Clarithromycin: composition, indications and contraindications, side effects
"Clarithromycin": reviews. Clarithromycin tablets: application
607 Clarithromycin is a therapeutic drug that has an antibacterial effect. The drug belongs to the group of macrolides
How to treat laryngitis with medications and folk remedies correctly and quickly?
How and how to treat laryngitis in adults: top tips
Cold weather and damp weather lead to an increase in the number of various infections. It suffers most when
Grammidin children's spray - official instructions for use
List of inexpensive substitutes for Grammidin®: TOP 6 analogues
Mechanism of action The active compound of the drug is the antibiotic gramicidin. Has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora,
Protargol nasal drops: solution. Instructions and reviews
Making drops A characteristic feature of the drug is that its shelf life is about 2
Epstein-Barr virus
Epstein-Barr virus: symptoms in adults and treatment
To GET RID of herpes, drink a glass of herpes before going to bed... read more >> Herpes virus fourth
Antibiotics for sore throat in adults and children. List of effective antibiotics for treating sore throat and how to take it
Doctors distinguish between local (at the site of inflammation) and general complications. Common complications include:
What does Furosemide help with? Instructions for use
Category: Published 04/27/2016 · Comments: · Reading time: 5 min · Views: 5,190
Chlorhexidine: instructions for use for mouth rinse
From this article you will learn: Chlorhexidine - use for rinsing the mouth and throat, advantages
The child has a sore throat
Symptoms and treatment of infectious mononucleosis in children
The world learned about mononucleosis back in 1887, when N.F. Filatov discovered this disease.
Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin instructions for use
Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin instructions for use
Ciprofloxacin belongs to the group of gram-negative fluoroquinolones (second generation). The mechanism of its antimicrobial action is due to inhibition
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