hurts under the left breast, radiates under the shoulder blade
Classification of pain under the left breast, and when should you not postpone a visit to the doctor?
Abdominal pain on the left after eating appears with the development of a pathological process in the organs
How to restore intestinal microflora after chemotherapy
In case of cancer, aggressive drugs that negatively affect the entire body are used to destroy the tumor and metastases.
obstructive jaundice
How does obstructive jaundice manifest? Causes, diagnosis and 5 principles of treatment
Obstructive jaundice – what are the diagnostic and treatment options? Obstructive jaundice is dangerous for the body, causing
What does a person with liver cirrhosis look like?
In cirrhosis, due to the action of damaging factors, the connective tissue that forms the protective framework for the liver
heartburn from porridge
Heartburn from buckwheat: why does this condition occur after eating?
Oatmeal is a traditional cereal with which many people start their mornings. It consists of
Is it possible to lie down with hemorrhoids and itching?
How to sleep with hemorrhoids so as not to harm yourself: the most successful sleeping position
Hemorrhoidal disease is a fairly common pathology of the rectum in both women and men. Hike
milk for diarrhea
Is it possible to eat fermented milk products with diarrhea: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cheese?
Even small children can say with confidence that milk is very healthy for humans. But not
Blood sugar and cholesterol levels
Increased blood sugar with pancreatitis - endocrine problems of a gastroenterological nature
One of the most serious pathologies of the digestive system is pancreatitis. This is a family of diseases where
Is it possible to use turmeric or other spices for gastritis?
Doctors recommend using turmeric for stomach cancer, ulcers and other pathologies of the digestive system.
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Is it possible to take Omeprazole and Phosphalugel together?
How they act on the body De-Nol suppresses the reproduction of Helicobacter pylori, which is the main cause of gastritis
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