How to treat urinary incontinence in older men
In the age group over 60 years, every 6-7 men out of 100 suffer from more than or
Acid-base balance
Acidosis: causes, forms, manifestations, diagnosis, how to treat, when dangerous
Acidosis is a condition of the body that occurs as a result of certain etiological factors, characterized by a violation
paracetamol tablet
Paracetamol for children - release forms, dosage, instructions for use
Paracetamol instructions for use for children Use the medicine with caution, especially if
Botanical description
12 ways to use calendula in medicine and cosmetology
A little history Calendula was used as a medicinal plant by ancient Greek healers. Scope of its application
What does the formation of cracks in the tongue indicate and how to eliminate them?
The cause of cracks in the tongue and which doctor to consult
A clean pink tongue without heavy plaque or external lesions is considered the norm. When cracks appear
Atheroma on the head
Atheroma - treatment at home with folk remedies and ointments, reviews
What is atheroma As a result of blockage of the external opening of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland, difficulties begin
vilprafen and alcohol compatibility reviews
Vilprafen 500 patient reviews, instructions for use and analogues
The macrolide antibiotic Vilprafen has been in clinical practice since 1970. More often
The only cause of alcohol intoxication is excessive alcohol consumption
How does alcohol poisoning manifest in humans and how can it be cured?
Alcoholic drinks are in very high demand among the domestic population. We drink alcohol in a cafe,
Heatstroke - how to properly provide first aid if the body overheats?
Heatstroke - how to properly provide first aid if the body overheats?
Heatstroke is a condition caused by exposure to high temperatures that negatively affects work
Hemorrhagic urticaria or urticarial vasculitis
Thanks to improved diagnostics, the number of autoimmune diseases is growing. Cutaneous vasculitis is a dermatological diagnosis. But
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