Eczema. Rashes.
Skin disease eczema: causes, symptoms and treatment
Eczema is a skin disease of an allergic nature, characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process and the ability to
Oil pours into the palm
Vaseline oil: application. How to use Vaseline oil for medical and cosmetic purposes?
There are many simple and accessible remedies that turn out to be very useful in life. Among them
use during pregnancy
Sulfur ointment: 105 photos of what it looks like and advice from doctors on use. The action of the ointment and its effectiveness
Effective and inexpensive. Happens? The answer to this question torments all those suffering from the disease. Universal medicine
Hellebore water for hair: composition and indications for use
Hellebore water for lice and nits - instructions for use
hair » Hellebore water has medicinal and cosmetic properties. It effectively helps in the fight
Suprastin tablets in packaging
Lichen planus in humans: causes, symptoms (photos), diagnosis and treatment
Lichen planus in humans (Wilson's lichen) is a very common skin disease.
Treatment of herpes on the lips in 1 day: effective remedies and folk methods
Most often, herpes occurs on the lips. After entering a weakened body, the virus remains
Retinoic ointment packaging
Retinoic ointment: detailed instructions for use, review of analogues, prices and reviews
From this article you will learn: is retinoic ointment effective for wrinkles, retinoic ointment for
How to treat allergic dermatitis at home?
Allergic dermatitis - symptoms and treatment in adults are very different. Inappropriate skin reaction may
Functions of the spleen
How does the spleen hurt? Symptoms you should pay attention to
Where is the spleen located? In the human body, several organs are responsible for the accumulation of platelets and the formation of lymphocytes.
Salicylic ointment in a jar
Salicylic ointment: composition, instructions for use and contraindications
Salicylic ointment This pharmacological drug belongs to the group of keratolytic agents. The main active ingredient is
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