How long can bleeding last after cleaning the uterus is normal?
Light pink discharge after scraping. How long does discharge last after cleaning the uterus?
What is uterine endometriosis? The endometrium consists of a functional layer that is shed during menstruation.
Female ejaculate as a normal physiological secretion
Why is no lubricant released, not enough lubricant? Men and women, boys and girls often
Endometrial cancer
What is stroma in gynecology. Structure and functions of the ovarian stroma. How does the process of endometrial sclerosis occur?
Endometrial stromal sclerosis is a concept that characterizes compaction (replacement with connective tissue) of the inner lining
How vitamins help restore the menstrual cycle
Irregular periods are one of the main symptoms of diseases of the female genital organs. To find the right one
Reviews of the drug Wobenzym for endometriosis
How to take Wobenzym correctly if you have an ovarian cyst
Composition of the drug and active ingredients Wobenzym contains many enzymes similar to those produced by the body.
Oleksin is used for uterine pain
Pain due to uterine fibroids: causes and treatment methods
Authors | Last updated: 2019 Myoma is a benign tumor of the muscular layer of the uterus. Accurate
Is fluid in the uterus, behind it, and in the fallopian tubes dangerous?
Causes of fluid accumulation Sometimes fluid behind the uterus appears due to an ectopic pregnancy, in this case
Discomfort in the ovarian area
Why does the lower abdomen hurt in the middle of the cycle - Frequent pain in the lower abdomen
Pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle is a common occurrence in women of reproductive age. When
Is it possible to take Postinor if your period is late? How to induce menstruation if you are late using simple and safe methods? Other consequences after Postinor
In the life of every woman, situations are possible when it is necessary to take emergency measures to prevent
Can thrush cause cystitis?
How to treat cystitis and thrush at the same time
Combination with other symptoms Cystitis pain occurs in the lower abdomen, side, lower back and urinary tract
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