Reasons for increased levels of the hormone progesterone in women

Ideally, a healthy body maintains hormonal balance at all times. However, due to some reasons, hormonal levels may be disrupted, which will ultimately lead to the most unfavorable consequences. Not many people know that even in the absence of health problems, it is necessary to monitor the level of hormones in the blood from time to time and underestimate the importance and significance of hormones for their body.

In fact, the proper functioning of organ systems depends on hormones. The appearance of an imbalance certainly leads to a deterioration in well-being, sleep problems and other troubles. That’s why it’s so important to get tested in a timely manner and monitor your well-being. One of the most important hormones is progesterone. It is of particular importance for the female body.

The role of the substance in the body

Progesterone is a hormone that is produced in the body of both women and men. In the stronger sex, the testicles are responsible for the production of this hormone; in women, the ovaries are responsible. This hormone is produced in small quantities by the adrenal glands.

In the body of representatives of the stronger sex, progesterone regulates sugar levels, improves skin condition, strengthens bones, and normalizes the function of the brain, prostate, and thyroid gland. An excess of this hormone in a man’s body can activate tumor processes. Externally, increased progesterone in men manifests itself in an effeminate figure.

However, it is generally accepted that the hormone progesterone is still female. Progesterone is often called the pregnancy hormone. Progesterone produced by the corpus luteum in a woman’s ovaries acts in several directions at once. By causing physical and metabolic changes in the body, it prepares the female body for bearing a child.

During pregnancy, progesterone levels are almost 16 times higher than during the entire menstrual cycle. Below is a table that shows the normative values ​​of progesterone depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Follicular0.32-2.25 nmol/l
Ovulatory0.49-9.41 nmol/l
Luteal6.95-56.63 nmol/l

As you can see from the table, progesterone levels vary greatly throughout the cycle. In the first phase of the cycle (5-7 days) the level of the hormone is insignificant. When ovulation begins (on days 14-15), the released egg turns into the corpus luteum. This body begins to produce progesterone, the amount of which increases greatly in the luteal phase. When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum will synthesize this hormone for about 16 more weeks, then the placenta will take over this function. Progesterone stimulates the growth of the uterus and prevents its muscles from contracting to preserve the fetus. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum ceases to function, the hormone level drops and menstruation occurs.

In addition to the effects of progesterone on a woman's reproductive system, it also affects the body's ability to store fat. In the process of evolution, the female body has learned to clearly monitor a sufficient amount of fat deposits, which would be useful throughout the entire period of gestation in the event of famine. Thanks to progesterone, the greatest extraction of nutrients from food occurs in the event of pregnancy. Progesterone can relax the smooth muscles of the intestines, thereby slowing down the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. This contributes to a more complete absorption of nutrients from the food consumed. The same hormone stimulates cravings for carbohydrate foods as the main source of energy.

During pregnancy, high levels of progesterone help prepare the pelvic ligaments for childbirth. Relaxed ligaments allow the pelvic bones to move apart for the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal. The discomfort that some women experience in the second half of the menstrual cycle, namely pain in the back and legs, is also due to the relaxed pelvic ligaments under the influence of progesterone.

Progesterone can suppress a woman's immune system. This ability does not allow the body of the future mother to “destroy” life alien to it in the form of an embryo.

All these actions of the “pregnancy hormone” during pregnancy are positive. However, if a woman is not pregnant, then slow bowel movements and cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods can lead to excess weight gain, constipation, flatulence and stones. Suppression of the immune system is an extremely undesirable process, as is weakening of the ligaments.

In addition, the hormone is involved in tissue development, raises blood pressure, and participates in the production of sebum.

Causes and symptoms of increased levels of the hormone TSH in women Low prolactin in women: reasons for decreased hormone levels Causes and symptoms of progesterone deficiency in women


The concentrations of the intermediate product depend on the MC phase and the age of the woman. During puberty, progesterone 17-oh is elevated, the hormone rises rapidly and helps the menstrual cycle normalize.

If 17-OH progesterone is elevated, this condition can be caused by several conditions. The first is the menstrual cycle. 17-oh progesterone in women is increased during pregnancy. These conditions are considered normal.

Also included in the first group is an increase in 17-OH progesterone, the reasons for which may indicate the following conditions:

  • impaired functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • use of medications based on minor progestins;
  • ovarian disorders.

The second group includes reasons indicating physiological reactions of the female body. The hormone 17-OH progesterone is elevated in women who are constantly depressed and fearful, and who regularly experience stress.

During a stressful situation, an ultra-high concentration of minor progestin and other hormones are released into a woman’s blood, which activate the entire muscular system.

Factors influencing the increase in 17-hydroxyprogesterone during FF FF is characterized by low basal temperature and, more importantly, follicular development. Decreased production of the steroid by the corpus luteum and a sharp drop in inhibin A allows FSH to be stimulated during the last few days of the menstrual cycle.

Increasing FSH allows you to recruit the required number of follicles in the ovaries, one of which is intended for ovulation. On day 8 of the cycle, the dominant follicle suppresses the maturation of other ovarian follicles.

During FF, serum estradiol (E2) levels increase and the number of granulosa cells also increases. An increase in FSH during the late luteal phase leads to an increase in the number of follicle-stimulating hormone receptors, and ultimately to an increase in the secretion of estradiol by granulosa cells.

In the presence of E2, FSH stimulates the formation of granulosa cell LH receptors, which allows the release of small amounts of progesterone and 17-OHP, which can have a positive effect on the estrogen-primed pituitary gland to increase luteinizing hormone.

The LH surge leads to the destruction of granulosa cell junctions, the oocyte is reintroduced into the diploft stage of prophase 1 of meiosis, then the follicle ruptures and the oocyte moves into the uterine cavity. It is in the FF that the egg turns into a developing fetus

The level of secondary progestin at this time should be 0.32–2.23 nmol/l. If 17-OH progesterone is elevated in the follicular phase, this indicates excessive accumulation of the male sex hormone in the body.

If 17-OH progesterone and testosterone are elevated at the same time, the doctor diagnoses infertility. With an increased amount of both hormones, a married couple will not be able to get pregnant naturally; the ovulatory phase may not occur. In this case, the duration of the MC usually increases.

If 17-OH progesterone is increased 5-6 times in the follicular phase, this may mean that there is no menstrual bleeding for 2-3 months. If the concentration is more than 15 nmol/l, immediate contact with an endocrinologist is required.

17-OH progesterone is increased in the follicular phase - reasons:

  • tumors of the ovary or adrenal glands;
  • infertility;
  • acne on the face;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperhidrosis.
  • Additionally, hyperprogesteronemia in FF may indicate CAH.

Manifestations of excess progesterone

Symptoms indicating a high concentration of progesterone are quite individual. External signs of hormone imbalance appear as:

  • swelling;
  • acne;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • discomfort in the intestines;
  • headaches;
  • engorgement and pain in the mammary glands;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pressure surges;
  • vaginal bleeding.

Women whose blood contains a high concentration of this hormone are prone to being overweight and obese.

Reasons for concern are also psycho-emotional disorders, namely:

  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • disturbances of attention and concentration;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • depression;
  • aggression;
  • other emotional instability.

If a woman experiences some of these symptoms and disorders, she should seek medical help immediately. After undergoing a series of tests and examinations, the doctor will determine the cause of such concerns. Excess progesterone may be their main cause.

Increased hydroxyprogesterone levels during the follicular phase of the cycle

The level of 17 oh progesterone in the blood depends on the phase (day) of a woman’s menstrual cycle. The first is follicular (FF). It begins on the first critical day and continues until ovulation. This period is characterized by low basal temperature (lowest values ​​at rest) and maturation of follicles.

Against the background of a significant increase in estrogen and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) during this period, a very small amount of progesterone and 17-OH is released, but it is enough to trigger the active secretion of luteinizing hormone. It, in turn, ensures that the egg is ready for fertilization .

If 17 OH progesterone is elevated in the follicular phase, this is an indicator of an excess amount of the male hormone in the blood. If the concentration of testosterone and 17 oh progestin is simultaneously exceeded, the doctor makes a conclusion about infertility.

A single detection of a high concentration of 17-OH in FF is not always associated with reproductive dysfunction. The cause of hormonal imbalance can be severe stress . After a while, you need to retake the blood test and find out the real picture.

Necessary tests

To determine the cause of increased progesterone in women, tests are prescribed to determine its concentration in the blood.

To carry out this analysis, blood is drawn from a vein.

When taking a test for progesterone and to obtain a more correct result of the study, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  1. 1. You should not eat food 6-8 hours before taking a blood test. It is best to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. 2. At least during the day before the planned examination, you should avoid emotional and physical stress.
  3. 3. Do not smoke for 3 hours before donating blood.

Typically, in women, this examination is carried out on days 22-23 of the menstrual cycle (in the period after ovulation) or observed over time (on different days of the cycle) if the cycle is irregular.

This analysis is often used to identify the causes of infertility, determine ovulation, and diagnose ectopic pregnancy. Progesterone tests help monitor the condition of the fetus and placenta during pregnancy. And if it persists, determine the effectiveness of progesterone injections for the expectant mother.


After ovulation, the remaining granulosa cells that are not released with the oocyte continue to enlarge, become vacuolated in appearance, and begin to accumulate a yellow pigment called lutein. Luteinized granulosa cells combine with newly formed theca cells and surrounding stroma in the ovary to become the so-called corpus luteum. It is a transitional endocrine organ that predominantly secretes progesterone; its main function is to prepare the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized oocyte.

The basal lamina dissolves and capillaries penetrate the granulosa cell layer in response to the secretion of angiogenic factors. Peak vascularization (the stage at which new blood capillaries form within the tissue) occurs 8–9 days after ovulation. This time also corresponds to peak serum progesterone and estradiol levels. The lifespan of the corpus luteum depends on constant LH support. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum undergoes luteolysis (resorption) under the influence of estradiol and prostaglandins, forming scar tissue in place of the corpus luteum.

In the early stages, the corpus luteum produces progesterone in concentrations necessary for a normal pregnancy. The following concentration of minor progestin in the luteal phase is considered normal: 6.99–56 nmol/l.

The secretion of progesterone and estradiol during the luteal phase is episodic and closely correlates with LH secretion pulses. The frequency and amplitude of luteinizing hormone secretion during the follicular phase regulates subsequent LF function and is consistent with the regulatory role of LH during LF.

Now it becomes clear that if 17-OH progesterone is elevated in the luteal phase, we are talking about pregnancy. But in addition to successful fertilization, an increase in the concentration of minor progestin may indicate the development of pathological disorders. You should think about this if pregnancy has not occurred, but 17-OH progesterone is for some reason elevated.

Reasons for increased 17-OH progesterone in women during LF:

  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • OMT cyst;
  • the kidneys have lost the ability to partially or completely excrete urine;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • discharge of blood from the uterus;
  • hydatidiform mole.

Attention! We can talk about existing diseases only if hyperprogesteronemia is recorded in the third or all phases of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman experiences hyperprogesteronemia, everything should be done as soon as possible to correct the body’s condition and recover. But self-medication is under no circumstances recommended: this can further aggravate the condition.

Reasons for violation

Sometimes the test result shows an excess of the hormone. High progesterone levels are possible:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in the second phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • in case of drug overdose;
  • during menopause;
  • when taking oral contraceptives;
  • under severe stress;
  • with poor nutrition.

In any case, an excess of progesterone outside of pregnancy, as well as its deficiency, indicates disorders in the woman’s body and possible diseases.

Diseases in which excess progesterone in the blood is often observed are the following:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • renal failure;
  • ovarian tumor;
  • adrenal cancer;
  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • absence of menstruation for more than 6 months;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • deviations in the development of the placenta (during pregnancy).

This is why it is so important to control the level of this hormone both during pregnancy and in everyday life.

Increased progesterone in women

Increased progesterone in women during pregnancy is considered normal; in other cases, a change in level is regarded as a pathology.

Causes of increased progesterone in women

Hyperprogesteronemia occurs in the following conditions:

  • amenorrhea;
  • malignant tumors of the adrenal glands or ovaries;
  • hydatidiform mole;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • corpus luteum cysts;
  • congenital anomalies of the ovaries;
  • liver pathologies;
  • renal failure.

Taking certain medications also affects the balance of progestogen in the blood; antifungal, antiepileptic, and hormonal drugs have this side effect.

Symptoms of high progesterone in women

The symptoms of hyperprogesteronemia are nonspecific; its manifestation is difficult to differentiate from other diseases. Women experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle, apathy appears, and performance decreases. Bloody discharge from the genital tract, headaches, and discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back are often observed. The condition of hair and skin worsens.

Consequences of increased progesterone

If a woman's 17-OH progesterone levels exceed the norm, problems may arise with conceiving and bearing a child. In addition, the risk of developing pelvic tumors and osteoporosis increases.

How to lower progesterone levels

Therapeutic tactics for hyperprogesteronemia are determined in accordance with the cause that caused it. Malignant neoplasms are subject to surgical removal followed by chemotherapy. Cysts and benign tumors are often hormone-dependent, in which case drug therapy is prescribed. The following groups of drugs are usually used:

  • Antigestagens . They block progesterone receptors, reducing tissue sensitivity to hubbub. Inhibits the growth of tumors and fibroids.
  • Combined oral contraceptives . They suppress ovulation, as a result the function of the corpus luteum decreases. Treatment with drugs must be combined with diet therapy. The daily diet includes more vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Consumption of protein foods is limited.

Treatment methods

If the results of examinations revealed an excess of progesterone that is not associated with pregnancy, every effort must be made to normalize its balance.

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct diagnosis and necessary treatment. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or let things take their course! The consequences of this can be disastrous.

The main medications that will help reduce progesterone in the blood are Tamoxifen, Mifepristone, Clomiphene, etc. These drugs are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in the absence of pregnancy.

Compliance with a special diet plays an important role during treatment. Thus, progesterone levels can be increased by eating nuts, dairy and protein products. It is necessary to reduce the intake of such food or completely eliminate it from the patient’s diet.

How to maintain normal progesterone

If the progesterone level according to the test results is within the reference values, your task will be to maintain adequate values ​​in the future. All preventive measures come down to normalizing lifestyle, giving up bad habits and paying special attention to your diet:

  1. Follow a healthy lifestyle - this will be the most basic rule for people who want to maintain stable hormonal levels;
  2. Learn to get enough sleep at night. Give up long hours of watching TV shows, sitting at the computer and gatherings with friends;
  3. Normalize your daily routine - don’t take on a lot of work, find 5-10 minutes of time for rest during working hours;
  4. Exercise. A light jog in the morning or an hour spent at the gym will be the best preventive measures against many diseases;
  5. Eat healthy food, give preference to dietary meat, vegetables, fruits and herbs, completely eliminate all harmful foods from your diet;
  6. Women should exercise caution when taking oral hormonal contraceptives;
  7. Treat all diseases in a timely manner.

Traditional medicine recipes

Some women, for certain reasons, cannot take a number of medications. In this case, it is worth trying proven methods of traditional medicine, which usually have no side effects and do not have a negative effect on the body.

To normalize hormonal balance, it is possible to combine drug therapy with traditional medicine treatment.

In case of disruptions in the endocrine system, traditional healers widely use the flowers and fruits of red rowan, flowers and buds of cloves, as well as carrot seeds. These plants will help reduce excess progesterone and normalize ovarian function.

Recipes based on red rowan:

  • 2 dec. l. Rowan flowers are poured with 370 ml of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Strain and take 120 ml after each meal.
  • 2 dec. l. Rowan berries are poured into 370 ml of boiling water and boiled for about 15 minutes. Take the decoction 1/2 cup after meals 2-4 times a day.

The course of treatment with red rowan is 2 weeks.

Recipes based on cloves and carrot seeds:

  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Add 350 ml of boiling water to the clove flowers and leave for 30 minutes. Take 3 tsp infusion. on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week.
  • 4 tbsp. l. crushed carrot seeds, pour 650 ml of boiling water, leave for 24 hours in a dark place. The solution is taken 1 glass 2-3 times a day, regardless of meals.

A herb such as uterus boron affects the function of the ovaries and normalizes their functioning. From the dry mixture of this herb, prepare a decoction similar to rowan berries, and take 1/4 cup 2 times a day.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using folk remedies!


The drug treatment regimen is selected individually; the gynecologist or endocrinologist primarily relies on the test results obtained. Treatment for elevated 17-OH progesterone is often based on the use of oral contraceptives containing a specific combination of hormones.

Representatives of these funds are:

  • Yarina;
  • Janine;
  • Anteovin;
  • Diana is 35.

Each drug has some side effects and contraindications. Therefore, the use of medications without medical advice is impossible.

The progesterone inhibitor Epostan is prescribed to correct hormonal levels somewhat less frequently; it is less effective.

Hormonal medications are also prescribed to treat this condition. They should not be taken by pregnant women. Dexamethasone is often prescribed for elevated 17-OH progesterone. Methylprednisolone also has a good effect on lowering.

Drug treatment can be aimed at getting rid of the cause of the disease. For example, for cysts, oral contraceptives are prescribed, and for renal failure and adrenal dysfunction, corticosteroid hormones are prescribed.

Treatment can also be surgical. Such measures are taken if the cyst does not resolve on its own. The doctor removes the formation itself or resects the ovary. Then medication therapy is prescribed to prevent the inflammatory process, infection and restore the woman’s menstrual cycle.


In addition to medications, if 17-OH progesterone is elevated, treatment may be based on the use of traditional medicine. Nature is rich in medicinal plants that have proven themselves in cases of hyperprogesteronemia of various origins.

Patients often ask doctors the question: “How to reduce 17-OH progesterone with folk remedies? Will they help? It is impossible to give an exact answer, because the body is unique, in one case the recipes will help restore the concentration of the hormone, in another - not.

When trying home remedies, you should rely on reviews from women who have tried them. You will also need to have your blood tested to check the effectiveness of the medicine. If necessary, the recipe can be replaced with another one.

17-OH progesterone and treatment of increase with folk remedies - recipes:

  • Take 15–20 g of rowan flowers, pour 370 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused for 60 minutes, then filtered. Drink 120 ml after a meal.
  • Rowan berries in the amount of 2 dessert spoons are boiled over low heat for 25 minutes. The decoction is filtered and taken on a full stomach, 100 ml 2-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
  • Clove flowers and buds, properly prepared, have a positive effect on the body in the treatment of skin pathologies caused by hyperprogesteronemia. First, prepare a mixture consisting of equal numbers of clove flowers and buds. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 350 ml of boiling water. The medicine is infused for a quarter of an hour. Drink 3 tsp. on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day. Treatment with this remedy should be for at least 7 days.
  • Grind 4 dessert spoons of carrot seeds, pour in 650 ml of boiling water. Infuse the medicine in a dark place for 24 hours. Afterwards, filter the solution and drink 200 ml several times a day.
  • The stem of the uterus normalizes the production of sex hormone. It is ground in a coffee grinder and brewed in the proportions of 1 tbsp. per glass. Drink 100 ml twice a day.

17-OH progesterone, if elevated, can be lowered using folk remedies. However, the exact process of preparation, application and dosage of medicinal herbs should be followed.


Diet only slightly helps to correct the level of the hormone in the blood, but in combination with folk remedies and medications, you can achieve positive results much faster.

With hyperprogesteronemia, limit the consumption of protein foods.

For hyperprogesteronemia, it is recommended to consume more carbohydrates. Such products include potatoes, carrots, parsley, onions, peas, and beets. Fruits and dried fruits are also allowed.

Dietary nutrition does not in any way replace the main treatment, but is only an addition to it. Therefore, you should not rely only on diet.

  • Table of contents

Despite almost identical names, the hormone 17-OH and progesterone are different substances.

Regular progesterone is a female hormone, and 17-OH is a male hormone, and the reasons why it increases or decreases are different from the factors that cause failures in the synthesis of regular progesterone. 17-OH progesterone, what it is and what functions it performs in the body is an important question, since many people confuse it with the usual hormone of the corpus luteum.

17-OH is synthesized from cholesterol and belongs to the group of steroids, but in fact it is an intermediate product of the synthesis of certain hormonal substances, and is not an independent hormone.

A complete examination for hormonal disorders requires a mandatory blood test for progesterone OH, including differential diagnosis.

The production of 17-OH progesterone is carried out by the adrenal glands and gonads, and it is responsible for normal sexual function and affects the activity of the reproductive organs.

Normal levels of 17-OH progesterone

Normal values ​​for this hormonal substance may vary depending on the time of day, as well as age.

Chemical formula of 17-OH Progesterone

And before conducting a hormone test, it is important to consider the following facts:

  1. 17 OH-progesterone is usually increased in women during menstruation, as well as during pregnancy.
  2. The maximum concentration of the steroid is found in the mornings, and the minimum in the evenings.
  3. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the highest levels of the hormone in the blood are observed.
  4. Its level can rise sharply after experiencing severe stress, due to fear or a sense of danger.

Indicators of the norm of progesterone 17-OH are presented in the following table:

Children after birth0,7 — 2,50,22 — 0,70
Children after 6 months0,1 — 2,80,04 — 0,93
Female from 14 years old0,1 — 7,30,03 — 2.40
Female over 18 years old0,2 – 9,00,07 -2,95
Male from 14 years old0,2 — 5,60,08 -1,75
Male over 18 years old0,9 — 6,40,30 — 2,05
Pregnancy2.5 — 12.50.67 — 4,03

Results values

A blood test for 17OH-progesterone usually produces one of three results:

  • A normal steroid level means that hormonal imbalance is not associated with pathological phenomena in the adrenal cortex. The normal level of 17-OH progesterone in women also indicates stable ovarian activity.
  • Exceeding the hormone norm may indicate hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, tumor processes, and polycystic ovaries. With minor changes in indicators upward, disruptions in the menstrual cycle can only occur. Such test results are also often obtained in diabetes mellitus. If 17-OH progesterone is elevated in the follicular phase, which is characterized by its decrease in normal health, then this may indicate pregnancy or indicate some kind of pathology.
  • Low progesterone 17-OH can be associated with Addison's disease, and in men such indicators indicate disturbances in the production of progesterone, a symptom of which is the formation of the body according to the female type.

Symptoms of elevated 17-OH progesterone

Low blood pressure with elevated 17-OH progesterone levels

When the concentration of the substance in question is too high in the female body, some signs appear that are impossible not to notice:

  1. Increased hair growth on the body, hair growth in uncharacteristic places.
  2. The appearance of pimples and blackheads.
  3. Disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
  4. Low blood pressure.
  5. Decreased performance.
  6. Mood swings.
  7. Excess weight.
  8. Increased sweating.
  9. Complete cessation of menstruation.
  10. Problems with blood sugar levels.

If the reason why hormonal imbalances are observed is not promptly identified and eliminated, then more serious complications are likely to develop, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, etc.

One of the clearest evidence of an increase in 17-OH is pimples on the face, acne. And often, during a comprehensive examination of patients with such problems, disruptions in the hormonal system are revealed, especially regarding progesterone 17-OH.

Acne due to increased concentration of the hormone 17-OH progesterone

Every woman who plans to give birth to a child needs to donate blood for hormones, since very often failures in this body system lead to miscarriage and frequent miscarriages.

In some cases, the cause of infertility is precisely the overestimated levels of the hormonal substance in question.

If progesterone 17-OH is elevated when planning pregnancy, then you must first undergo treatment with hormonal therapy in order to be able not only to conceive, but also to bear and give birth to a healthy child.

Therapeutic measures

If a woman is found to have a high level of the hubbub in question, then, first of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this disorder and conduct additional examinations and tests.

Without finding out the exact factors that provoked this pathology, treatment will not only be ineffective, but also unsafe.

Drug therapy

To lower the level of 17-OH, hormonal drugs are used, such as Methylprednisolone, Duphaston, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.

Some women are indicated for premium oral contraceptives, for example, Yarina, Jess, etc.

Duphaston to lower the level of the hormone 17-OH progesterone

Attention! Hormonal medications have a large number of contraindications and side effects, so their use is permissible only as prescribed by the attending physician and in the dosage recommended by him. Otherwise, severe complications may develop that pose a serious threat to health.

After hormonal therapy, a slight increase in body weight is possible, since these drugs tend to retain water in the body. With the correct dosage, no other side effects occur.

The doctor decides how to take medications, based on the symptoms of the pathology, as well as in accordance with the phases of the menstrual cycle. The most important thing for the patient is to maintain equal time intervals between taking pills, which should not always depend on periods of eating. That is, you can take medications both before and after meals.

Traditional methods

Alternative medicine can be used as a complement to drug treatment, some of which have proven to be the most effective and safe.

We are talking about decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants that have a beneficial effect on the hormonal system and the entire body as a whole.

A decoction of raspberry leaves to reduce the concentration of the hormone 17-OH progesterone

Most popular recipes:

  • Take the fruits of the twig, pour boiling water over them, leave for two hours. Take orally three times a day.
  • Grind the roots of the Baikal skullcap, place in a glass vessel and fill with alcohol. Store in a dark place for one month. Take the resulting tincture twice a day, 15 drops.
  • Drinking a decoction of raspberry leaves can completely replace your usual black tea and coffee.
  • Pour vodka over the red brush, cover with a lid and leave in a dark place for 30 days. Take one teaspoon three times a day before meals.
  • Buy at the pharmacy or prepare your own alcohol tincture of ortilia lopsided, take 10-15 drops several times a day.
  • Take dietary supplements based on dwarf palm.

Other useful herbs are black cohosh or black cohosh, as well as licorice, astragalus root, plantain seeds, yams, twig, evasive peony, etc.

It is very useful for women with elevated 17-OH levels to drink vitamin complexes containing zinc and B vitamins.

When are blood tests for 17-OH progesterone prescribed?

This study is usually carried out when planning to conceive a child, as well as during pregnancy if a woman is prone to increased blood pressure and swelling.

Other indications for testing:

  1. Suspicion of infertility.
  2. Signs of an ovarian tumor.
  3. Pathological processes in the adrenal glands.
  4. Unreasonable uterine bleeding.
  5. Violations of the monthly cycle.
  6. Frequent mood swings.
  7. Pain in the mammary glands.

An analysis for this hormone should be carried out on the third or fourth day after menstruation begins.

If the study is carried out on a child, then the main condition here is to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach.

Ban on spicy foods, sweets and black coffee before taking a hormone test

Basic rules for preparing for the examination:

  • Avoid eating sweets, spicy foods, black tea and coffee two or three days before your blood donation.
  • Do not have breakfast on the day of the examination.
  • Lead a calm lifestyle, do not get overtired and do not get nervous before visiting the laboratory.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes before the study.

If these rules are followed, the results will be as reliable as possible.


Various hormonal imbalances often cause the development of serious pathologies, so it is recommended to be regularly examined by a doctor in order to promptly detect diseases and treat them in the early stages.

Video: Progesterone and cycle length

A persistent increase in progesterone 17 is evidence of hormonal disorders and the presence of pathologies. When planning pregnancy, the concentration of the substance is included in the list of tests to determine hormonal status.

17 oh progesterone is a metabolite (intermediate substance) that is formed in the chain of biochemical reactions of the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal glands and gonads. In women, it is produced in small quantities, but the usefulness of the reproductive function depends on it .

The role of the substance in the body

Progesterone is a hormone that is produced in the body of both women and men. In the stronger sex, the testicles are responsible for the production of this hormone; in women, the ovaries are responsible. This hormone is produced in small quantities by the adrenal glands.

In the body of representatives of the stronger sex, progesterone regulates sugar levels, improves skin condition, strengthens bones, and normalizes the function of the brain, prostate, and thyroid gland. An excess of this hormone in a man’s body can activate tumor processes. Externally, increased progesterone in men manifests itself in an effeminate figure.

However, it is generally accepted that the hormone progesterone is still female. Progesterone is often called the pregnancy hormone. Progesterone produced by the corpus luteum in a woman’s ovaries acts in several directions at once. By causing physical and metabolic changes in the body, it prepares the female body for bearing a child.

During pregnancy, progesterone levels are almost 16 times higher than during the entire menstrual cycle. Below is a table that shows the normative values ​​of progesterone depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Follicular0.32-2.25 nmol/l
Ovulatory0.49-9.41 nmol/l
Luteal6.95-56.63 nmol/l

As you can see from the table, progesterone levels vary greatly throughout the cycle. In the first phase of the cycle (5-7 days) the level of the hormone is insignificant. When ovulation begins (on days 14-15), the released egg turns into the corpus luteum. This body begins to produce progesterone, the amount of which increases greatly in the luteal phase. When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum will synthesize this hormone for about 16 more weeks, then the placenta will take over this function. Progesterone stimulates the growth of the uterus and prevents its muscles from contracting to preserve the fetus. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum ceases to function, the hormone level drops and menstruation occurs.

In addition to the effects of progesterone on a woman's reproductive system, it also affects the body's ability to store fat. In the process of evolution, the female body has learned to clearly monitor a sufficient amount of fat deposits, which would be useful throughout the entire period of gestation in the event of famine. Thanks to progesterone, the greatest extraction of nutrients from food occurs in the event of pregnancy. Progesterone can relax the smooth muscles of the intestines, thereby slowing down the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. This contributes to a more complete absorption of nutrients from the food consumed. The same hormone stimulates cravings for carbohydrate foods as the main source of energy.

During pregnancy, high levels of progesterone help prepare the pelvic ligaments for childbirth. Relaxed ligaments allow the pelvic bones to move apart for the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal. The discomfort that some women experience in the second half of the menstrual cycle, namely pain in the back and legs, is also due to the relaxed pelvic ligaments under the influence of progesterone.

Progesterone can suppress a woman's immune system. This ability does not allow the body of the future mother to “destroy” life alien to it in the form of an embryo.

All these actions of the “pregnancy hormone” during pregnancy are positive. However, if a woman is not pregnant, then slow bowel movements and cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods can lead to excess weight gain, constipation, flatulence and stones. Suppression of the immune system is an extremely undesirable process, as is weakening of the ligaments.

In addition, the hormone is involved in tissue development, raises blood pressure, and participates in the production of sebum.

Progesterone in reproductive medicine

The female menstrual cycle consists of two parts, separated by ovulation. After ovulation, the ovary forms a corpus luteum, which produces natural progesterone. This hormone acts on the walls of the uterus and thickens its mucous membrane for favorable attachment of a fertilized egg. The productivity of the corpus luteum increases during pregnancy. Progesterone helps the embryo to develop and grow properly in the uterus, and also helps to “set up” the mammary glands for future motherhood and breastfeeding.

If a woman has problems with the menstrual cycle and is diagnosed with infertility (primary or secondary), then the doctor may prescribe progesterone in tablet form. Progesterone helps the female body prepare for pregnancy and subsequent natural childbirth.

The main reasons for taking progesterone tablets:

  • Infertility;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Irregular periods;
  • Unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

However, it is worth understanding that a significant dose of progesterone prevents pregnancy and can be used as a contraceptive. Progesterone suppresses hormones that stimulate the ovulation process (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating).

Medicines classified as hormonal can be either natural or synthetic. The choice of the nature of origin of progesterone tablets should only be made by a doctor. An independent decision to take medication can cause enormous damage to a woman’s reproductive health.

Natural progesterone affects a woman’s body only in part of the corresponding receptors. This type of medication is safer, but much less effective than the synthetic one. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, the effect of natural progesterone is reduced. The most popular drugs are “Utrozhestan” and “Iprozhin”.

Synthetic progesterone (progestagen) has its pros and cons. The effect of artificial progesterone on the female body is much more effective than natural progesterone. Synthetic medications include Duphaston, Norkolut, and Nemestran.

However, taking synthetic drugs is often accompanied by side effects. For example, artificial progesterone can not only prepare the endometrium for pregnancy, but also, on the contrary, suppress its growth. Therefore, independent uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs can harm the reproductive function of the female body.

Manifestations of excess progesterone

Symptoms indicating a high concentration of progesterone are quite individual. External signs of hormone imbalance appear as:

  • swelling;
  • acne;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • discomfort in the intestines;
  • headaches;
  • engorgement and pain in the mammary glands;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pressure surges;
  • vaginal bleeding.

Women whose blood contains a high concentration of this hormone are prone to being overweight and obese.

Reasons for concern are also psycho-emotional disorders, namely:

  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • disturbances of attention and concentration;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • depression;
  • aggression;
  • other emotional instability.

If a woman experiences some of these symptoms and disorders, she should seek medical help immediately. After undergoing a series of tests and examinations, the doctor will determine the cause of such concerns. Excess progesterone may be their main cause.

What does it mean?

Progesterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands.
Hormone levels can rise and fall throughout life. During pregnancy, the increase is due to the effect on the woman’s body of the appearance of the placenta. Hormonal levels can also be affected by:

  • age;
  • diseases;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of various organs and systems of the body;
  • injuries;
  • operations;
  • chaotic or prolonged use of medications;
  • nervous stress and fatigue;
  • neoplasms in the body, etc.

Often an increase occurs in connection with diseases of the genitourinary system: ovaries, adrenal glands, kidneys, pathologies of the mammary glands and external genital organs, etc.

Also due to pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system of the body, when the protein synthesized in the liver is not enough to normalize another hormone - testosterone. It begins to suppress ovulation and can cause an increase. Thyroid hormones can also increase progesterone levels.

Attention! In some conditions, slightly elevated levels are normal, for example, during pregnancy.

Necessary tests

To determine the cause of increased progesterone in women, tests are prescribed to determine its concentration in the blood.

To carry out this analysis, blood is drawn from a vein.

When taking a test for progesterone and to obtain a more correct result of the study, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  1. 1. You should not eat food 6-8 hours before taking a blood test. It is best to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. 2. At least during the day before the planned examination, you should avoid emotional and physical stress.
  3. 3. Do not smoke for 3 hours before donating blood.

Typically, in women, this examination is carried out on days 22-23 of the menstrual cycle (in the period after ovulation) or observed over time (on different days of the cycle) if the cycle is irregular.

This analysis is often used to identify the causes of infertility, determine ovulation, and diagnose ectopic pregnancy. Progesterone tests help monitor the condition of the fetus and placenta during pregnancy. And if it persists, determine the effectiveness of progesterone injections for the expectant mother.

Reasons for increasing the concentration of 17 oh progesterone

All reasons for an increase in 17-OH concentration are divided into pathological and physiological. The first group includes:

  • congenital hyperplasia (excessive tissue formation) of the adrenal glands;
  • deficiency of enzymes involved in the synthesis of cortisol, steroid hormones aldosterone (21-hydroxylase, 11beta-hydroxylase);
  • tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

An increase in hydroxyprogesterone during pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon. The placenta begins to produce it. But, the norms of the active substance are determined depending on the week of pregnancy.

A significant increase in the substance in the first trimester, in the last weeks leads to self-abortion, intrauterine fetal death.

Reasons for violation

Sometimes the test result shows an excess of the hormone. High progesterone levels are possible:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in the second phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • in case of drug overdose;
  • during menopause;
  • when taking oral contraceptives;
  • under severe stress;
  • with poor nutrition.

In any case, an excess of progesterone outside of pregnancy, as well as its deficiency, indicates disorders in the woman’s body and possible diseases.

Diseases in which excess progesterone in the blood is often observed are the following:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • renal failure;
  • ovarian tumor;
  • adrenal cancer;
  • corpus luteum cyst;
  • absence of menstruation for more than 6 months;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • deviations in the development of the placenta (during pregnancy).

This is why it is so important to control the level of this hormone both during pregnancy and in everyday life.

Elevated levels of progesterone in the blood

Despite the fact that progesterone is a vital hormone for both female and male bodies, levels exceeding the maximum permissible values ​​indicate the presence of health problems. The most common reason for an increase in the hormone is uncontrolled use of drugs with artificial progesterone.

If a laboratory analysis of blood serum reveals an excess of the hormone, the patient should urgently consult a doctor and adjust the dosage of the drug taken. In addition, you should be more vigilant when treating with hormonal drugs, because The side effects of an overdose are quite detrimental to health.

Treatment methods

If the results of examinations revealed an excess of progesterone that is not associated with pregnancy, every effort must be made to normalize its balance.

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct diagnosis and necessary treatment. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or let things take their course! The consequences of this can be disastrous.

The main medications that will help reduce progesterone in the blood are Tamoxifen, Mifepristone, Clomiphene, etc. These drugs are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in the absence of pregnancy.

Compliance with a special diet plays an important role during treatment. Thus, progesterone levels can be increased by eating nuts, dairy and protein products. It is necessary to reduce the intake of such food or completely eliminate it from the patient’s diet.


The nature of the symptoms is individual for each woman, it depends on the concentration of progesterone in the blood and the general condition of the body. With hyperprogesteronemia, increased excitability, irritability, and depressive states are observed.

When 17-OH progesterone is elevated, symptoms may include:

  • feeling of breast engorgement;
  • the mammary glands become painful and sensitive on palpation;
  • a woman's weight increases;
  • intestinal problems;
  • a previously non-troubling acne appears on the face;
  • my legs begin to swell.

During this period, women quickly get tired, experience dizziness, and migraines appear more often. In addition, memory concentration decreases and anxiety appears. The possibility of panic attacks cannot be ruled out.

For hyperprogesteronemia, make an appointment with a gynecologist and endocrinologist. This disorder can cause numerous endocrine diseases, so you should carefully check the body.

Traditional medicine recipes

Some women, for certain reasons, cannot take a number of medications. In this case, it is worth trying proven methods of traditional medicine, which usually have no side effects and do not have a negative effect on the body.

To normalize hormonal balance, it is possible to combine drug therapy with traditional medicine treatment.

In case of disruptions in the endocrine system, traditional healers widely use the flowers and fruits of red rowan, flowers and buds of cloves, as well as carrot seeds. These plants will help reduce excess progesterone and normalize ovarian function.

Recipes based on red rowan:

  • 2 dec. l. Rowan flowers are poured with 370 ml of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Strain and take 120 ml after each meal.
  • 2 dec. l. Rowan berries are poured into 370 ml of boiling water and boiled for about 15 minutes. Take the decoction 1/2 cup after meals 2-4 times a day.

The course of treatment with red rowan is 2 weeks.

Recipes based on cloves and carrot seeds:

  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Add 350 ml of boiling water to the clove flowers and leave for 30 minutes. Take 3 tsp infusion. on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week.
  • 4 tbsp. l. crushed carrot seeds, pour 650 ml of boiling water, leave for 24 hours in a dark place. The solution is taken 1 glass 2-3 times a day, regardless of meals.

A herb such as uterus boron affects the function of the ovaries and normalizes their functioning. From the dry mixture of this herb, prepare a decoction similar to rowan berries, and take 1/4 cup 2 times a day.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using folk remedies!

Ways to reduce 17 oh progestin levels

If you have symptoms of high 17-OH, your doctor will order a blood test. After laboratory testing, treatment is determined. To lower progesterone 17 oh, hormonal medications are used. Dexamethasone and Methylprednisolone are most often prescribed. During therapy, women notice weight gain. It is explained by the ability of these drugs to retain large amounts of water in the body.

When treating problems with conception and infertility, high concentrations of hormones are not used. The doctor determines the treatment regimen taking into account the symptoms of the disease and the phase of the menstrual cycle. Medicines are taken several times a day, taking into account the permissible daily concentration of the active substance.

If there are problems with the digestive system, medications are taken after meals. The duration of treatment is 3-6 months. To monitor the effectiveness of treatment, the doctor periodically orders laboratory blood tests.

Therapy for elevated hydroxyprogesterone may include combined oral contraceptives : Zhanin, Yarina, Anteovin and others. They contain a combination of female sex hormones and have a beneficial effect on hormonal status in general.

Drug therapy is designed to eliminate the main cause of the increase in the amount of 17-OH. For ovarian cysts, oral contraceptives are effective; corticosteroids are prescribed for adrenal dysfunction. In some cases, surgery is used.

For example, ovarian resection is performed if the cyst does not resolve on its own. Drug therapy prescribed after surgery is designed to prevent inflammation, infection and restore the uterine cycle.

Elevated 17 oh progesterone is treated with folk remedies. The effectiveness of such treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. Traditional medicine has a sufficient number of recipes. Monitoring the concentration of the hormone will help draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the drug. If necessary, you can try a different recipe. The following medicinal plants are used to reduce hydroxyprogesterone levels:

  • rowan flowers and fruits;
  • carnation flowers and buds;
  • carrot seeds;
  • stem of uterine hogweed.

To prepare decoctions and infusions, it is necessary to purchase high-quality and correct raw materials and strictly follow the recommendations for the preparation and administration of the medicine. Before using any folk medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Dietary nutrition gives positive results only with an integrated approach to therapy . During the treatment period, it is recommended to reduce the amount of protein foods in the diet and increase the carbohydrate content. The menu includes potatoes, carrots, beets, parsley, peas, and onions. Eating fruits and dried fruits is allowed

High 17 oh progesterone, confirmed by several blood tests taken during the follicular phase, is an indicator of pathologies in the body. For this reason, there are problems with conception and pregnancy.

17-OH progesterone is an intermediate version of the synthesis of adrenal hormones: glucocorticoids, estrogens and androgens. 17-OH progesterone is a male hormone. In the female body, 17-OH progesterone is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries.

The effect of 17-OH progesterone on a woman’s body

In a woman’s body, 17-OH progesterone affects the possibility of conception and the period of bearing a child, since this hormone is involved in reproductive activity. In addition, male hormones in a woman’s body play a role in the onset of puberty and are responsible for converting hormones into estrogens. The female body produces less male hormones than the male body. But when they increase above the physiological level, hyperandrogenism develops. In most cases, this pathology is diagnosed before or during puberty.

17-OH progesterone levels

17-OH progesterone levels are elevated early in the baby's birth, especially if the baby was born premature. After the first week of a child's life, the hormone level decreases and remains so until the onset of puberty. After the onset of puberty, 17-OH progesterone levels rise to adult levels:

  • 0.2 - 2.3 ng/ml in men;
  • 0.2 - 1.2 ng/ml in women in the follicular phase;
  • 1.0 - 4.5 ng/ml in women in the luteal phase;
  • 2.0 - 12.0 ng/ml in pregnant women.

17-OH progesterone is increased - reasons

The reason for the increase in 17-OH progesterone may be the presence of a pathology such as:

  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia;
  • deficiency of 21-hydroxylase and 11-b hydroxylase;
  • tumors of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

An increased level of 17-OH progesterone is observed during pregnancy, which is a physiological norm. If 17-OH progesterone is elevated outside of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for advice and get tested for hormones.

17-OH progesterone is increased - symptoms

High levels of 17-OH progesterone can cause the following symptoms in women:

  • Excessive hair growth and thinning;
  • absent or irregular menstruation;
  • abnormal blood sugar levels;
  • acne.

In the absence of adequate therapy, such symptoms can progress into serious pathology, such as:

  • impaired insulin resistance;
  • diabetes;
  • high pressure;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • heart problems.

In the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome, the hormone 17-OH progesterone may be elevated, so if this disease is detected, it is necessary to take hormone tests.

Elevated 17-OH progesterone and acne

One of the symptoms of increased 17-OH progesterone is skin rashes or pimples. When the level of this hormone decreases, the symptoms go away. Therefore, when treating this dermatological problem, it is necessary to use not only local cosmetic products, but also to normalize hormonal levels.

How to reduce 17-OH progesterone?

Treatment for elevated levels of 17-OH progesterone is carried out with hormonal drugs. For example, dexamethasone or methylprednisolone. You may experience some weight gain when taking these medications because they retain water. No other side effects are observed because high doses of these drugs are not used in the treatment of infertility and problems with conception.

The doctor prescribes a treatment regimen and medications depending on the clinical manifestations of the disease and the phases of the menstrual cycle. It is recommended to divide the daily dose into several doses. The time between taking the drug should be the same. You can take medications after meals if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Periodically you need to take a blood test to check your hormone levels and the effectiveness of treatment.

For infertility before pregnancy, the course of treatment can last from three to six months.

Reasons for the increase in indicators

Progesterone levels can rise for both physiological and pathological reasons. A natural increase is observed during the ovulation phase, during pregnancy and while taking birth control pills.

Pathological hyperprogesteronomia can be suspected if it is observed in phase 3 of the cycle or throughout the entire cycle.

The following diseases can cause high progesterone:

  • tumors, cysts in the ovaries and uterus,
  • renal failure,
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex,
  • uterine bleeding,
  • pathologies in the formation of the placenta,

An increase in the level of all hormones occurs in the case of hydatidiform mole - an anomaly in pregnant women caused by the fertilization of an egg by several sperm or defective maternal material. This pathology requires timely treatment, including chemotherapy. Its development increases the risk of oncogenic tumors.

Any deviations of progesterone from the norm can be compensated

If a woman has a deficiency or excess of progesterone, then to normalize the indicators, the doctor chooses the appropriate therapy:

  • Drug treatment with tablets and injections according to an individual regimen.
  • Using traditional medicine recipes. Infusions of boron uterus, plantain seeds, and mint leaves are popular and effective for normalizing progesterone in women.
  • A diet rich in meat, high-fat dairy, eggs and legumes helps normalize progesterone.

Normalization of progesterone requires constant monitoring of the hormone level to exclude the opposite effect of therapy (increase or decrease in progesterone levels).

Progesterone during pregnancy. Hormone norm by week

For pregnant women, other reference values ​​have been determined. Progesterone concentration varies depending on the period:

  • 1 – 13 weeks (I trimester) – 9-468 nmol/l;
  • 14 – 26 weeks (II trimester) – 71.5-303 nmol/l;
  • 27 – 40 weeks (III trimester) – 88.7-771.5 nmol/l.

If the test results differ greatly from those given, do not immediately sound the alarm. It is possible that other methods and reagents are used in this medical institution, so the values ​​do not fall within the established range.

You need to be guided by the standards of the laboratory in which the analysis was taken (as a rule, each institution has its own). The individual characteristics of the woman are also taken into account, as well as the medications taken by the expectant mother at the time of the test.

Drug treatment for low progesterone

Typically, doctors recommend progestins, natural progesterone, or COCs. Drugs that contain progestins or progesterone are prescribed exclusively for low progesterone levels. It may also be due to a medical condition. They should never be used for personal reasons. Hormones do not tolerate any “self-medication”!

Personally, I often come across situations where these drugs are prescribed as contraceptives. If you take them for a long time, then some of the consequences are difficult to resolve. Hormone replacement therapy should only be considered if non-drug therapy has failed.


These include: Charozetta, MODELL, Desogestrel, Lactinet. This group of drugs are synthetic analogues of progesterone. But they are not completely identical to the natural hormone, since there is a difference at the molecular level. They are prescribed as contraceptives, instead of COCs, if the mother is breastfeeding or has a genetic predisposition to thrombosis.

These drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy!

Progestins can be prescribed as part of a comprehensive regimen for the prevention of ovarian cancer and recurrent endometriosis. They are also taken to restore hormonal balance when diagnosed with estrogen dominance syndrome. There is information that progestins in high dosages reduce the level of antibodies to thyroid tissue.

The drug "Duphaston"

This is artificially synthesized progesterone - dydrogesterone. The effects are similar to taking progestins, but unlike them, Duphaston can be taken by pregnant women. But it is contraindicated for women during lactation. If you are breastfeeding, then this product is not for you.

Disadvantages of the drug:

  • endometrial atrophy,
  • irregular bleeding,
  • suppression of ovarian function.


Micronized progesterone of natural origin, obtained from wild yam. Advantages and disadvantages, as in the case above. In addition to the advantages include biological origin.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

Combination of progestins and ethinyl estradiol. In duet, these 2 hormones suppress ovulation. This group of drugs is single-phase/biphasic or triphasic contraception. In addition to this function they:

  • able to regulate the menstrual cycle,
  • eliminate or reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms in the middle of the menstrual cycle or before menstruation,
  • reduce the likelihood of developing ovarian or endometrial cancer (by 40-50%).

Cons of COCs:

  • endometrial atrophy,
  • blood pressure increases,
  • long-term suppression of ovarian function,
  • if there are disturbances in the metabolism of estraliol in the liver, it can lead to the development of breast cancer. Especially if COCs have a high dosage of estradiol,
  • blood clotting increases, up to thromboembolism.

It is not recommended to take COCs for diabetes, thrombophlebitis, obesity, high atherogenic index, genetic mutations of the coagulation system and smoking. Carefully read the contraindications, read the “With caution” section in the instructions and consult your doctor.

Take care of your health and do not delay treatment, your endocrinologist Anton Polyakov.


The doctor approaches the development of a diet individually, taking into account:

  • the reason for the increase in hormone levels;
  • patient's age;
  • features of its physiology;
  • personal intolerance to drugs;
  • the presence of other diseases, etc.

The doctor will recommend excluding from the diet or limiting those foods that increase progesterone:

  • legumes;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • soy based products;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • beef liver, etc.

It will be recommended to eat small portions - 200 grams at a time, 5-6 times a day. The diet should include the necessary substances: protein - 50-60 g per day, carbohydrates - 50-60 g, fats - 70 g per day. Also, products should be saturated with useful microelements necessary for the full functioning of the body: phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.

Important! The diet should be nutritious, low in calories and contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels.

Why is a blood test necessary?

To make a diagnosis you need to take a blood test. The day of delivery will be determined by the doctor after examination and collection of medical history. The study is usually carried out on the 23rd day from the start of menstruation. Blood counts will consist not only of progesterone analysis, but also of other hormones contained in the blood: estrogens, cortisol, testosterone, etc.

For further diagnosis, other research options are possible:

  • laboratory: biochemical blood test, thyroid hormones, etc.;
  • instrumental: ultrasound, x-ray, laparoscopy, endoscopy, etc.

Attention! The diagnostic method is chosen by the doctor. If necessary, attracts other specialists: surgeon, endocrinologist, gynecologist, oncologist, etc.

Signs, causes and consequences

Women may not notice the problem for a long time. But you need to pay attention to a number of factors that will be a signal to see a doctor:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • heavy discharge during menstruation;
  • pain symptom during the cycle;
  • bleeding;
  • low blood pressure;
  • the appearance of acne on open areas of the skin;
  • weight gain;
  • deterioration of hair condition, hair loss;
  • disruptions in the digestive tract: rumbling in the stomach, increased gas production, hiccups, heartburn, constipation or diarrhea, etc.;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • brittle, rough nail plates;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased irritability.

For each woman, the manifestation of excess progesterone can be expressed individually and depend on the characteristics of her physiology, the presence of certain diseases, hereditary factors, age, etc.

In everyday life

High progesterone negatively affects the daily rhythm of life.
The woman begins to get tired quickly, she becomes more irritable and whiny. Frequent, unreasonable changes in mood occur - from tears it can instantly turn to laughter and joy. The daily routine becomes disrupted, when it is difficult to sleep at night and difficult to wake up in the morning. Headaches and dizziness appear.

Increased pain during menstruation and their delay lead a woman to stress, which provokes the development of hormonal imbalance.

Pain in the mammary glands, hair loss and swelling of the limbs also negatively affect the internal state.

In a pregnant woman

At this time, it is normal and is monitored by a gynecologist. With the formation of the placenta, the general hormonal background changes, and progesterone increases from the first trimester. Then the indicators reach 470 nmol/l.

In the 3rd trimester, these indicators can be 770 nmol/l. This is not a pathology, but the maturation of the placenta, which produces progesterone.

A low rate is dangerous for a pregnant woman, as it can cause miscarriage and the inability to carry a fetus to term.

When the level is too high, it is advisable to conduct a study of the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Maybe this is just evidence that there is not one, but two or more fetuses in the womb.

Therefore, when monitoring the progress of pregnancy, doctors take into account all factors that can provoke an increase. And only then are the necessary effective medications prescribed to eliminate the pathology.

Important! If it is possible to normalize hormonal levels without medications, then the doctor uses traditional medicine and drugs based on natural products.

After 40

During menopause, when women are over 40 years old, elevated levels are often diagnosed. This is due to poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, for example, abuse of any diets and disorders of the digestive system.

Also, during menopause, women undergo a general restructuring of the body, which affects the functioning of all organs and systems. The thyroid gland and endocrine systems begin to work differently, which causes a hormonal surge.

If a deficiency after 40 is considered normal, then an increased indicator requires diagnosis and can become a symptom of a serious illness - even malignant formations.

What is the hormone progesterone

In a woman’s body, the hormone progesterone is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system. During the menstrual cycle, the amount of its production changes.

In the follicle formation phase (in the first half of the cycle), the readings are minimal. They range from 0.3 to 0.9 ng/ml.

During the process of ovulation, an egg is released from the ovary, the corpus luteum is released, it also begins to produce the female hormone progesterone, so its quantity increases thirteen times.

If the egg is not fertilized, the process of destruction of the corpus luteum occurs; without its support, progesterone levels drop significantly, the endometrium swells and then is rejected, the process ends with menstruation.

If the egg is fertilized, the corpus luteum continues to produce the hormone until the 16th week of pregnancy. After this period, the secretion of the described hormone is taken over by the placenta.

Why is excess dangerous?

Like any hormonal pathology, it can have a detrimental effect on all areas of life. But the most critical problem is when you want to plan a child.

The effect of increase on conception

An excess of the hormone also negatively affects the conception of a child and its bearing. It provokes excessive and premature growth of endometrial tissue, which causes the death of the egg. Suppressing ovulation prevents a woman from becoming pregnant naturally.

Today, many techniques have been developed and a large number of drugs have been invented that can successfully normalize hormonal levels in the female body. The main condition is not to delay the development of pathology - consult a doctor on time or undergo preventive examinations at least once every six months.

What is the norm for the indicators?

Normal progesterone, expressed in nmol/l, in the follicular phase should not exceed 2.23, but not be less than 0.32. The norm of progesterone in the second phase - ovulatory, is marked by lower values ​​of 0.48. In this case, the upper limit is up to 9.41. Progesterone levels in the luteal phase should be higher - from 6.99. The top indicators are up to 56.63. These values ​​correspond to the norm of progesterone on the 19th day of the cycle. When postmenopause occurs, the value may “drop” and be less than 0.64.

Progesterone on day 3 of the cycle should not exceed 2.23. Its rate does not change during the week.

During pregnancy, the hormone is produced in significantly larger quantities. If in the first trimester its lower value is 8.9, then in the second it is 71.5, and in the third it reaches 88.7. Accordingly, the upper “bar” should not exceed the following numbers: 468.4, 303.1 and 771.5.

It should be borne in mind that if during pregnancy there is a need to take a test for progesterone levels, then if you are taking any medications, you must inform the laboratory assistant about this. This will help you correctly decipher the indicators.

Physical activity can affect progesterone levels

The standard ranges for the quantitative content of the hormone have a fairly wide range. This indicator can change daily and depends not only on lifestyle, but also on general and emotional state, physical activity, and even the time of day. Therefore, for example, the progesterone norm on day 5 of the cycle ranges from 0.32 to 2.23.

What to do with a high level?

First of all, you need to go to your therapist and take blood tests for hormones. They will give indicators of whether progesterone is elevated or not. If the increase is insignificant, then you can resort to simple rules for normalizing the hormone:

  • stop being upset and worried;
  • move more and walk in the fresh air;
  • maintain a daily routine;
  • Healthy food;
  • For a favorable psychological background, you can drink decoctions and infusions of herbs.

If you follow these simple rules for a month, progesterone will normalize.

If the increase is associated with diseases, then you will be offered an extensive differential diagnosis, which, by exclusion, will determine the main cause of the increase in progesterone.

What to do if hormone levels are low?

If a blood test shows a drop in progesterone levels, then replacement therapy is required to achieve pregnancy and support it. Progesterone preparations or its synthetic analogues are prescribed.

Indications for their use in pregnant women:

  • insufficiency of corpus luteum function;
  • threatened abortion (in case of insufficient progesterone levels);
  • achieving pregnancy with the help of assisted reproductive technologies (in this case, the risk of luteal insufficiency increases many times).

Different drugs can be used. All of them can be divided into natural progesterone and its analogues. Natural has the advantage that it has a better effect on breast tissue.

Among synthetic analogues, dydrogesterone is widely used. The trade name of the drug is Duphaston. Its advantages are as follows:

  • high metabolic stability;
  • good bioavailability when taken orally;
  • lack of androgenic effect;
  • high affinity for progesterone receptors;
  • lack of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid effect.

Due to its high bioavailability, the drug is taken in dosages that are 10-20 times less than natural progesterone.

An important advantage is the high degree of affinity for progesterone receptors. With luteal phase deficiency, it happens that progesterone is normal, but the receptors do not perceive it properly. They react poorly to this hormone, so the endometrium does not fully mature and support pregnancy. Dydrogesterone has the highest affinity for progesterone receptors, so even in this case it provides a positive effect and a favorable outcome of pregnancy.

Another pathogenetic mechanism for the formation of luteal insufficiency may be the presence of antibodies to progesterone in the blood. This leads to poor endometrial maturation and chorionic villus dysplasia during pregnancy. But antibodies do not affect dydrogesterone. Therefore, it can be successfully used in such situations.

Other benefits:

  • does not affect the blood coagulation system, therefore it can be used for thrombophilia;
  • does not disrupt carbohydrate metabolism;
  • does not cause ovulatory disorders.

Rules for donating blood for progesterone

Blood testing for progesterone is done in the morning on an empty stomach. At least eight hours should pass after the last meal.

Non-pregnant women usually donate blood for progesterone testing on the seventh day of the luteinizing phase, when the corpus luteum in the ovary is most developed. Conducting a study on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle makes sense only for patients with a regular 28-day cycle. In all other cases, the doctor determines the optimal period for analysis on an individual basis.

Normally, high progesterone is observed only during pregnancy; its decrease triggers labor.

Normally, the duration of phase II of the cycle is 12-14 days, and the length of phase I can be different (this explains the differences in the duration of the menstrual cycle in different women). Therefore, if a woman has a regular cycle, donating blood for progesterone is usually recommended 7 days before the start of her next menstruation.

Normally, elevated progesterone is observed only in pregnant women. If there is no pregnancy, then high levels of the hormone are associated with pathology.

In cases where the patient's menstrual cycle is not regular, the date of ovulation is determined. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Determination of basal temperature. Every day at the same time in the morning, without getting out of bed, the woman measures the temperature in the rectum. In phase I of the cycle it is below 36.8-37 °C. 12–24 hours before the upcoming ovulation, the basal temperature drops by another 0.3–0.5 °C, and then rises and in the second phase reaches 37.1–37.4 °C. A repeated decrease in basal temperature is observed 1-3 days before the onset of menstrual bleeding, which is associated with regression of the corpus luteum in the ovary.
  2. Ovulation tests. You can use test strips sold at pharmacies to quickly determine the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine. The test must be performed not with morning urine, as when determining hCG, but with afternoon or evening urine. You should start testing your urine 17 days before the start of menstrual bleeding. In case of an irregular cycle, the day for starting urine tests is calculated based on the shortest cycle.
  3. Folliculometry. Using ultrasound, the doctor monitors the growth of the dominant follicle and the moment of its rupture, that is, ovulation.

Why is progesterone needed?

The presence of the sex hormone in normal quantities is necessary for the body. If the level decreases, the specialist makes a diagnosis of infertility. And if the amount of the hormone is increased, there is a high probability of developing malignant tumors. In a woman’s body, progesterone has the following effects:

  • adapts to gestation;
  • stops menstruation after conceiving a child;
  • has a beneficial effect on the uterine epithelium;
  • prepares the mammary glands for lactation;
  • affects the emotional state;
  • prevents cyst formation;
  • normalizes the amount of glucose in the bloodstream;
  • regulates lipid metabolism;

This hormone normalizes blood pressure

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • participates in fat metabolism.

With increased levels of the hormone in men, a diagnosis of infertility is made.

Ways to stabilize hormonal levels

This deviation needs to be treated only if its pathological nature is revealed. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the presence of pregnancy, as the main factor of high progesterone. During this period, treatment is not required, and the woman should be under the constant supervision of specialists.


Medication is prescribed to restore normal progesterone levels in the event of pathological processes in the body. Before reducing hormone levels with specific drugs, it is necessary to eliminate concomitant diseases.

Medicines for hyperprogesteronomia:

  • Clomiphene is a non-steroidal anti-estrogen that helps establish a relationship with estrogen receptors of the ovaries and pituitary gland.
  • Tamoxifen – prevents the synthesis of female sex hormones and has an antitumor effect. Recommended for use in the presence of tumors in the breasts and genitals.
  • Mifepristone is a synthetic antigestagenic agent that blocks progesterone receptors. It is most often used for medical abortion in early pregnancy.

To normalize progesterone levels, your doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives. More often these are products containing a combination of hormones:

  • Yarina,
  • Diana-35,
  • Janine.

How and how to treat gynecomastia in men?
View a selection of effective treatment options. Chronic thyroiditis of the thyroid gland: what is it and how to treat the disease? Read the answer at this address.

On the page, learn about the symptoms of low TSH hormone in women and methods for stabilizing hormonal levels.

Diet and nutritional habits

This is the most gentle method of reducing progesterone. But with acute manifestations of pathology and with advanced hyperprogesteronomia, a diet to restore hormone levels is not enough.

Progesterone is highly soluble in fat. You should limit fatty foods and protein foods in your diet:

  • nuts,
  • meat,
  • fatty dairy products,
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds,
  • legumes

The diet may include small amounts of lean meat and low-fat dairy products. It is useful to eat vegetables and fruits.

Traditional medicine

Proven recipes:

  • Pour boiling water (1 cup) over rowan flowers or fruits (1 spoon). Take before meals for 2 weeks.
  • Brew 1 spoon of carrot seeds in 200 ml of water. Drink 100 ml three times a day. The product helps normalize blood pressure and improve sleep quality.
  • Prepare a decoction of red brush leaves (1 spoon per glass of water). Drink half a glass twice a day.

What is progesterone and its functions

Progesterone is a steroid sex hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, the adrenal cortex and the placenta (during pregnancy). He is responsible for successful conception, childbearing and breastfeeding. Progesterone is also an agonist of some receptors and stimulates liver enzymes.

And yet the main role of the hormone is to maintain pregnancy. Thanks to it, processes occur in the endometrium of the uterus that prepare it for possible conception, and subsequently prepare the woman’s body for childbirth and breastfeeding (if pregnancy occurs).

The “pregnancy hormone” (as progesterone is often called) performs the following functions related to fetal development:

  • changes the condition of the uterine mucosa to successfully attach a fertilized egg to the overgrown endometrium;
  • reduces the body’s immune response, which prevents it from “rejecting” the embryo (protects against miscarriage);
  • reduces the contractility of the uterine muscles, which also allows you to maintain pregnancy;
  • responsible for stretching the uterus in accordance with the size of the fetus;
  • forms an additional fat layer on the woman’s abdomen, protecting the uterus and the child developing in it from mechanical influences;
  • participates in preparing the pelvic bones of a woman in labor for childbirth;
  • maintains a stable level of blood viscosity and blood sugar levels in the expectant mother;
  • prepares the tissues and ducts of the mammary glands for lactation.

A drop in progesterone levels in a pregnant woman’s body leads to childbirth and becomes a signal to start breastfeeding.

The hormone is also responsible for the normal menstrual cycle (alternating ovulation and menstruation) and stops it for the period of gestation if the egg has been fertilized.

The biological role of progesterone in the body is not limited to reproductive functions. It is responsible for a number of several more important processes:

  • for sexual attraction;
  • for normal brain functioning (as a neurosteroid);
  • for secreting skin secretions and maintaining youthful skin.

The maternal instinct is also formed under the influence of this particular hormone.

Function of progesterone

Progesterone is a steroid hormone responsible for reproductive function. It has many biological effects. Main functions:

  • takes over the processes of ovulation and embryo implantation, thereby ensuring pregnancy;
  • transforms the endometrium, preparing it to receive an embryo;
  • reduces the contractility of the myometrium (muscular layer of the uterus);
  • suppresses the immune system, which is important in the initial period of pregnancy (in order to prevent immune rejection of a fetus that has a genotype foreign to the mother’s body);
  • ensures the accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
  • stimulates the development of embryonic tissue;
  • stimulates the development of the mammary glands, preparing them for the lactation period.

Decoding norm

The norm is not a fixed value, it depends on the phase, emotional state, the presence of stress and diets. And so we have prepared for you the main indicators at various points in life.

For 21 days

It marks itself at its maximum peak, as the yellow body reaches impressive sizes in diameter (18-24 mm).
It is logical to assume that the formed clot begins to produce even more, but then as it decreases, the concentration decreases. At the same time, the numbers directly depend on the total duration of the menstrual cycle. If it is more than 30 days, then on day 21 of the cycle progesterone will only increase. The opposite situation is observed when the total cycle period is less than 28 days.

The indicators will be slightly below average, but these nuances are not so significant. In any case, the data should fit into the range from 7 to 86 nmol/L.

Peculiarity! The total duration of the menstrual period for each woman is purely individual, but its average duration is 28 days. The norm is taken to be from 21 to 35 days, but small differences are acceptable depending on physiological factors.

Before, on the day and after embryo transfer

The term “embryo transfer” is inextricably linked with the IVF (in vitro fertilization) procedure.
Its essence is quite simple: an embryo that was fertilized 48-120 hours ago is introduced into the woman’s uterine cavity using a catheter. In order for fetal implantation to occur, it is necessary to stabilize the hormonal status, and especially progesterone. A woman's body must be ready for pregnancy.

Before the transfer, doctors carry out hormone therapy to adjust the level to the desired norm.

The procedure is carried out on the day prescribed by the reproductologist. Until this point, the doctor identifies successful factors for the operation (thickness of the endometrium, level of progesterone, estradiol). Before replanting, the numbers must correspond to the norm of the follicular phase of the cycle (from 0.6 to 2.3 nmol/l).

During the test it should not exceed 3.4 nmol/l. With high progesterone levels, the chances of getting pregnant are significantly reduced, as evidenced by the results of many studies.

After embryo transfer (5-6 days), progesterone gradually increases and should be at least 9 nmol/l. If a sharp decrease is recorded, then it is advisable to begin hormonal stimulation, since there is a risk of embryo rejection.

With successful fetal implantation, progesterone rises rapidly. In a pregnant woman, the hormone in the first 13-14 weeks is fixed in the range from 15 to 108 nmol/l.

In the first weeks of gestation, its levels are 18 nmol/l. A decrease indicates a high risk of miscarriage, so the expectant mother is stimulated throughout the first trimester of gestation.

The dosage of progesterone is selected individually and includes the following drugs:

  • hormonal therapy (Duphaston tablets, injections);
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • vaginal tablets (“Lutein”);
  • progesterone creams, ointments (Crinon).

Table by day for non-pregnant women

Indicators constantly change depending on the day of the cycle, age, pregnancy, use of contraceptives, etc.
The table shows the norms for non-pregnant women. It should be remembered that each laboratory has its own diagnostic standards and conversion standards, so the range of reference values ​​varies somewhat.

Day of the menstrual cycleHormone norm (nmol/l) according to reference values ​​of different laboratories
1-130,98 – 4,8;
0,2 – 2,5;
13-172,4 – 9,6;
0,5 – 9,5;
17-2816 – 86;
7– 57;
Postmenopauseno more than 0.6;
0,6 – 2,3;

Interesting! Hormonal contraceptives have a huge impact on progesterone, so in the follicular phase its norms will not exceed 3.6 nmol/l, and in the luteal phase - 30 mmol/l.

By week for pregnant women

In case of pregnancy, progesterone gradually increases, starting from 1 week of gestation.
Sometimes pregnancy itself is recognized by its increased indicators. High numbers are recorded at the end of the 1st trimester, as well as in the last weeks of gestation. Before childbirth, the hormone begins to sharply decrease to stimulate uterine contractions.

The table shows the norm of progesterone according to weeks of pregnancy:

Pregnancy week/trimesterProgesterone norm (nmol/l) according to reference values ​​of different laboratories
1-13 (1st trimester)15 – 108;
9 – 469;
14-27 (2nd trimester)62 –160;
71 – 302;
27-41 (3rd trimester)17 – 510;
88 – 772;

Consequences of abnormal progesterone levels

An increase or decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood in both pregnant and non-pregnant women can have serious consequences.

During pregnancy, a reduced level of the hormone often leads to miscarriage - spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. It can also threaten intrauterine growth retardation and premature birth.

An increased level of the hormone is dangerous due to delayed maturation of the placenta and disruption of the functioning of the fetoplacental complex, which affects the physical and mental health of the unborn child.

In non-pregnant women, abnormal progesterone levels affect the regularity and length of the menstrual cycle.

An increase in hormone concentration threatens the following conditions:

  • secondary amenorrhea (lack of menstruation);
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding with an extended second phase of the cycle:
  • hirsutism (increased body hair);
  • the appearance of pimples and acne that are difficult to treat;
  • swelling.

Often, a violation of progesterone production is associated with abnormal synthesis of other sex hormones, so the signs and consequences of this can be varied, and other symptoms are added.

A decrease in hormone levels leads to:

  • to the absence of ovulation and acyclic uterine bleeding;
  • to primary or secondary amenorrhea;
  • to prolonged painful menstruation (sometimes with a rise in temperature);
  • to severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • to difficulties with conception (due to insufficiency of the luteal phase and underdevelopment of the corpus luteum);
  • infertility.

If you suspect a violation of the production of progesterone in the body, you must take an analysis of its level (necessarily over time) and, in case of abnormal results, undergo the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

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