The handsome adjutant walked closest to the commander-in-chief. It was Prince Bolkonsky. Next to him walked his comrade Nesvitsky, a tall staff officer, extremely fat, with a kind and smiling handsome face and moist eyes; Nesvitsky could hardly restrain himself from laughing, excited by the blackish hussar officer walking next to him. The hussar officer, without smiling, without changing the expression of his fixed eyes, looked with a serious face at the back of the regimental commander and imitated his every movement. Every time the regimental commander flinched and bent forward, in exactly the same way, in exactly the same way, the hussar officer flinched and bent forward. Nesvitsky laughed and pushed others to look at the funny man. Kutuzov walked slowly and sluggishly past thousands of eyes that rolled out of their sockets, watching their boss. Having caught up with the 3rd company, he suddenly stopped. The retinue, not anticipating this stop, involuntarily moved towards him. - Ah, Timokhin! - said the commander-in-chief, recognizing the captain with the red nose, who suffered for his blue overcoat. It seemed that it was impossible to stretch out more than Timokhin stretched out, while the regimental commander reprimanded him. But at that moment the commander-in-chief addressed him, the captain stood up straight so that it seemed that if the commander-in-chief had looked at him for a little longer, the captain would not have been able to stand it; and therefore Kutuzov, apparently understanding his position and wishing, on the contrary, all the best for the captain, hastily turned away. A barely noticeable smile ran across Kutuzov’s plump, wound-disfigured face. “Another Izmailovo comrade,” he said. - Brave officer! Are you happy with it? – Kutuzov asked the regimental commander. And the regimental commander, reflected as in a mirror, invisibly to himself, in a hussar officer, shuddered, came forward and answered: “Very pleased, Your Excellency.” “We are all not without weaknesses,” said Kutuzov, smiling and moving away from him. “He had a devotion to Bacchus. The regimental commander was afraid that he was to blame for this, and did not answer anything. The officer at that moment noticed the captain’s face with a red nose and a tucked belly and imitated his face and pose so closely that Nesvitsky could not stop laughing. Kutuzov turned around. It was clear that the officer could control his face as he wanted: the minute Kutuzov turned around, the officer managed to make a grimace, and after that take on the most serious, respectful and innocent expression. The third company was the last, and Kutuzov became thoughtful, apparently remembering something. Prince Andrei stepped out from his retinue and said quietly in French: “You ordered a reminder of the demoted Dolokhov in this regiment.” -Where is Dolokhov? – asked Kutuzov. Dolokhov, already dressed in a soldier’s gray overcoat, did not wait to be called. The slender figure of a blond soldier with clear blue eyes stepped out from the front. He approached the commander-in-chief and put him on guard. - Claim? – Kutuzov asked, frowning slightly. “This is Dolokhov,” said Prince Andrei. - A! - said Kutuzov. “I hope this lesson will correct you, serve well.” The Lord is merciful. And I will not forget you if you deserve it. Blue, clear eyes looked at the commander-in-chief as defiantly as at the regimental commander, as if with their expression they were tearing apart the veil of convention that so far separated the commander-in-chief from the soldier. “I ask one thing, Your Excellency,” he said in his sonorous, firm, unhurried voice. “Please give me a chance to make amends for my guilt and prove my devotion to the Emperor and Russia.” Kutuzov turned away. The same smile in his eyes flashed across his face as when he turned away from Captain Timokhin. He turned away and winced, as if he wanted to express that everything that Dolokhov told him, and everything that he could tell him, he had known for a long, long time, that all this had already bored him and that all this was not at all what he needed . He turned away and headed towards the stroller. The regiment disbanded in companies and headed to assigned quarters not far from Braunau, where they hoped to put on shoes, dress and rest after difficult marches. -You don’t lay claim to me, Prokhor Ignatyich? - said the regimental commander, driving around the 3rd company moving towards the place and approaching Captain Timokhin, who was walking in front of it. The regimental commander’s face expressed uncontrollable joy after a happily completed review. - The royal service... it’s impossible... another time you’ll end it at the front... I’ll apologize first, you know me... I thanked you very much! - And he extended his hand to the company commander. - For mercy's sake, general, do I dare! - answered the captain, turning red with his nose, smiling and revealing with a smile the lack of two front teeth, knocked out by the butt under Ishmael. - Yes, tell Mr. Dolokhov that I will not forget him, so that he can be calm. Yes, please tell me, I kept wanting to ask how he is, how he is behaving? And that’s all... - Very serviceable in his service, Your Excellency... but the charterer... - said Timokhin. - What, what character? – asked the regimental commander. “Your Excellency finds, for days,” said the captain, “that he is smart, learned, and kind.” It's a beast. He killed a Jew in Poland, if you please... “Well, yes, well,” said the regimental commander, “we must still feel sorry for the young man in misfortune.” After all, great connections... So you’re the one... “I’m listening, Your Excellency,” Timokhin said, smiling, making it feel like he understood the boss’s wishes. - Yes Yes. The regimental commander found Dolokhov in the ranks and reined in his horse. “Before the first task, epaulets,” he told him. Dolokhov looked around, said nothing and did not change the expression of his mockingly smiling mouth. “Well, that’s good,” continued the regimental commander. “The people each have a glass of vodka from me,” he added so that the soldiers could hear. – Thank you everyone! God bless! - And he, overtaking the company, drove up to another. “Well, he’s really a good man; “You can serve with him,” said subaltern Timokhin to the officer walking next to him. “One word, the king of hearts!... (the regimental commander was nicknamed the king of hearts),” the subaltern officer said, laughing. The happy mood of the authorities after the review spread to the soldiers. The company walked cheerfully. Soldiers' voices were talking from all sides. - What did they say, crooked Kutuzov, about one eye? - Otherwise, no! Totally crooked. - No... brother, he has bigger eyes than you. Boots and tucks - I looked at everything... - How he, my brother, looks at my feet... well! I think... - And the other Austrian, with him, was as if smeared with chalk. Like flour, white. I tea, how they clean ammunition! - What, Fedeshow!... did he say that when the fighting began, you stood closer? They all said that Bunaparte himself stands in Brunovo. - Bunaparte is worth it! he's lying, you fool! What he doesn’t know! Now the Prussian is rebelling. The Austrian, therefore, pacifies him. As soon as he makes peace, then war will open with Bunaparte. Otherwise, he says, Bunaparte is standing in Brunovo! That's what shows that he's a fool. Listen more. - Look, damn the lodgers! The fifth company, look, is already turning into the village, they will cook porridge, and we still won’t reach the place. - Give me a cracker, damn it. - Did you give me tobacco yesterday? That's it, brother. Well, here we go, God be with you. “At least they stopped, otherwise we won’t eat for another five miles.”

Overdose what to do

Deliberately high doses of L-thyroxine can cause unpleasant consequences:

  • muscle spasms;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • insomnia, unexplained anxiety;
  • heartache;
  • tachycardia;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • weight loss.

If the drug is used for weight loss, it can cause rapid heartbeat against the background of an unreasonable feeling of fear and anxiety in patients.

The first thing to do in case of overdose or thyrotoxicosis is to stop taking it or significantly reduce the daily dose. When discontinuing, take beta-blockers for several days until the side effects go away.

If it is necessary to complete a course of L-thyroxine therapy, it is important to begin repeated use with the lowest dosages. The note! To avoid overdose in bodybuilders who constantly take medication to prevent the risk of excess weight gain and normalize heart rate, it is recommended to carry out complex therapy in combination with β-adrenergic receptor antagonists

The note! To avoid overdose in bodybuilders who constantly take medication to prevent the risk of excess weight gain and normalize heart rate, it is recommended to carry out complex therapy in combination with β-adrenergic receptor antagonists.

Patient reviews

You can find positive reviews about the drug from parents of children. Reports indicate that the effect of the drug occurs within a short time. Children with developmental delays began to speak, and over time their vocabulary increased. Schoolchildren's learning difficulties disappeared, they began to remember and assimilate new material better. Hyperactive children's sleep improved, concentration increased, and excessive excitability disappeared.

Reviews of the use of the drug for adult patients report positive results in the treatment of the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, headaches and manifestations of VSD. After a course of therapy, patients quickly recovered their performance, dizziness, fainting and nausea disappeared.

Negative reviews mainly concern the occurrence of allergic reactions in children. Such phenomena were observed when novocaine was used as a solvent. If the drug is used in childhood, then for dilution it is better to take saline solution or water for injection. This will help reduce the likelihood of allergies.

Operating principle

After injection, low molecular weight protein molecules of Cortexin pass through the blood-brain barrier and have the following effect on the brain:

  • Both nerve cells and neurotrophic factors are stimulated, due to which information is transmitted better and faster along the fibers, and the balance of excitatory and inhibitory mediators is normalized.
  • They protect neurons from various damaging factors, for example, from hypoxia, free radicals or calcium ions. This therapeutic effect of the drug is called cerebro- or neuroprotective. It makes nerve cells more resistant to any external influences, including stressful situations and taking various psychotropic medications.
  • They activate metabolic processes in brain tissue and accelerate the recovery of nerve cells, resulting in improved overall tone and central nervous system functions.
  • They have a positive effect on the ability to learn new material and work. This is the action that is called nootropic. It consists in improving the functions of thinking, among which attention and memory are especially important.
  • Reduce convulsive activity in cases of brain tissue damage. Thanks to this effect, the use of Cortexin helps prevent the occurrence of seizures.
  • They slow down oxidative processes in brain cells, that is, they act as an antioxidant.

Action and effectiveness of the drug

Cortexin is a nootropic drug that quickly penetrates the nerve cells of the brain. The medicine has the following effects:

  • triggers metabolic processes in the central nervous system, as a result of which brain activity increases;
  • prevents the development of seizures by reducing the increased activity of epileptic centers;
  • improves cognitive abilities;
  • protects against oxygen deficiency under hypoxic conditions;
  • increases resistance to toxic substances.

Cortexin is a nootropic drug that improves metabolic processes in brain tissue

Drug interactions

Levothyroxine increases the effect of indirect anticoagulants. In this regard, their dosage should be reduced.

Parallel use of the drug with tricyclic antidepressants enhances the effect of the antidepressants.

The use of thyroid hormones may increase the need for insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents. You should check your blood sugar levels more often, especially when starting therapy and when adjusting the dose of the medicine.

Levothyroxine inhibits the action of cardiac glycosides. When cholestyramine, colestipol and aluminum hydroxide are combined with levothyroxine, the concentration of the latter in the blood plasma decreases. This occurs due to inhibition of its absorption by the intestines.

During parallel use with anabolic steroids, tamoxifen, asparaginase, a pharmacokinetic interaction may occur when combined with protein.

When used simultaneously with phenytoin, increased doses of salicylates, clofibrate and furosemide, the concentration of levothyroxine, which is not bound to plasma proteins, increases.

Levothyroxine in combination with somatotropin accelerates the closure of epiphyseal growth zones.

Levothyroxine in combination with somatotropin accelerates the closure of epiphyseal growth zones.

The use of carbamazepine, rifampicin and phenobarbital increases the clearance of levothyroxine. Therefore, the dose of the drug should be increased.

The effectiveness of the active substance may decrease due to the intake of estrogens, which increase the concentration of the fraction associated with thyroglobulin.

The following drugs affect the production, distribution and metabolism of the substance:

  1. Amiodarone.
  2. Aminoglutethimide.
  3. PASK.
  4. Ethionamide.
  5. Antithyroid drugs.
  6. Beta blockers.
  7. Carbamazepine.
  8. Chloral hydrate.
  9. Diazepam.
  10. Levodopa.
  11. Dopamine.
  12. Metoclopramide.
  13. Lovastatin.
  14. Somatostatin.

Composition and effect of the drug

Cortexin contains proteins obtained from the cerebral cortex of animals (pigs and cattle). These peptide compounds are the active ingredients of the drug. The medication is produced only in the form of a powder (lyophilisate) for injection. In addition to the active component, Cortexin contains the amino acid glycine. This excipient improves metabolic processes in the central nervous system and complements the action of proteins.

The lyophilisate looks like a white powder or porous mass. It is packaged in 5 ml bottles. The drug for adults contains 10 mg of active substance. Cortexin is also produced for children with a reduced dosage of the medicinal component - 5 mg.

Let's consider the pharmacological action of this medicine. First of all, it affects the brain as a nootropic. This means that under the influence of the active component of the drug, the patient’s mental activity improves. It becomes easier for a person to remember information, concentrate attention, and deal with stress.

In addition, the drug protects cells of the nervous system from adverse factors. Harmful substances accumulate in the human body, which negatively affect the condition of neurons. The drug eliminates their negative effects. The instructions for Cortexin and reviews of the drug report that this drug is able to stop the toxic effects of psychotropic medications and ethanol on the brain.

The medicine can also be used as an anticonvulsant. It effectively suppresses foci of pathological activity in the brain. The drug also acts as an antioxidant. This means that it inhibits the processes of fat oxidation and prevents the negative effects of free radicals on nerve cells.

Patients often ask: is Cortexin produced in tablets? Currently, there is only an injection form of release. However, you can select similar drugs in tablet form. Medicines with similar effects will be discussed below.

special instructions

If there are indications for the use of other iodine-containing medicines, you should seek medical advice.

It is necessary to check the level of thyroid hormones in the blood from time to time, an increase in the concentration of which indicates an insufficient daily dose of the drug.

The correctness of suppressive treatment is determined by suppression of radioactive iodine uptake. If multinodular goiter has been present for a long time, a stimulation test with thyrotropin-releasing hormone should be performed before starting therapy.

Most often, with hypothyroidism, restoration of metabolic status should occur in stages, especially in elderly patients, as well as in the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, treatment with L-thyroxine continues. When carrying a fetus, the dose of the drug should be increased due to the increased concentration of thyroxine-binding globulin. The level of thyroid hormone produced along with breast milk during feeding (even with therapy with increased doses of the drug) is insufficient to provoke the occurrence of any disorders in the child.

During lactation, L-Thyroxine 125 must be taken strictly following the doctor's recommendations.

The use of the product in combination with thyreostatic drugs during pregnancy is prohibited. This is due to the fact that the use of levothyroxine causes the need to increase the dose of thyreostatics. Since the latter can penetrate the placental barrier, the child may develop hypothyroidism.

During lactation, the drug must be taken strictly following the doctor’s recommendations.

In the II-III trimesters of pregnancy, the dose is increased by 1/4.

Use in children

Newborns and children with congenital hypothyroidism should receive replacement therapy as quickly as possible. Initially, the dose of the drug should be 10-15 mcg per 1 kg of the child’s body weight per day for the first 3 months. Then the dosage is adjusted based on the child’s condition, the level of TSH and thyroid hormones in the blood.

Children with acquired hypothyroidism are prescribed a first dose of 12.5 to 50 mcg per day. Afterwards, the dosage is increased by 25 mcg every 2-4 weeks. At the same time, the level of TSH concentration in the blood plasma, thyroid hormones and clinical symptoms are checked.

Infants and children under 3 years of age are given the daily dose in one dose, half an hour before the first feeding. The tablet is dissolved in a small amount of water until a thin suspension is formed. It must be prepared immediately before using the product.

Children under 3 years of age are given the daily dose of L-thyroxine in one dose.

Use for renal impairment

In case of adrenal dysfunction (pituitary or hypothalamic hypothyroidism), renal dysfunction in children and other nephrological diseases, the use of the drug should be suspended.


When treating with thyroxine, it is important to know how other drugs can affect its action? Which ones go together and which ones shouldn’t be used?

With other drugs

The content of levothyroxine not bound to plasma proteins will be increased if taken simultaneously with high doses of Phenytoin, salicylates, Clofibrate, Furosemide. Efficacy will be reduced when taken with estrogens, which increase the concentration of fractions when bound to thyroglobulin.

Metabolism distribution, synthesis of secretion are disrupted when taking Thyroxine with Amiodarone, Aminoglutethimide, alpha-beta blockers, Carbamazepine, chloral hydrate, Diazepam, D opamine, Metoclopramide, Lovastatin.

A negative interaction of l-thyroxine is observed with Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Colesevelam, which inhibit the absorption of the active substance.

The note! To avoid overdose in bodybuilders who constantly take medication to prevent the risk of excess weight gain and normalize heart rate, it is recommended to carry out complex therapy in combination with β-adrenergic receptor antagonists.

l-thyroxine when taken together:

  • reduces their effectiveness with cardiac glycosides, antidepressants, antidiabetic drugs due to inhibition of intestinal absorption;
  • enhances the effect of antidepressants, indirect anticoagulants;
  • a non-physical interaction is observed at the protein binding level when combined with anabolic steroids, Asparaginase, Tamoxifen, aluminum hydroxide, Kolestyramine, Colestipol;
  • clearance increases in combination with Phenobarbital, Carbamazepine, Rifampicin;
  • the connection of Thyroxine with blood plasma proteins is suppressed in combination with androgens, anabolic hormones (Clofibrate, 5-fluorouracil, Furosemide, Methadone, Phenylbutazol, salicylates).

You should not combine l-thyroxine with antacids, Almagel Maalox, or calcium and iron supplements. The interval between doses should be at least 3-4 hours.

Reference! Thyroxine is a hormonal agent that enhances or blocks the effect of a number of drugs. Absolute incompatibility is observed with antispasmodics, analgesics, nootropics, anticoagulants, protease inhibitors, glucocorticosteroids, drugs containing iodine, calcium carbonate, aluminum.

With sports supplements

Thyroxine is known among athletes as a powerful fat burner. T4, 112 is one of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. The drug regulates metabolism and leads to weight loss. Important for those who engage in weightlifting and professional sports to return to normal life and achieve their goals, although it should not be taken without the permission of an endocrinologist or sports doctor

Thyroxine is often taken by bodybuilders in preparation for competitions, but sad consequences are inevitable if taken thoughtlessly and in long courses. If there are no contraindications, then the combined use of Thyroxine with adrenergic receptors (Yohimbine, Clenbuterol) is acceptable.


Combining the drug with coffee or drinking it down is not recommended to avoid increased stress on the heart and pressure surges, especially during sports activities.

With alcohol

People often take l-thyroxine to lose weight. Combining it with alcohol to enhance the effect is simply unwise. Although it is acceptable to drink 1 glass of wine, you should not abuse alcohol. Complications and deterioration of liver and heart function may occur.

With nicotine

Nicotine harms the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. During treatment with L-carnitine, you should stop smoking and even passive smoking.


  1. 1 2 3 Gomazkov O. A.
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  8. 1 2 3 4
    [ Cortexin].
    Encyclopedia of Medicines
    . Register of Medicines of Russia. [ Archived from the original on April 15, 2012]..

What is lyophilisate

Cortexin is available in dosage form as a lyophilisate, from which a solution is subsequently prepared and administered parenterally. Lyophilization is a special method of preparing and drying substances, in which the components are first subjected to cold treatment and then placed under vacuum conditions for sublimation. As a result of this preparation, the structure and activity of the substance are completely preserved, and proteins are not destroyed. The lyophilisate can be stored for a long time, but when diluted with solutions it must be used immediately .

The dry substance is inactive; when Cortexin is stored, the properties of the main pharmaceutical substance are not lost, and when the powder is moistened, all components begin to act. The lyophilization method is quite labor-intensive and requires special equipment, tools and material costs.

Reviews from doctors

P. Yu. Kaptsov, urologist. I consider Cortexin an effective nootropic drug. It can be used both in complex treatment and in monotherapy. This drug improves brain activity, increases mental abilities and memory. The only drawback of Cortexin is that it is produced in ampoules for injection. It is problematic to prescribe them to children, since the injections are painful.

M. A. Smelyanets, neurologist. The drug Cortexin has a pronounced nootropic effect. It combines well with other nootropics and rarely causes side effects. I prescribe it to people with chronic cerebral circulatory disorders and dizziness. Among the disadvantages, many patients cite the high price of the drug.

S. M. Andreev, neurologist. An excellent drug for the treatment of mental and psychosomatic disorders. I also prescribe it to patients with neurological disorders of the brain. I think the advantage of Cortexin is that it can be combined with other medications; the disadvantage is that it is painful to administer even when using lidocaine or novocaine.

R. A. Dzhumambaev, neurologist. Extremely dissatisfied with the drug. It is ineffective, not used in foreign countries, and is not listed by the FDA. In addition, its cost is too high. I do not recommend prescribing this drug.

N. M. Chernyshenko, pediatric neurologist. I prescribe Cortexin to children under 1 year of age with mental retardation. For adults, the drug is excellent as a neuroprotector. It should be used strictly according to the instructions; application in a course is required.

E. R. Faizulin, neurologist. Cortexin is an effective drug with a prolonged effect. During treatment, an increase in the patient's mental performance is noted. Also, the medication has proven itself well in chronic cerebrovascular accidents. Thanks to the convenient injection form, the risk of negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract is minimized.

Interaction of the drug with other drugs

The drug reduces the effect of insulin and other drugs against diabetes, so when using it, patients who suffer from this disease will have to additionally monitor their blood sugar levels and, if necessary, adjust them.

The drug is able to enhance the pharmacological effect of antidepressants and increases prothrombin time when used together with anticoagulants.

Drugs with enveloping properties, namely aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, colestipol, sucralfate and cholestyramine, significantly reduce the absorption of l-thyroxine in the gastrointestinal tract, so when using these drugs simultaneously with l-thyroxine, you will need to take a break from taking it for 4 hours.

Clofibrate, dicumarol, salicylic acid derivatives, large doses of furosemide increase the level of l-thyroxine in the body and increase the risk of arrhythmias.

Concomitant use with anabolic hormones may lead to changes in the degree of binding of l-thyroxine to plasma proteins.

Sertraline reduces the effectiveness of l-thyroxine in patients with hypothyroidism.

Taking Ritonavir increases the need for l-thyroxine.

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