Review of effective suppositories for the treatment of ovarian cysts
How do Longidaza suppositories help with ovarian cysts? Longidaza is a medicine produced as a solution for
Bleeding from uterine fibroids, symptoms, causes and treatments
The intensity of bleeding depends on the shape of the uterine fibroids. By the number of myomatous nodes: single form -
Delayed and scanty periods: the cause of strange menstruation
Why does my stomach hurt but I don’t have my period? There can be many reasons. This article covers
How to treat prickly heat under the breasts
How does diaper rash occur under the mammary glands and what remedies are used to treat it?
How and with what to treat diaper rash in the mammary glands. Whether it be blisters under the arms or
Manifestations of genital tuberculosis in women, why is it difficult to diagnose and what are the principles of treatment?
About the disease Example of fluorography of the lungs At first, a woman may not understand how fluorography is related to
LONGIDAZA: The woman’s health is under control!
In clinical practice, the postoperative period after hysteroscopy with removal of a polyp in the uterus or diagnostic
How to avoid leakage during your period? Tips for girls |
An alternative to pads during menstruation. Rather, this is one of the normal options. Menstruation is accompanied by a decrease in the level
Vaginal itching and white discharge
Itching and white plaque in the intimate area in women
Vaginal discharge is completely normal, as is salivation, the production of stomach acid or
Mammary cancer
Breast cancer: how to prevent, cure and live on?
Every woman needs to be examined annually by a mammologist in order to prevent the development of oncology in the mammary
Aloe - medicinal properties for uterine fibroids, recipes
Aloe is not only a great houseplant, but also a wonderful healing agent with beneficial properties.
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