Ofloxacin tablets in packaging
Indications for taking Ofloxacin - composition, antibiotic dosage, side effects, analogues and price
What is Ofloxacin? This drug is often prescribed for the treatment of infections of bacterial etiology. It's antimicrobial
Instructions for using furatsilin for gargling
Furacilin: what does it help with? Furacilin is a popular and affordable medicine. The effect of this medication
Neuritis of the facial nerve: dangerous due to its consequences
A person’s face is capable of expressing all his thoughts, emotions and feelings without words. Facial expressions –
hint table
The insidiousness of a temperature of 37 degrees: if it persists without symptoms, it rises in the evenings and has no apparent reason
What is low-grade body temperature Low-grade fever is the temperature of a person’s body with values
antibiotic lincomycin in dentistry
What does Lincomycin help with? instructions for use
24731 Many dental diseases require treatment with antibacterial agents. Depending on the features
Dioxidin - detailed description of the drug
Solution in ampoules and Dioxidin ointment for a child or adult - release form, composition, side effects and price
Dioxidin is an antibacterial drug that was actively used in hospitals during Soviet times. Today it's
Contractubex: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues, what it is used for
From this article you will learn: Contractubex gel – reviews, before and after photos, Contractubex
Treatment of otitis in adults. Effective treatment of otitis media
Otitis (or ear inflammation) is a fairly common disease. It is divided into types depending on
The use of Levofloxacin for bronchitis and other diseases of the ENT organs
Respiratory tract diseases are predominantly infectious and inflammatory in nature. And they are often caused by bacterial pathogens. That's why
Pharyngitis in adults - what is it, symptoms and treatment, photos, first signs of pharyngitis
Pharyngitis in adults is an inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, predominantly of an infectious nature,
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