Types of eye drops. Part four. Tear substitutes: selection algorithm
Systane Ultra drops are a keratoprotective composition. It is applied to the cornea of ​​the eye to moisturize
degree of nephroptosis
What is stage 1 nephroptosis, what are the signs, and how to treat the disease?
Home Urology Nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidney) Patent. Method of laparoscopic nephropexy Nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidney) is
What to do if you overdose on Phenobarbital? Consequences of poisoning, treatment, antidote
For patients with acute psychoemotional disorders, barbiturates and derivatives are prescribed as sedatives and hypnotics.
Pain in the testicles
Testicular varicocele in men: symptoms, causes and treatment
Causes of varicocele The causes of varicocele disease in men today are not exactly clear
Human cancellous bone
Keller's disease (1 and 2): causes, stages, signs and treatment
General description of the disease Osteochondropathy is a disease in which a necrotic deformation process occurs in the spongy bones.
Cause of eczema
Weeping eczema: treatment (more than 30 ointments, preparations), photos, symptoms on the arms and legs, 20 causes. New approaches to the treatment of the disease
Rating: 5 / 5 (1) Author: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich Date of publication: 03/26/2019 All doctors
all causes of burns
Chemical eye burns: symptoms, first aid and treatment
Burns are the most common traumatic eye injury. They occur when exposed to thermal,
Gastrointestinal diseases: symptoms and treatment
Modern lifestyle with its constant rush, snacking on the go and an abundance of unhealthy food
Causes of sharp pain in the eye, additional symptoms
Sharp pain in the eye can frighten a person, because the visual system is one of the most
Itching in the vagina: causes. What to do if there is severe itching in the vagina? How to get rid of vaginal itching?
Lidia Rogova All of us, when we are healthy, easily give good advice to the sick calendar_today March 12
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