Harmful or healthy food: stomach hurts after eating garlic
Excessive consumption of this vegetable can cause garlic poisoning to cause significant harm to health.
Various cereals
Is it possible to have oatmeal for diarrhea - Pain in the intestines
Porridge is the basis of dietary nutrition for stool disorders. For recovery after diarrhea it is recommended
Is it possible to eat bananas after intestinal surgery?
Constipation is one of those problems that is awkward to talk about, but is familiar to almost everyone.
Black cumin oil for gastritis and stomach ulcers
Have you been struggling with GASTRITIS and ULCERS for many years without success? "You'll be amazed how easy it is to
intestinal dysbiosis symptoms and treatment in pregnant women
Intestinal dysbiosis symptoms and treatment in pregnant women
Pregnancy is a new period in a woman’s life, when the work of many things in her body is reorganized.
Is it possible to include eggs in the diet if you have diarrhea?
The effect of diarrhea on the body Stomach dysfunction manifests itself differently depending on the age of the patient.
Smoking and ulcers
Is it possible to smoke with a stomach and duodenal ulcer: does nicotine affect the development of the disease, and will there be consequences of smoking for the ulcer?
. There are many books, articles, and studies that prove the negative effects of smoking on the human body.
Ultrasound of the spleen
Splenic vein: norm and pathology in adults and children
Ultrasound of the spleen is a procedure that takes place without instrumental intervention in the abdominal cavity, which allows
Causes and effective ways to eliminate chills due to diarrhea
Article prepared by: Vasily Babkinsky Doctor of the highest category Diarrhea in combination with chills - serious
Hospital treatment for gastritis
Is sick leave given for gastritis and how is it treated in the hospital?
Before asking whether sick leave is given for gastritis, you need to understand that the disease has 2
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