Why does impotence occur and how to get rid of this problem?
For men at any age, the diagnosis of “impotence” almost sounds like a death sentence. Loss of sexual
How dangerous is relative or severe oligohydramnios for the fetus, is it worth treating it and how will the doctor determine the progress of labor: diagnosis, classification
All articles by the author Author of the article: Ekaterina Sergeevna Churaeva Practicing obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor
Characteristic symptoms and treatment of athlete's foot
Athlete's groin is a fungal skin disease that most often occurs in the groin. Most inclined to
Autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune diseases: causes, symptoms, treatment, types
What are autoimmune diseases - causes Autoimmune diseases, according to various sources, affect approximately
Why do the ovaries hurt in women: the main causes and methods of treatment
How to determine that it is the ovary that hurts. Causes of pain in the ovaries and advice from doctors. Extremely
lifebuoy in the air
First aid for drowning. Providing first aid for drowning
Swimming is a great pastime for adults and children, allowing them to enjoy a nice summer day
Hypochromia, or hypochromic anemia: features of course and treatment
Anemia is a fairly common diagnosis in the modern world. This disease can be seen in history
Medicines to enhance immunity. Let's talk frankly
Boosting immunity with thrush One of the most common causes of thrush is decreased immunity. At
Causes and treatment of follicular hyperkeratosis of the skin with creams and ointments for children and adults
Hyperkeratoses are a group of diseases associated with thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis due to the high content of keratin
Enteritis: symptoms and treatment in adult patients
Acute enteritis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
What it is? Enteritis is a collective term denoting various pathological processes that cause
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