Inflammation of the sphenoid sinus - symptoms and treatment at home
Sphenoiditis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sphenoid, or main, sinus. This disease belongs to the group
How does epididymitis manifest in men and how is it treated?
Epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis): causes, signs, how to treat
One of the common complications of prostatitis is epididymitis. This inflammation is localized in the epididymis, often
Milk thistle meal is an invaluable aid to the body
Milk thistle has virtually no contraindications and has a gentle effect on the human body and health.
Diet after intestinal surgery (for oncology, for adhesions in the large intestine)
Diseases of the digestive system are serious and often very dangerous. In the acute stage there may be
Symptoms of giardia in children: signs of the disease with photos, treatment regimen for giardiasis with drugs and folk remedies
Giardia - what is it? Giardia or giardia are typical representatives of flagellated protozoa, have
What is magnetic therapy - indications and contraindications, treatment with magnets
Magnetotherapy is a method of influencing various organs with a magnetic field. Such radiation is painless and safe,
Unbalanced nutrition is one of the causes of metabolic disorders
Metabolism (metabolism) disorders in the body
Metabolism or metabolism is a set of various interrelated chemical reactions occurring in the body
Cortisol: What to do if the stress hormone is elevated
Why cortisol increases in women - the causes of the problem
Normal levels of this hormone in the body have a positive effect on a number of functions, including
Menstrual cycle schedule
What does such a symptom as vaginal mucus in women indicate?
Physiology of discharge in girls Transparent discharge like snot without odor is the result of physiological processes,
Issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of leishmaniasis
Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease caused by the protozoan parasite Leishmania. The pathogen penetrates into
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