Why are your feet cold: traditional methods of treatment and useful tips

Usually people do not pay attention to the condition of cold feet or do not attach much importance to it, because the feeling becomes familiar and ceases to cause discomfort. But in vain!

The constant feeling of freezing extremities of the legs causes the development of new or already formed diseases.

In human physiology, the limbs of the legs have many different factors that are responsible not only for movement, but also for the general condition of the body.

The foot contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels. Therefore, human health depends on their condition.

In this article we will try to answer in detail why your feet get cold when warm, and we will look at the reasons and methods for eliminating them.

Why might your feet get cold?

Cold feet in a person can signal various problems and conditions. Here are some reasons that provoke the condition in a healthy person:

  • Poor nutrition. The amount of nutrients and energy substances does not correspond to the normal amount for the human body. This factor can cause discomfort in the lower extremities.
  • Accustoming the body to one specific temperature. Consequently, already at a temperature lower than usual, the limbs begin to freeze.
  • Exposure to cool temperatures or wet feet, which leads to illness.
  • Due to external factors. Sedentary work can take its toll. Legs clenched in one position for a long time and uncomfortable shoes impair blood circulation. Then in this case, the limbs become numb, numb and cold.
  • The frostbite of the legs that happened a long time ago is taking its toll. After a long time, this is not noticeable externally, but in slightly cool weather, frostbitten limbs make themselves felt.

The feeling of frozen feet is also common in children. Unlike adults, they do not like to dress warmly. If a baby's feet are cold, this does not mean that any disease is present.

It’s just that heat transfer in children at an early age is not developed and cool feet can be considered normal. But this is only at this early age.

If a child is 5-7 years old and notices this condition of the legs, then it is worth paying attention to. This may be the beginning of some pathological conditions, for example:

  • weak immunity;
  • increased body temperature (in cases of teething or as a result of reactions to vaccination).

Reasons for women. Women often experience cold feet during pregnancy. The temperature regime is disrupted when estrogen levels increase. It may also cause changes in blood pressure (in later stages).

There is another not very pleasant factor when feeling cold feet, in summer and winter, this is their sweating.

Such symptoms often occur in men and women in the presence of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, with flat feet, as well as with infectious kidney diseases.

And a few more recommendations:

  • Watch your diet , your diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements.
  • Load up on kiwis, blackcurrants and oranges: vitamin C helps regulate blood clotting. Seeds and nuts help strengthen the walls of capillaries. Prunes, yolks and homemade apples are a source of iron.
  • Eat less and more often. After eating, your body expends energy to digest food, so your body temperature drops slightly immediately after eating.
  • Play sports and quit bad habits : it is important to strengthen blood vessels.
  • Replace coffee with hot tea made with infusions of herbs and berries. Tea with ginger is extremely useful for blood vessels and as a warming agent from the inside.
  • Choose the right shoes. Feet should not sweat or become hypothermic. Also, their shoes should not be tight: tight shoes sharply impair blood circulation in the legs.
  • Swap tight jeans for roomier clothes. Tight garments on the lower half of the body slow down blood circulation in the legs (as well as tight turtleneck sleeves - in the hands).
  • Constantly stretch your legs and arms if you have a sedentary job. Squats, walking, light gymnastics - exercises will help “disperse the blood” and speed up its passage through the vessels.
  • If possible, visit the Russian bathhouse more often.

Diseases and disorders in the body that provoke permanent frozen feet

There are also serious reasons why your feet may freeze even in a warm home. In case of a physiological disorder, treatment of the body is required. The causes of chronic freezing of the feet are as follows:

Arterial pressure

Severe vascular spasms provoke vasoconstriction, which leads to freezing of the legs. The volume of blood flow to the extremities is small. In hypertension, a decrease in their temperature is considered a common result.

The opposite effect occurs with hypotension.

The blood pressure is also low for its circulation, but the vessels do not constrict.


When your feet get cold in summer or in winter when it’s warm, this may indicate anemia (anemia). With a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, oxygen is difficult to obtain.

Subsequently, the processes of exchange between cells occur with difficulty, which makes it impossible for the feet to warm up.

Vegetovascular dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD, neurocirculatory dysfunction).

It affects the increased blood flow in the lower extremities, and the vessels do not have time to quickly respond to temperature changes and the legs freeze.

Obliterating endarteritis

This disease most often affects smokers. When nicotine is inhaled, blood vessels constrict. Blood clots may form. This is why your feet start to get very cold.


With diabetes, large and small vessels become fragile and brittle, and over time, these important arteries can close completely. Blood flow is disrupted.

To avoid the occurrence of “diabetic foot”, you need to consult a doctor.

Nervous system disorder

The legs become very sensitive due to nervous and emotional disorders. Intense spasms occur in the vessels.

Raynaud's syndrome

Raynaud's syndrome is a disease that affects small terminal arteries and arterioles in the extremities and occurs in the form of attacks. The cause is frostbite.


If your feet are constantly cold even when warm, this can be caused by a disturbance in blood circulation due to varicose veins of the lower extremities. There is pain when walking.

Swelling occurs in the lower leg area. Capillary stars and a bluish color appear on the skin. After rest, the heaviness and pain disappear.

How to get rid of an unpleasant symptom


If cold hands and feet have become a constant and unpleasant companion, then you need to consult a doctor. Taking into account the reasons listed above, a specialist must conduct an examination to determine where the body needs adjustment. In addition, there are several general recommendations that will help prevent the appearance of freezing. Do not abuse alcohol, pills, or smoke – theses are common to almost every doctor. All this has a bad effect on blood vessels. By the way, they need to exercise regularly: they can periodically go to the bathhouse (if there are no contraindications), take a contrast shower, and do a warming massage of the hands and feet with essential oils of cinnamon and ginger. Physical activity also affects the condition of the limbs. You need to try to move more: do exercises, walk the streets, visit a fitness club. If the work is sedentary, then you need to find time to warm up. In addition, a diet rich in foods for good vascular function helps: vegetables, fruits, buckwheat, fatty sea fish, sesame oil, whole grain bread. Instead of black tea and coffee, it is better to drink ginger tea to tone up, and in stressful situations - soothing herbal infusions.

Frostbitten toes

There are IV degrees:

  1. The appearance of light bluish spots is accompanied by tingling and painful sensation.
  2. The skin becomes bluish, blisters form on it, and the pain increases significantly.
  3. Skin death occurs.
  4. The condition is dangerous, the color of the skin is black, necrosis of tissues and bones at a deep level.

If with I degree only slight swelling and pallor are noticed, as a result of which pain occurs, then with II, III and IV, this is already a critical circumstance. In case of self-medication, the condition worsens significantly.

In case of frostbite of the 1st degree and in the case of the 2nd degree, the period is delayed by 2 - 3 weeks. In this case, an infection develops and the temperature rises. III and IV degrees - infection occurs, leading to a gangrenous nature.

Frostbite can lead to serious illness, gangrene. It has two types. This is the dry and wet type. With the dry type of gangrene, gradual drying of the tissue occurs. The need to eliminate dead tissue leads to the appearance of a scar. But if it’s a wet type of gangrene, then it’s more complicated.

Metabolic failure

It is quite difficult to cope with such a serious illness as indigestion. If a person has diseases of the endocrine system, this can lead to obesity. Why might there be cold feet? The reasons are that they “carry” the weight of a person, so the blood flow slows down. The consequence of this is cold legs, swelling and varicose veins.

First aid for frostbite

Under no circumstances should the injured limb be immersed in hot water. This only makes everything more complicated and worse. You need to rub the affected areas with gentle movements. Pre-moisten your hands in alcohol.

You can immerse the limb in warm water no higher than 20 degrees and gradually warm it up a little. The skin is not wiped dry until it dries on its own.

Massage is strictly prohibited. In more severe cases, you must go to the hospital.

Cold and hot shower

A contrast shower is indispensable for hardening the entire body. Hot water is certainly an effective way to increase blood circulation, but you shouldn’t get carried away.

The body has this property - addiction. That subsequently it will be practically impossible to warm up without warm water; heating pads and various warming objects should not be used.

Therefore, the choice is made on a contrast shower. There is nothing better than hardening.


Nutrition is a very important factor. Be sure to supplement your diet with such products as:

  • bran bread or bran supplement;
  • cellulose;
  • products containing iron.

And, you can also buy a ready-made vitamin complex in pharmacies. It includes:

  • iron;
  • vitamins C;
  • vitamins E;
  • group B;
  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

This vitamin complex serves as a prophylactic agent. Supplements the body with the necessary properties.

Tips for preventing cold feet syndrome

  • When sitting on a chair, do not let your legs dangle without support. Place your feet on a footrest under a table or next to a chair.
  • Master aerobic activities: running, walking and cycling so that the blood evenly enriches all parts of the body with oxygen.
  • During winter, wear warm socks to keep your feet comfortable and warm.
  • You can warm your feet with the help of special electric heating pads and hydrobaths for your feet.
  • It is better for smokers to give up their addiction, since it is this habit that most often leads to poor blood flow.
  • A good way to prevent frozen extremities syndrome is to include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet: salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. This will improve blood circulation and prevent blockages in blood vessels.
  • Use alternative treatment and prevention methods such as yoga and acupuncture.
  • Control your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Rubs for treating cold feet

Apple cider vinegar rub

Ordinary apple cider vinegar has unique properties. After massaging the limbs, apply apple cider vinegar. It has very useful properties, such as thinning the blood, eliminating blood clots and clots in blood vessels.

If the vinegar is 6 percent, it is not dissolved in water. Apply completely to the entire leg, including the feet without fail. Lightly rubbing it into the skin. After 3-5 minutes, it is absorbed and the feet are wrapped in warm material. Having been in a lying position for a while, thereby allowing it to be absorbed, you can continue to go about your business.

Grinding with red pepper

Regular ground red pepper saves your limbs from freezing: pour 2 teaspoons of pepper into a glass of vodka, leave for ten days and filter, lubricate your feet, preferably before going to bed at night.

This way, circulation improves and your feet stop getting cold. By doing therapeutic massage and foot baths daily, these problems will disappear in the near future.

Traditional methods of treatment


If your feet are cold, you can use proven methods to improve your well-being:


If your feet are cold, you can take salt baths. To prepare, you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons in a liter of hot water. salt (it’s better to take sea salt), add rosemary, cinnamon or clove oil (10 drops). To dissolve the oil, you will also need to add 2 tbsp. milk. Place your feet in the prepared solution and sit for 10-15 minutes. Your feet will relax and warm up quickly.


Add powder to a bowl of water at the rate of 1 tbsp. per 1 liter of liquid. Mix well. Place your feet in the container and wait about 30 minutes. The water should not be very hot, but at a tolerable temperature. After the time has passed, wipe your feet dry and put on woolen socks.


You should first warm up your feet. Give a massage, the movements should be stroking, kneading. 2-3 minutes is enough. Then rub apple cider vinegar on your feet to absorb it. Put on your socks. It is better to do this before bed to enhance the effect of the product. Vinegar helps dilate blood vessels. It can be replaced with vodka, alcohol or triple cologne, the effect will be similar.

Red pepper

Add 2 tsp to 200 g of alcohol. dry powder. Place in a dark place for 10 days. Strain the prepared tincture and rub your feet every day (better before going to bed). To prevent an allergic reaction to pepper, you must first treat a small area of ​​skin with the resulting composition. If after 10 minutes there is no burning sensation, the tincture can be used.


Chop 5-7 onions. Place them in a bowl and add a little vegetable oil of your choice. Place your feet in the basin and start kneading the onion pulp with your feet. This must be done for 20 minutes. Then wash your feet thoroughly, moisten your hands with oil and massage your feet. This manipulation will “accelerate” blood circulation and relieve fatigue in the legs. It is enough to do it several times a week.


To prepare the tincture, you need to take 50 g of fruits or flowers, pour 500 ml of alcohol (vodka) over them. Leave for 2 weeks. Strain and take 1 tsp. three times a day. Treatment will be long-term; it will take at least 2-3 months to eliminate symptoms.


Dry crushed leaves (1 tsp) pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave for 40 minutes (it is better to use a thermos for infusion). Take 2 tbsp. before meals for 3-4 months.

Vitamin compositions


You can solve the problem of cold feet with the help of vitamin mixtures. Here are some of the most effective formulations:

  1. Take 300 g of garlic and onion, 3 lemons (they should be with peel, but without seeds). Grind the prepared products using a meat grinder or a blender. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, transfer it to a sterile jar and cover with gauze. Take 1 tbsp in the morning immediately after sleep and on an empty stomach. The medicinal composition is enough for 3 weeks. Then you can take a break for 1 week and again prepare a useful medicine.
  2. You can improve your condition and start blood circulation by taking a honey-vegetable mixture. To prepare it you will need: 250 ml of juice from fresh vegetables (carrots, beets, horseradish), lemon juice, 250 ml of honey. Mix all ingredients and use 2 tbsp. in the morning, before meals. The mixture must be stored in the refrigerator.

Warming cream

In order to quickly warm your feet, you can make a special composition. Take baby cream or Vaseline, add red pepper (extract), camphor oil and rosemary essential oil. Before treatment, feet must first be washed and patted with a towel.


In order to give at least a slight chance of restoring blood flow, it is necessary to remove the largest number of factors that provoke a feeling of cold in the lower extremities:

  • drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • increased body weight;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition;
  • correct selection of shoes;
  • minimum stressful situations;
  • treatment with traditional methods.

In the absence of these diseases, you can take advantage of an active lifestyle, walking in the fresh air, cycling, swimming, and of course exercise.

When working in a sitting position, do not forget to warm up every hour. All these moments improve blood flow. Stops the reduction of muscle tissue.

The heart is not overloaded. In addition to training the muscles, it is very important to relax them by massaging the feet (circulation in the limbs is perfectly normalized). Particular attention should be paid to the lymph nodes and blood vessels that are located under the knees.

You should also pay attention to choosing the right shoes. The inside of the shoe should be natural or woolen fur, and you need to select a thermal insole that properly creates heat transfer. And of course, the lower part of the shoe, the sole. It should be thick enough so that the cold from the ground is not felt. It must be made of durable, waterproof material. This is the main part of the shoe that protects the feet from cold and damp.

Neurological causes

A person may suffer from cold feet due to neurological reasons. These include intervertebral hernias of the lumbar spine, some diseases of the peripheral nervous system and cerebrovascular accidents, as well as:

  • some diseases of the peripheral nervous system, which are accompanied by impaired circulation in the vessels of the legs;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine.

Traditional methods of dealing with cold feet

It is permissible to turn to alternative medicine. Traditional methods can cure many diseases, including cold feet:

  1. Garlic tincture, for preparation you will need seven heads of crushed starting material, vodka and a half-liter container. Leave for about two weeks. Strain, take five drops three times a day before meals. The duration of the course is one month.
  2. The liquid for foot baths is prepared in a simple way: place hot red pepper cut in half, two tablespoons of mustard powder and a similar amount of sea salt into a jar.
    Everything is poured with half a liter of vodka, corked and put away in a dark place for preparation. The liquid will acquire a reddish tint, which means it is ready for use. Foot bath
  3. Pepper tincture will help warm up cold feet. Add fifty grams of peppercorns and ten drops of clove oil to five liters of water. Take a similar bath for fifteen minutes.
  4. Spices that “warm up” the blood will create a surge of warmth in cold extremities. This includes garlic, ginger, any pepper, turmeric, cloves, mustard. Regular and moderate consumption creates a feeling of warmth in the body.
  5. The following remedy will help to force the blood to flow to chilled limbs: twenty drops of camphor alcohol, thirty drops of ammonia, shake a liter of water and rub your feet.
  6. A course to restore blood circulation helps a lot. It is recommended to carry out every two months. To prepare the mixture you will need the juice of carrots, beets, horseradish and lemon. Take a glass of each component. Add 250 grams of honey, mix thoroughly. Drink two tablespoons twice a day before meals.

What to do if cold extremities continue to bother you and nothing helps? It is recommended to try using folk remedies. Prepare a special cream according to a time-tested recipe.

Combine 4 tablespoons of beeswax with 100 g of coconut and the same amount of olive oil. They should be melted in a water bath and brought to a homogeneous state.

Then pour into a jar, add pre-prepared vitamins E, cover with gauze and wait until the finished product cools down.

Apply the resulting products to your limbs before going to bed. If everything is done correctly, the feeling of cold in your feet should disappear.

How to remove cold feet?

What to do, you need to increase blood circulation and normalize vascular activity. You can change all this with warm baths or a contrast shower. Only, the contrast of the water should not be very significant.

Various essential oils are added to the bath:

Very useful baths with pine needles. After the procedures, the feet are not wiped, but allowed to dry on their own. Afterwards, put on cotton socks, into which one or two spoons of mustard are poured. And drink warming teas, preferably with ginger.

But all this can be done only if the blood pressure is normal and there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Warm socks made of coarse wool are useful.

Prevention is the best way to stay warm

If one of your relatives has problems with the circulatory system, then you should not neglect preventive measures and try to avoid unpleasant sensations from cold in the feet:

  • The well-known truth “movement is life” is relevant in this case. Therefore, by running or just walking , the circulatory system is pumped and blood exchange improves. Walking barefoot is also beneficial.
  • It is worth getting into the habit of doing a foot massage , using a massage mat, special balms or gels.
  • Women with circulatory problems should minimize walking in high heels .
  • After a hard day or a long walk, it will be useful to lie on your back and raise your legs up , then fatigue and swelling will subside faster.
  • You should forget about the “leg to leg” pose .
  • Review the diet; it should be supplemented with products that cleanse blood vessels, improve blood and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Decreased hemoglobin

A decrease in hemoglobin level is an insufficient amount of iron in a person’s blood. And this condition may well cause a feeling of chilliness in the legs in the knees, hips and feet.

significantly increase your hemoglobin level by adjusting your diet by introducing such healthy foods as:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • natural honey;
  • pomegranate seeds and juice;
  • nuts: walnuts, pine, peanuts;
  • chocolate;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • cranberry;
  • apples;
  • whole grains;
  • fish;
  • dairy products.

If correction of the diet does not bring the desired result, the doctor will prescribe a medicinal course of treatment aimed at stabilizing the normal composition of the blood.

Diagnosis of problems

Confirmation of the presence of constantly cold and wet feet occurs by collecting anamnesis and interviewing the patient. To find out how severe the problem is when the feet are wet, a Minor test is performed. An iodine solution is applied to the patient's skin, followed by starch . After the completion of the chemical reaction, with abnormal sweating, the problem area will acquire a characteristic dark purple color.

Diagnosis also depends on why these symptoms appeared. So, the doctor may prescribe additional tests based on the patient’s complaints.

What to do to prevent your feet from freezing in winter


Representatives of some professions have to spend the whole day in the cold. And protecting your feet from cooling is important and necessary. There are the following proven methods for this:

  1. Wearing spacious winter shoes, with which you can wear wool socks or use insulated insoles.
  2. Using red pepper ointment. If you know for sure that you will be in the cold for a long time, then you can apply such a warming ointment to the skin of your feet in advance. The enzymes it contains stimulate blood circulation and prevent your feet from freezing.
  3. Complete nutrition. During the cold season, you can allow yourself more fatty and nutritious foods that the body needs to convert energy into heat. Fatty fish varieties are especially recommended.
  4. Hot drinks. A small thermos with cocoa, tea, coffee or any other favorite drink that will keep you from freezing even in severe frost will be a good help in the cold.
  5. Warming foods. Ginger is ideal in this regard. A few candied pieces can easily replace candy and keep your feet from getting cold.
  6. Healthy lifestyle and strengthening the immune system. Regular hardening, which is carried out before the onset of cold weather, and regular, feasible sports and physical activity will help strengthen the body, health and prevent the occurrence of various ailments.


As mentioned above, exercise can help get rid of cold feet. Below we will consider a set of gymnastic exercises aimed specifically at the problem of cold feet.

Shaking legs

For example, shaking your legs is a very useful procedure. When shaken, the capillaries are subjected to vibration, which in turn leads to contraction of blood vessels and improved blood circulation. You need to lie on your back on a flat and hard surface (for example, the floor), then you need to raise your legs and arms so that they form an angle of 90 degrees with your torso. In this position, you need to shake them for one to two minutes.

Reeds in the wind

Lie on your stomach, relax your legs and bend your knees at the same time. Next, you need to give them freedom of movement, you need to imagine that they are a reed that sways from gusts of wind (the exercise, by the way, is called “Reed in the Wind”). It is necessary that the legs hit the butt.

Walnut massage

This exercise will not only improve the body's blood circulation, but can also help relieve stress. This exercise is performed as follows: nuts (walnuts) are placed between the palms and rotational movements are made for two to three minutes. It is very important to make an effort to ensure that the nuts are pressed tightly against the palms. After this, you need to do the same thing, but not with your palms, but with your feet. These exercises must be performed twice a day: morning and evening.

If all household tricks do not help cope with cold feet, you should go to see a doctor. The therapist, after asking about complaints, collecting anamnesis and examination, will recommend taking blood and urine tests, as well as performing an ECG. If necessary, a consultation with a vascular surgeon and ultrasound examination of the vessels of the legs will be scheduled. If vascular pathologies are excluded, a visit to a neurologist and endocrinologist should be made.

Cold extremities in healthy people

When wearing tight, narrow shoes, blood vessels are compressed. Synthetic socks and tights, which are unable to retain heat, are the main reason why women's feet get cold many times more often than men's. Replacing the wardrobe of the lower extremities will lead to positive results.

Comfortable shoes

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