Submandibular lymphadenitis: causes, stages and symptoms, treatment, prevention
In the jaw lymph nodes, the lymph circulating in the cells and capillaries of the oral cavity is processed
Chlamydia in men: causes and treatment methods
Discharge from the penis is one of the symptoms of the disease. Chlamydia is an infectious disease.
Symptoms of chlamydia in women: how to recognize the disease at an early stage
It is important to diagnose the disease at an early stage. Chlamydia is a common and extremely dangerous infection. She
Nizoral shampoo, ointment, tablets
Analogues of Nizoral: shampoo, cream, tablets, reviews
Nizoral for fungus According to the pharmacological classification, Nizoral belongs to antifungal agents that act on
Basal cell carcinoma of the face. Treatment, what kind of disease it is, photos of different stages, folk remedies, laser, radiation therapy
One of the most common malignant skin tumors is basal cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma. Cancer oncologists
Simple and allergic contact dermatitis - what is the difference, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease 
Simple irritant dermatitis forms on the skin after direct, single contact with a provoking factor. Signs
Can streptocide help in the treatment of sore throat in adults and children?
Category: Published 11/10/2016 · Comments: · Reading time: 4 min · Views: 2,074
Chronic urticaria in adults photo
Urticaria in adults is a symptom of dangerous diseases
Category: Skin formations Urticaria is a disease of an allergic or toxic nature, manifested in the form
The use of salicylic-zinc paste for the treatment of acne
Many young people suffer from acne and increased sebum secretion. They are the source of trouble: man
Advantan ointment reviews
Advantan for infants: how to apply the ointment correctly, side effects and reviews from mothers
A rash is a modified area of ​​skin that differs from healthy dermis in appearance, texture and shade. She
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