Treatment of menopause - list of the best folk remedies and medicines
Age-related restructuring of the female body is a natural process, it is associated with the attenuation of reproductive function during
How long does the menopause last? How long does menopause last and when does it end? Factors influencing the duration of menopause
The onset of menopause in a woman cannot be prevented, prevented or stopped. This is a natural process of withering
How to recognize early menopause - signs of menopause in women
What is associated with the onset of menopause? The symptoms of menopause that appear in women after 40 years are
Causes and treatment of uterine fibroids during menopause in women
What is menopause? Menopause is age-related changes in a woman’s body, the stage of cessation of childbearing.
Menstruation at the onset of menopause: premenopausal cycle
What is perimenopause: symptoms, treatment, prevention
Why can menstruation stop early? Genetic causes - when malfunctions in the ovaries are programmed
How do periods go during menopause?
Menstrual flow during menopause, how to reduce bleeding?
The process of menopause is individual for each woman and depends on the characteristics of her body, for
ICD 10 - Uterine leiomyoma (D25)
Uterine fibroids according to ICD 10 in adults
Keywords Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists; Pregnancy; Levonorgestrel intrauterine system; Magnetic resonance imaging; Menopause; Uterine fibroids;
Clinical protocol for menstrual disorders.
After forty, a woman may experience changes in her menstrual cycle. Most often they are provoked by physiological
Why does menstruation take a long time and never end?
Reasons for the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) The reasons for the absence of menstruation can be divided into three groups. woman's physiology;
Cubes with the names of vitamins and minerals
Vitamins for menopause: how to take non-hormonal vitamin complexes for women at 40, 45, 50 years old, folic acid during menopause
Why do we need vitamins during menopause? During preparation for menopause, the body begins to experience
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