Woman holding her head with her hands
Increased urea in the blood: causes, diagnosis, how to treat
Author: Z. Nelly Vladimirovna, laboratory diagnostics doctor at the Research Institute of Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnology Urea or
saddle uterus drawing
Saddle uterus: treatment, causes, symptoms, signs, photos
The saddle-shaped uterus is a congenital pathology that is usually discovered by chance during examination.
Amenorrhea: what is it in women, causes, symptoms and treatment methods
In this article we will tell you what Amenorrhea is, its causes, what its symptoms are.
What are roundworms?
What are roundworms, what methods exist for the prevention and treatment of helminthic infestation - in an article by a practicing physician
The essence of the disease What are roundworms? Before starting to answer this question,
Folk recipes
How to get rid of dry calluses on the feet, toes, methods for removing calluses, cream, patch, solution
Home » Folk recipes Folk recipes Author Maria Khorolets Reading time 8 min. Views
Temperature 38 without symptoms in the child. Reasons what it could be, what to do
It is not uncommon for a child to have a temperature of 38 without symptoms. There is a sharp jump to high levels
Diffuse goiter of the thyroid gland
Diffuse goiter - symptoms, causes, degrees and treatment of diffuse goiter
Diffuse thyroid goiter Thyroid goiter is a volumetric increase in thyroid tissue over
Wegener's disease: how to recognize one of the most dangerous vasculitis - granulomatosis?
Wegener's granulomatosis (another name for the disease is granulomatosis with polyangiitis) is an autoimmune pathology accompanied by
Examination of smears for cervical cytology: interpretation
Oncocytological smear is used as a screening method for assessing the reproductive system. Unlike the analysis on
How to identify internal bleeding: main symptoms
One of the most insidious acute life-threatening conditions is internal bleeding. They represent a pathological
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