What is duodenitis
Duodenitis: symptoms, treatment, diet, folk remedies
Briefly about the duodenum It is the initial section of the small intestine, the length is on average
Fracture of the base of the skull: survival and consequences of injury
The human skull can be divided into a vault and a base, but this distinction is conditionally clear.
Diabetic retinopathy (non-proliferative and proliferative)
Clinical symptoms of diabetic retinopathy occur in approximately 10% of diabetic patients. However, some degree of it
Physiological tricuspid valve regurgitation
Recently, there has been a rejuvenation of cardiovascular disease. Just a few decades ago, heart muscle disease
Symptoms, causes and treatment for insomnia
Long-term sleep disturbance in the form of insomnia and effective treatment methods
Insomnia negatively affects our ability to work and our mood during the day. The man who doesn't
Sleeping pills for children under one year of age are necessary
Review of sedatives for children: herbal, homeopathic, best
A restless child of any age is a rather serious problem, exhausting the long-suffering of parents and often
Purulent otitis in children and adults: treatment, symptoms
≡ 2 November 2019 Category: Types and forms Suppuration is a cumulative result
The problem of dolichosigmoid intestines
Dolichosigma intestines: what is it and how to treat an elongated intestine
With intestinal dolichosigma, treatment in adults may have different approaches. Everything determines the degree of the disease.
Granuloma annulare - chronic dermatosis
Granuloma annulare: causes and treatment in children and adults
Granuloma annulare is one of the complex diseases, the cause of which has not been fully elucidated. This
What is an endometrioid ovarian cyst
Is it possible to treat endometrioid ovarian cysts without surgery?
An endometriotic cyst on the ovary is a neoplasm that appears as a result of the proliferation of the endometrium. She
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