glandular and fibrous polyp
Endometrial polyp - what is it, signs and diagnosis of the disease, removal methods
An endometrial polyp is a neoplasm that develops from endometrial cells lining the uterus. The disease usually occurs
Parenchymal jaundice: what it is, how to treat it
Parenchymal jaundice: what it is, how to treat it
Parenchymal or hepatic jaundice is a symptomatic complex expressed in the yellowness of the skin and
Liver colic. Symptoms in women, first aid, how to relieve an attack, diet, drug treatment
First aid for hepatic colic for high effectiveness should be carried out as soon as possible after
vascular diagnostics
Varicose veins of the pelvis in women. Symptoms, treatment, medications, exercises, yoga, folk remedies
Varicose veins of the small pelvis in women are the most pressing problem of our time. Several dozen
White spots on fingernails
Causes of white spots on fingernails and methods of treatment
There are many ways to diagnose diseases. External examination, patient interview, radiography, ultrasound diagnostics, as well as
myocardial infarction
Signs of a heart attack in women and men, first aid at home, diagnosis and treatment
From this article you will learn: what a heart attack is, what signs it manifests itself. First
Diet Table number 3 - detailed menu for every day
Diet No. 3 is a special nutrition program developed by the famous Soviet scientist, gastroenterologist-nutritionist Manuil Pevzner. Such
Intestinal enterocolitis: symptoms and treatment in adults
Intestinal enterocolitis: symptoms and treatment in adults
What is intestinal enterocolitis Enterocolitis is the occurrence and development of an inflammatory process in the small
the child often has a headache
My head doesn’t hurt... or 7 causes of childhood headaches
What causes spasms in children All structural units of the head have pain receptors, which
Treatment of ureaplasmosis
Ureaplasmosis in men: causes of infection, symptoms and treatment
Ureaplasma in men is intracellular microorganisms that do not have their own membrane, which affect organs
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