How long before birth does the cervix open? Symptoms and signs of cervical dilatation before childbirth. What should the cervix look like at the end of pregnancy?
March 3, 2019 Pregnancy Ekaterina Sobolevskaya Normal childbirth, which is ready to take place in a timely manner, will never
Is it possible to sleep with a tampon all night?
An intimate question: should you use tampons?
Myths about intravaginal hygiene products There are 2 most “creepy” myths about why not
Menstruation in girls and women is necessary to ensure reproductive function
Do men have periods, girls have periods and boys? Signs of puberty in boys, girls have periods and what then in boys?
MANY men do not even suspect that their unreasonable desire to hit someone in the jaw or
menopause test
Menopause test: where to buy and how to use?
Why do you need a menopause test? Similar tests to determine menopause should be used to track
why does my stomach hurt during menstruation and diarrhea?
Why does diarrhea occur during and before menstruation?
Diarrhea and its types Before finding out why diarrhea occurs during menstruation, it is necessary
We'll tell you all the most important things about heavy bleeding with clots during menstruation.
Are blood clots during menstruation normal? Every month, the reproductive system produces an egg that passes
Oligomenorrhea is a menstrual disorder. Causes and symptoms of oligomenorrhea
Author: Volkova A.A., endocrinologist, practical experience since 2015. May, 2020. Synonyms: rare periods,
lower back hurts
After menstruation, the lower abdomen and lower back and breasts hurt
Usually, all unpleasant symptoms caused by physiological hormonal changes disappear immediately after menstruation. However
A week before your period, you really want to eat. How to overcome fatty acids during PMS: four very simple ways
Physiology or pathology Today, the problem of increased appetite in women in a few days
Short periods - normal or pathological? 2
Why menstruation came ahead of schedule is a question that worries many women today. Menstrual cycle
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