manifestations of inflammation in the prostate
Prostatitis: symptoms, signs and causes in men
Prostatitis can affect potency or cause infertility. The success of treatment largely depends
Chronic kidney nephritis in humans
Acute and chronic kidney nephritis: symptoms, treatment and consequences
Nephritis in medicine refers to a whole group of various inflammatory kidney diseases. They all have different
Why women's menstrual cycle changes: causes of irregular periods
From the onset of menstruation at 11–14 years of age until their complete cessation
Table 1
What should be the fetal heart rate by week?
Author: Nelly Arkadyevna Mironenko, obstetrician-gynecologist Heart rate is an integral indicator that is influenced by
pyoderma and temperature
Pyoderma: symptoms and treatment in an adult, what are the forms of the disease
Causes of pyoderma Pyoderma or skin pyodermitis is a pustular disease of the epidermis. It occurs when
First aid kit
Basic principles of treating open wounds at home
If your wound healing is slow and takes too long, then a consultation is required.
brain tumor
Brain glioma: symptoms, treatment and prognosis for recovery
Glioma, which affects parts of the brain, is a heterogeneous tumor that develops from cells -
Treatment of shoulder dislocation after reduction - causes and symptoms of joint injury
© Glebstock — Share: The shoulder joint is the most mobile in the human body. IN
Dyslipidemia - what kind of disease is it? Classification, types, degrees, diagnosis and treatment
Author: Soldatenkov Ilya Vitalievich, general practitioner Dyslipidemia is a pathological condition caused by impaired fat metabolism
Hangnails on fingers. Causes in children and adults. How to get rid of it if it breaks out, becomes inflamed, comes off
Hangnails on fingers. Causes in children and adults. How to get rid of it if it breaks out, becomes inflamed, comes off
Factors that provoke the appearance of hangnails Hangnails on the fingers, the causes of which are known to many doctors, are not
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