How to quickly restore the body after poisoning?

What can cause poisoning

The cause of illness may be the consumption of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages. Ethanol is a toxin that disrupts the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

You can become poisoned by stale food products, in which decomposition processes begin and bacteria that are harmful to humans multiply. Escherichia coli and enterococci are observed in people who do not wash their hands, fruits, vegetables, or heat-processed foods before eating. Processing of meat products and eggs is especially important.

Food poisoning is caused by inedible mushrooms and agricultural crops growing near roads. The products contain a large amount of substances toxic to the human body.

You can be poisoned by unusual food: exotic fruits, national cuisine of another country, unfamiliar sauces, seafood. The body cannot properly digest a new product if it has been eaten in large quantities.


You cannot do without a properly organized diet. If you continue to eat spicy, fatty and unhealthy food, washing it down with alcohol, traditional methods are powerless , as are medications.

You need to learn a simple rule: in order for the pain to go away and your stomach to work as before, you need to eat in small portions, without giving up snacks or overeating. Only in this case will the stomach slowly restore its digestive function and not become overloaded.

If the pain is gone, this does not mean that you can leave the regime. For some time you need to stick to a diet: well-cooked rice, oatmeal, crushed boiled potatoes without oil, stewed vegetables, boiled or baked meat or fish, low-fat kefir or homemade yogurt - the best menu for recovery.

State of the body after poisoning


When a person is poisoned, on the first day he becomes very sick and vomits. The functioning of the digestive system is disrupted: diarrhea is noted. A general asthenic state is characteristic. My head is spinning. It is recommended to take adsorbents to speed up the process of removing toxic substances. Over the course of 2–3 days, symptoms gradually subside. Occasionally a longer duration is possible.

When the poisoning is over, the body will get rid of the remnants of the substances causing the pathological condition, weakness will persist for some time. Possible increased gas formation. Some patients report pain in the stomach area.

Severe dehydration often occurs. The body, trying to get rid of the action of pathogenic microbes, gets rid of the contents of the stomach through vomit, diarrhea - and a large amount of liquid comes out. A lack of water can cause headaches, weakness, and disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Mechanism of stomach pain

The mechanism of pain after vomiting is due to the fact that if it is impossible to neutralize toxins and digest foods that have entered it, the stomach stops the digestion process, and the intestines do not allow undigested food to pass through. Therefore, nausea sets in, peristalsis slows down, and food leaves the body through the esophagus in the form of vomit. The pain can be felt in the center under the ribs or above the navel . When toxins have managed to enter the intestines, pain can spread throughout the abdomen. If you vomit for a long time, the esophagus also suffers, since its walls are corroded by the passage of vomit containing toxins and stomach acid through them.

In addition, poisoning can become a trigger for the development of chronic diseases that were not discovered earlier, the person was simply on the verge of their manifestation. After vomiting, the stomach hurts when, for example, a victim of intoxication was on the verge of developing gastritis, and factors such as additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract and an imbalance in the acid balance in the stomach during poisoning served as the impetus for the first attack.

Severe food poisoning can independently provoke gastritis, especially when problems with high acidity occurred long before it. Bacterial toxic infection, coupled with vomiting, irritates the walls of the stomach and therefore pain occurs.

A stomach ulcer can form if a very aggressive infection enters the body . If after vomiting your stomach has been hurting for a week, then this is an obvious complication and the sooner you visit a doctor, the sooner you can get rid of the unpleasant symptom. This reaction may be a consequence of salmonellosis or dysentery.

It happens that after the release of copious amounts of vomit, the esophagus hurts after vomiting - this indicates that the acid could corrode its walls and ulcers have formed on them. Erosion of the esophagus, like ulcers and gastritis, requires adequate treatment in a hospital.

If a person has eaten stale vegetables, then pain in the epigastric region after vomiting indicates the development of gastroenteritis. In addition to pain, this disease is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and frequent loose stools.

How to restore the body

To restore strength, you should follow a special diet. It is important to return the water-salt balance to normal. It is allowed to use special traditional medicine to help normalize the functioning of internal organs.



To restore the microflora of the stomach, you will need to take adsorbent drugs when unpleasant symptoms appear: Smecta, Enterosgel or activated carbon. The main way to recover is a diet, which you will have to adhere to for at least 3 days.

Food should be consumed in small portions so as not to stretch the walls of the damaged organ. Eating is allowed up to 6 times a day. It is necessary to exclude any foods that are difficult to digest.

You should not eat dishes consisting of a large number of components. It is recommended to give preference to cereals and vegetables. It is better to bring food to a liquid or puree state. New products should be introduced into the menu gradually.

Chicory will bring benefits: pour 2-3 tablespoons of powder with a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse overnight, then divide into 2 parts. Drink before meals.

Decoctions of calendula and chamomile will help reduce discomfort and pain. Recipe: 2 tbsp. l. raw materials need to be poured with a glass of boiling water and brewed for 5–10 minutes. Drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day, regardless of meals. You can drink mint tea, which relieves pain and calms the nervous system.



Medicines that have a hepatoprotective effect will help restore liver function. It is better to choose medications made from natural ingredients. Food containing vitamins A, C, E and amino acids is healthy. Fatty, smoked, fried, salty and bitter foods should be excluded from the diet. Alcoholic beverages are also prohibited.

A decoction of St. John's wort is effective. Should be 1 tsp. dry raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 1/3 glass before meals.

Intestinal microflora

It is important to restore harmonious bowel function. To do this, you will need to restore the intestinal microflora. It takes time to recover.

You can take special medications: Linex, Normobact, Maxilak. Eating fermented milk products, apples, and cabbage will bring benefits.

Bran is useful, helping to get rid of residual toxins and waste. You will have to give up coffee, alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks.

Traditional methods of treatment

What to do if your stomach hurts after vomiting? You can overcome the pain yourself by resorting to traditional methods of treatment. What is the main goal of such therapy? The mucous membranes of the muscular digestive organ are damaged, and hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes only aggravate this condition and slow down the healing process of the affected areas. Therefore, the walls of the stomach must be protected from external irritants with enveloping agents and products . It should be borne in mind that the food should not be heavy, since the gastrointestinal tract is not yet strong after the toxic attack. Perfect for this:

  • low-fat chicken broth or jellied meat;
  • raw eggs;
  • liquid oatmeal, cooked in water or milk and water in a 50/50 ratio.

Due to their viscosity, these dishes will protect the stomach mucous membranes for some time and allow it to recover. In addition, they are nutritious and easy to digest, which does not overload the compromised digestive system.

Despite gentle food, the pain syndrome can persist for a long time. Stomach pain after vomiting can be well relieved by:

  • chamomile infusion;
  • aloe juice;
  • sea ​​buckthorn or linseed oil.

Chamomile soothes and heals, and aloe juice helps damaged areas heal and restore the previous structure of the mucous membranes . The oil cleanses, improves peristalsis and helps toxins leave the body as quickly as possible. If you resort to traditional methods of treatment, the pain in the stomach will go away within two to three days after its onset, since muscle tissue tends to renew itself quickly.

Gentle diet

A special nutrition system will help reduce the load on the digestive organs. You will have to exclude fatty, fried, and smoked foods from your diet. You need to give up canned food, eggs, milk, store-bought sweets, brown bread, legumes, cabbage, instant foods, eggs, honey, fruits and berries (except bananas).

The basis of the diet is cereals. You should eat porridge with water without adding spices, salt or sugar. The healthiest thing about rice is that it is a natural sorbent. The consumption of lean meats is allowed: preference should be given to boiled chicken fillet. Vegetables must be prepared in a dietary manner (make light soups, boil, steam); eating them raw is not recommended. Mashed apples, carrots, and potatoes are allowed. The use of natural crackers is allowed.

Drinking tea is beneficial. The drink can be made sweeter by using sugar. The use of artificial substitutes is not recommended.

The minimum number of days to maintain the diet is three. In some cases, it may be necessary to adhere to a therapeutic diet for longer.

Enveloping breakfasts and vegetable lunches

Enveloping food

Abdominal pain indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestines, so it is recommended to take cereal for breakfast and dinner. Rice and oatmeal have enveloping properties, and in the period after poisoning, jelly is no less effective; in addition, it is useful to consume fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, homemade fermented baked milk and cottage cheese restore intestinal microflora.

Lunches and snacks are prepared from fruits and vegetables: fresh banana puree or baked apples.

If it is necessary to improve your health, in addition to dietary nutrition, your doctor may prescribe medications to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Restoring water-salt balance after poisoning

Because diarrhea and vomiting cause large amounts of water to leave the body, drinking more fluids will help you stay hydrated. It is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water. Distilled water is also suitable: such water is less useful, but will not cause harm.

Black and green tea

Drinking black and green tea is allowed. Beverages should not be included in your drinking count. Fruit drinks and compotes will bring benefits - they are not only sources of liquid, but also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of internal organs.

Decoctions of medicinal plants are useful. The products prevent dehydration and promote faster recovery.


The best thing you can do to avoid getting poisoned is to remain vigilant. The following are tips that you can follow to avoid poisoning.

  • It is necessary to avoid consuming products that have expired.
  • When purchasing milk, you must check the integrity of the packaging.
  • Vegetables, fruits, and herbs should be washed well.
  • Products such as meat and fish must undergo proper heat treatment.
  • Food must be stored properly in the refrigerator.
  • It is not recommended to store prepared dishes for more than three days.
  • Kitchen hygiene is also of great importance. Crockery and cutlery must be clean.
  • It is worth exterminating all insects that are found in the kitchen. Flies, cockroaches, and mice are carriers of pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

Herbal medicine for dysbacteriosis

To treat the consequences of poisoning, both ready-made herbal remedies and multicomponent collections of medicinal plants are used, solving several problems at once.

Herbal medicine for intestinal dysbiosis

For example, for dysbacteriosis accompanied by diarrhea, it is recommended to use decoctions of the following herbs:

  • knotweed, St. John's wort, Icelandic moss, galangal, chamomile, plantain, oak bark;
  • heather, fireweed, yarrow, rosehip, shepherd's purse;
  • marshmallow, angelica, viburnum, linden, oats, motherwort, cudweed.

If a violation of the microflora composition is accompanied by constipation, then the following fees are recommended:

  • mint, tansy, flax seeds, rhubarb, toadflax, fennel, joterre;
  • sandy tsmin, elderberry, elecampane, burdock, licorice, lemon balm. coriander, steelhead.

Individually selected treatment tactics and condition monitoring by the doctor will help quickly restore the intestines after poisoning.

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