Douching and medications for itching in intimate areas before and during menstruation
Remember that maintaining proper intimate hygiene is the main prevention of itching and burning. If
Causes and treatment of green discharge during pregnancy
Vaginal secretion during pregnancy In a woman’s body, when she is carrying a baby, large-scale hormonal changes occur.
Cystitis with blood in women: causes and what to do?
Hemorrhagic cystitis: what to do if there is blood in the urine?
One of the dangerous clinical manifestations of urinary system pathology is cystitis with blood. Usually,
If you notice symptoms of miscarriage on your own, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.
Clots and tissue during miscarriage - what are they and what do they look like?
Rating: No rating One of the greatest and long-awaited joys for a woman is, of course,
Types of intrauterine device
What should you not do after installing an intrauterine device? 5 important aspects
The intrauterine device is the most popular and effective female method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. For
Discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy: normal or pathological
Treatment with Utrozhestan often causes the appearance of copious vaginal secretions, which can frighten the expectant mother.
Cervical cancer
What influences the formation of cervical cancer metastases
Main types of metastasis Atypical cells in cervical cancer can move from their primary
Effective treatment of nasal polyps - ointments, sprays and drops
Polyps in the intestine are small benign neoplasms that grow asymptomatically on the internal mucosa
Symptoms of cervical cancer
SCC tumor marker of the cervix, normal, interpretation
The uterus is located in the pelvic region in front of the rectum and behind the bladder. She
How does the uterus change to the touch before the onset of menstruation?
It’s not for nothing that gynecologists closely monitor the condition of the cervix – changes in this organ
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