Implantation bleeding: how to distinguish it from menstruation?
Implantation bleeding, what is it? The first symptoms of pregnancy may appear later
Discharge after sex in women - should you be afraid of them?
After all, menstruation The female body is an eternal mystery, often even for doctors. That's why
Discharge when taking birth control pills
Bloody discharge while taking birth control pills
The complex mechanism of the effect of oral contraception on a woman’s hormonal background not only makes changes in
Reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge before menstruation in normal conditions and in pathology
Yellow vaginal discharge before menstruation can have several causes. In most cases this
slight discharge
A few days before menstruation, bleeding. Reasons for the appearance of blood a week before menstruation
What is normal discharge? During the premenstrual period, a woman may experience vaginal discharge of various types.
Bloody discharge after menstruation
What does red discharge after menstruation indicate?
Age-related reasons for the appearance of bleeding at the end of the menstrual cycle. Gynecologists claim that such a phenomenon
Menstrual cycle
Menstrual dermatosis or allergy to menstruation: causes and methods of control
Why do acne appear on the face before menstruation? The appearance of a rash before menstruation is directly related to
uterus after pregnancy
How to induce uterine contractions at home: herbs, tinctures and other folk remedies
Why is amniotomy needed? Is it possible to do without it? Will she harm mom?
Is it possible to warm the belly during menstruation with a heating pad?
Wrapping is a procedure that is popular among girls and women of all ages. It is carried out
Is it possible to do LPG massage during menstrual periods?
Recommendations for general massage during menstruation Usually, when prescribing a course of therapeutic massage, the beginning
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