Rash on the child’s skin, red spots, hives, itchy pimples. Causes and treatment at home
Rash due to dysbiosis It is almost always possible to reveal the cause of the development of a rash due to dysbiosis, due to its
External hemorrhoids are found in the early stages of hemorrhoids, while internal hemorrhoids may only be visible when they fall out
3 types of hemorrhoids and what will help eliminate the pathology
Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoidal lumps) are an important indicator that internal hemorrhoids are progressing and becoming
How to cleanse the liver without harming the body at home
How to cleanse the liver at home quickly and effectively using folk remedies to remove toxins
How to quickly cleanse the liver The following foods clog the liver: Fast food (hamburgers, cheeseburgers, pizzas, chips,
Causes of prolonged bowel movements in adults: diarrhea and diarrhea
Share this article on social networks Diarrhea manifests itself in the form of loose stools, it
In the exocrine pancreas it is secreted
Pharmacodynamics A drug is a remedy in the hands of a doctor. Read Pharmacokinetics Study the characteristics of the drug entering the
Omega 3 for gastritis with high acidity
A diet for stomach diseases can lead to a deficiency and imbalance of vitamins and microelements involved in
Using medicinal herbs for cholecystitis and pancreatitis, you can speed up the process of organ recovery after an exacerbation, and during the period of remission, create the prerequisites for preventing an attack
What herbs can be used to treat pancreatitis and cholecystitis?
Using medicinal herbs for cholecystitis and pancreatitis, you can speed up the process of organ recovery after an exacerbation,
inflammation of the pancreas
What sweets are possible with pancreatitis of the pancreas?
Sweets harm even a healthy body, let alone an inflamed pancreas. Healthy
Helicobacter gastritis: who gets it and how it occurs, how it manifests and is treated
Gastritis affects older and younger people. In the first stage of the disease, the antrum of the stomach is damaged.
Is it possible to take Mezim for gastritis?
Is it possible to take mezim for gastritis with high acidity?
Gastritis refers to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which people have inflammation of the gastric mucous membranes,
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