Transient ischemic attack - not yet a stroke, but already close?
Transient ischemic attack is often a precursor to ischemic stroke. In some patients, for a long time
parts of the brain
The structure of the human brain, its functions, basic physiology
201 Despite the amazing abilities (intellectual and extrasensory) of some people, the human brain works far
ascophene and blood pressure
Askofen increases or decreases blood pressure: indications for use
Composition of the drug Effect on blood pressure Askofen for hypertension Askofen is a drug of combined action.
Hands shake for a reason: why tremors occur and what to do
After suffering stress or excessive physical activity, young people experience twitching of the hands and fingers,
What do Fordyce granules look like on the lips and genitals? Should they be treated?
Causes, signs and symptoms, treatment of Fordyce disease
Small yellowish “pimples” or Fordyce granules are an external sign of the disease. Granules scattered in the nose area
Swelling during pregnancy
Gestosis during pregnancy: how to recognize and what to do?
Early gestosis These are manifestations of various kinds of symptoms (nausea, vomiting, salivation) in the first half of pregnancy.
Traumatic shock: stages, causes, signs and first aid
Traumatic shock is the general condition of the body that arose against the background of heavy bleeding and intense
Hypertensive Encephalopathy
Encephalopathy of the brain in the elderly: causes of development and methods of treating the disease
Cerebral encephalopathy in adults is a rather complex disease. Treatment of encephalopathy involves the use simultaneously
Cerebral edema: what is it, its causes and consequences
Author: A. Olesya Valerievna, candidate of medical sciences, practicing physician, teacher at a medical university Cerebral edema (CE)
Neuroses in adults: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
A separate niche among psychogenic diseases is occupied by neuroses, also called neurotic disorders. Neurosis - collective
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