What can you eat after alcohol poisoning: diet for alcohol poisoning

Stages of eliminating alcohol addiction

In the process of treating alcoholics, pills are often used that cause vomiting when drinking alcohol. This method is one of the stages of complex addiction treatment.

All treatment consists of the following mandatory steps:

  1. detoxification procedure . Measures are taken to eliminate hangover symptoms and remove the body from a state of general poisoning. The duration of the first stage can last from 14 days. In severe cases, it takes 3 months to remove toxic substances;
  2. The period of remission implies the implementation of restorative procedures. It is during this period that a course of medications is prescribed to help eliminate cravings for alcohol-containing drinks. Special vitamin complexes and medications are taken to prevent the development of depressive conditions, and physical therapy is carried out. Drugs are indicated to prevent the patient from relapse;
  3. remission at the stabilization stage . This stage is aimed at consolidating existing results. Adaptation therapy is carried out to socialize the patient.

Next, we will dwell in more detail on medications and folk remedies that help develop an aversion to alcohol-containing products.


The first signs of intoxication from food poisoning may appear within two to four hours. If you come across poisonous mushrooms or berries, this period is already from five to twelve hours. The main symptoms of food poisoning are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal cramps. In severe cases, the temperature rises, headache, cyanosis, weakness appear, and the pulse becomes rapid. In this condition, immediate medical attention is needed. This usually happens with poisoning from alcohol, mushrooms, medications and botulism.

Vomiting as an effective remedy for intoxication

How difficult it is for a person after drinking alcohol depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the characteristics of the body. You can quickly eliminate hangover symptoms by inducing artificial vomiting.

It is necessary to induce vomiting as quickly as possible if the ethanol content in the blood exceeds 3 ppm. This is a state of severe intoxication. When the ppm figure rises to 5, we can talk about general intoxication of the body.

A person can develop several stages of poisoning from alcohol-containing products:

  1. stage of intoxication , in which there is still no threat to the general condition;
  2. poisoning _ This is a severe stage of intoxication, provoking internal disruptions and pathologies;
  3. general intoxication . This is poisoning of the entire body, in which toxic substances come even from the internal organs of a person.

By using drugs that cause vomiting when drinking alcohol, you can remove ethanol breakdown products from the body, which will have a positive effect on your overall well-being.

It is necessary to induce artificial vomiting in the middle stage of intoxication, before toxic substances have time to spread to all internal organs.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug “Alcolock”. This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcolock triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology. Experts' opinion..."

Drugs that help induce vomiting

Let's figure out what causes vomiting when drinking alcohol. You can use a simple and accessible method. It is enough to press on the root of the tongue with your fingers or a spoon to start vomiting attacks. But, it is better to use special medications or folk remedies.

Important: before vomiting, a person needs to drink at least 1 liter of liquid, or 1 liter of soda solution. You can use one of the following to induce vomiting when drinking alcohol:

  • pharmaceutical herbs that must be used at regular intervals;
  • pills that cause vomiting when drinking alcohol. This technique is considered the most acceptable and safe, because the annotation indicates the permissible dosage of the drug.

To consolidate the effect of medicinal formulations, it is recommended to combine both methods. Sometimes you can add medications to alcohol, or drink herbal decoctions to consolidate the effect of treatment.

Let's take a closer look at what you can add to alcohol to make you vomit, and each method separately, which helps cleanse the body of ethanol breakdown products.

Forbidden food

In case of alcohol poisoning, products that cause gas formation, fermentation and irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract are prohibited.
These include fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain large amounts of fiber. They can weaken, so they are allowed for 3-4 days. For the same reason, pearl barley and barley porridge are excluded. They can be included in the diet only for 4-5 days.

Digestion is inhibited by fried and smoked foods, sausages and canned food, fatty meat and fish, and some seafood - mussels, squid, shrimp. Gas formation is caused by legumes, yeast baked goods, and fresh milk. Fermented milk products are needed to restore microflora, but only a week after poisoning.


  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • strong tea;
  • sparkling mineral water;
  • Store-bought juices contain a lot of sugar and concentrates.

Mayonnaise and ketchup, spices, vinegar and marinades are also prohibited. For dressing, you can use a little low-fat sour cream.

Tablets that induce artificial vomiting

Drug addiction specialists suggest using alcohol vomiting pills as the most effective method in the fight against addiction. Special pharmaceutical drugs act in such a way that after using them a person immediately begins to feel sick, then vomit, and dizziness may appear.

The doctor decides which medicine causes vomiting when drinking alcohol. The most popular products include the following formulations:

  • Colme . This composition is indicated for patients who take an additional dose of alcohol to eliminate hangover symptoms. The medicine can be mixed with alcohol to induce vomiting, since it is available not only in tablet form, but also in drops. The composition of the drug has no taste, color or smell, therefore it is absolutely invisible when added to alcohol. Can be added to alcohol to induce vomiting or added to food;
  • Teturam . An inexpensive product from a domestic manufacturer, containing Disulfiram as an active substance;
  • Pidevin . The drug, which can be added to alcohol to induce vomiting, contains not only the obligatory Disulfiram, but also a whole complex of vitamins. Thanks to this combined composition, toxic substances are eliminated faster with the help of the drug.

There are drugs that are administered to the patient by injection. These are Tetlong 250 and Esperal. The specialist will determine which tablets that cause vomiting when drinking alcohol are suitable for each specific case.

Herbs to induce vomiting when intoxicated with alcohol

You can help a person who is in the chronic stage of binge drinking with the help of folk remedies. For this purpose, the following herbs that cause vomiting from alcohol are used:

  • lovage _ This plant can be found in any garden plot. To prepare the medicinal composition, you will need lovage root and 2 bay leaves. The root must be finely chopped and added to a glass of vodka along with bay leaves. Mix the resulting mixture well and leave to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks. If you add such a remedy to an alcoholic drink, vomiting will occur almost instantly;
  • hoof , or as it is popularly called, emetic root. Preparing the decoction is simple. It is enough to add 1 tbsp. l. decoction per glass of vodka;
  • club moss . The plant can also cause an immediate gag reflex. To prepare a composition that causes vomiting, take dried and crushed herb (1 tablespoon), pour a glass of boiling water and place on low heat. After 20 minutes, add another glass of water to the broth, remembering to stir. The product is used several times a day in case of a hangover, in sips. The herbal decoction can be added to any drink;
  • thyme _ Among the herbs that cause vomiting when drinking alcohol, thyme is considered the most effective. The plant is better known as thyme, and not only helps get rid of toxic substances, but also effectively relieves hangover symptoms. Thyme is one of the safest folk remedies.

Another remedy that helps induce vomiting is coffee. Only during the preparation of the drink they add salt, not sugar.

Next, we will talk in detail about various thyme recipes that help cope with hangover symptoms and cause a gag reflex.

Thyme for treating alcohol addiction

When combined with alcohol, thyme causes artificial vomiting. The plant is considered safe to use. The folk remedy cannot be used in only two cases: stomach cancer and peptic ulcer.

If you use the folk remedy correctly, thyme with alcohol causes vomiting and promotes the rapid removal of ethanol breakdown products from the body.

The herbal decoction is prepared simply:

  1. thyme herb should be dried and crushed. To prepare the decoction you will need 2 tbsp. l. plants;
  2. thyme is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled until boiling over low heat for 5 minutes.

The combination of thyme and alcohol causes vomiting if you drink 5 tbsp. l. ready-made, settled and cooled herbal decoction. It is important to observe the stated proportions during the preparation process.

There are other, no less effective recipes for preparing thyme decoction for combination with alcohol.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug “Alcolock”. This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcolock triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology. Experts' opinion..."

Thyme decoction

You can prepare a decoction with thyme like this:

  1. you will need 30 g of dried plant, which is poured with a liter of just boiled water;
  2. pour the resulting composition into a small container, stir, and leave for 15 minutes in a water bath;
  3. wait for the broth to boil, then strain and add a liter of hot water.

You need to take the resulting decoction 4 times a day. A single dosage is 60 grams of the composition. As soon as the patient drinks the decoction, he is immediately given 20 g of vodka to drink. You don’t have to drink vodka, but just rinse your mouth with alcohol. This action should cause almost immediate vomiting. The duration of alternative treatment is 14 days, or until a persistent aversion to alcohol-containing drinks occurs.

Thyme should not be used if you have high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction, peptic ulcers or diabetes.

What should you not eat or drink after alcohol poisoning?

You can alleviate the condition and reduce negative consequences if you follow the following recommendations:

  1. Drink plenty of water. The liquid is involved in the process of membrane exchanges (preference should be given to mineral water without gas at room temperature).
  2. Drink in small portions, but often, so that there is no heavy load on the stomach.
  3. You can drink a decoction of chamomile or rosehip, citrus juice, green tea.
  4. Milk is consumed, but in small quantities, as it promotes the absorption of poisons, which can lead to a worsening of the condition.
  5. Fermented milk products, such as kefir, will help restore the intestinal microflora. It cannot be abused.

Prohibited foods and drinks contribute to increased gas formation or have an aggressive environment. You should not consume the following categories of products:

  • dry and fibrous foods (raw vegetables and fruits - they must be heat treated before consumption);
  • fried and smoked foods;
  • sausages, even if they are baby sausages or boiled ham;
  • barley and pearl barley porridge;
  • canned products of both home and industrial production (fish, meat, vegetable, canned fruit);
  • sweets, especially chocolate, pastries;
  • whole milk;
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • strong black tea;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • juices (except citrus fruits);
  • sparkling water (both sweet and mineral);
  • alcoholic drinks.

Alcohol poisoning is the cause of severe stress on the human body. The protective reaction is vomiting, which leads to dehydration and irritation of the stomach and intestines. In the first days after poisoning, nutrition should be such as to minimize the load on the pancreas and not aggravate the situation.

Author of the article: Bespalova Irina Leonidovna

Pulmonologist, Therapist, Cardiologist, Functional Diagnostics Doctor. Doctor of the highest category. Work experience: 9 years. Graduated from Khabarovsk State Medical Institute, clinical residency in therapy. I am engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs, and also conduct medical examinations. I treat diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system.

Bespalova Irina Leonidovna published articles: 449

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