A week after the biopsy, blood began to appear. Bleeding after cervical biopsy: features of the operation, contraindications, negative consequences. Contraindications for carrying out
Indications and contraindications The purpose of the biopsy is to determine the presence of atypical poorly differentiated cells. The biopsy technique is used
Gynecological smear: is it possible to take a smear during menstruation?
The need for a gynecological examination often appears even during menstruation. The most important step in this is
What should be the diet after hysterectomy surgery?
If a woman has been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, then treatment can take place in two ways. IN
Elastic warming therapeutic belt containing camel hair “LEONARDA”
Acute and chronic adnexitis - symptoms and methods of treatment (folk, suppositories)
Methods for treating adnexitis Therapy for adnexitis includes a complex of various measures - taking medications,
Uterine fibroids: is it possible to do fitness?
What is uterine fibroid and the reasons for its development? This pathology can have several varieties.
Pressure during menopause
Pressure during menopause in women: symptoms and treatment
Menopause is characterized by destabilization of many body processes, including the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore it is important to keep track
How to eat during menopause 1
Nutrition during menopause in women - dietary features for hot flashes, depression and insomnia
Some factors accompanying the period before menopause cannot be changed. For example, the work of hormones or attenuation
thrush during pregnancy chamomile
How to quickly get rid of thrush using chamomile
Thrush is a problem that most women are familiar with firsthand. And often an annoying fungus
Stage 1 breast cancer: treatment and prevention
Project for women facing cancer
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs as a result of mutation of glandular tissue cells.
Use of Utrozhestan for endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia
Is Utrozhestan hormonal or not? Many patients are concerned about whether this drug is
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