Ismagen for infertility: beneficial properties and treatment regimens
What it is? The official name of the medicinal herb is Panceria woolly. This is an excellent tool for
On what day after menstruation is erosion cauterized?
After cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves: discharge and other symptoms that can be expected
When to start treatment Treatment of erosion should not be delayed. This disease is very dangerous due to its consequences.
first day of cycle
How to determine ovulation and the optimal day for conception?
Female cycle The female cycle lasts on average 28 days. The norm is considered to be from 21 to
Borovaya uterus: how to take it and what helps women?
Home » Blog » Medicinal plants » Borovaya uterus The female reproductive system - mechanism
Treatment of postpartum endometritis
When can you exercise after a frozen pregnancy?
Characteristic symptoms of the disease After curettage, acute endometritis most often develops, which has a strong
diagnosis of intraductal papilloma
Intraductal papilloma of the mammary gland treatment after surgery
What are intraductal papillomas - these are benign formations in the milk ducts of the gland. Externally
Acupuncture as a method of treating infertility
What is acupuncture and how does it work? The acupuncture technique itself came to us from
What can I do to get my period started earlier?
Why inducing menstruation is dangerous To understand this, it is important to understand how menstruation works. While female
Ovarian reserve and your capabilities - “I’m healthy!”
The ovarian reserve is a reserve of viable follicles in the ovaries that can later develop,
Why do blood clots come out without menstruation? Reasons for the release of large pieces. The cause of blood clots is miscarriage
June 22, 2018 Gynecology Alisa Krasnova Every woman sooner or later faces regular
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