Amebiasis - infection by amoebas, microorganisms that parasitize the large intestine
Intestinal amebiasis: symptoms of infection and treatment methods (drugs)
Amebiasis is an infection by amoebas, microorganisms that parasitize the large intestine. You can get sick anywhere
Medicines for the common cold
Treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults at home
Dear friends, hello! When you do the same thing for many years, you do some things
What to do in case of a chemical skin burn: treatment at home
Since ancient times, about one and a half hundred have been used in Rus' to treat burn wounds.
Ultrasound of the liver and kidneys
Ultrasound of the liver and ultrasound of the kidneys: features of preparation for organ examination
2636 The liver is one of the most functionally important organs in the human body, on which
Gastritis with low acidity symptoms causes treatment diet
Gastritis with low acidity: symptoms and causes of pathology, methods of effective treatment and sample menu
The ability to identify the symptoms of gastritis with low acidity, knowledge of treatment methods and diet is
uveitis, uveitis eyes, uveitis photos, uveitis symptoms treatment, uveitis treatment, uveitis symptoms, uveitis causes, uveitis causes, anterior uveitis,
Uveitis – what is it, how to treat acute eye disease, causes
Ocular uveitis is a pathological inflammation of the vascular network of the eye. The choroid (uveal) membrane must nourish
female infertility
Infertility in women - modern methods of treating pathology
Infertility is a violation of the reproductive function of the body associated with the inability to reproduce offspring. According to
How to take a smear for oncocytology?
Smear for oncocytology - description of the procedure and its types
A smear for oncocytology (Papanicolaou analysis, Pap test) is a method of microscopic examination of cells that
Biliary obstruction
Causes of blockage of the bile ducts, principles of treatment
How does the disease manifest? Obstruction of the biliary tract is more common in women. This pathology is found in
Exacerbation of pancreatitis. Symptoms and treatment of the pancreas. Diet, nutrition
Chronic pancreatitis is a recurrent inflammatory disease of the pancreas, which occurs with periods of exacerbation and
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