cervical canal polyps
Removal of a polyp of the cervical canal - causes of pathology
What is a polyp in the cervix? Cervical polyp (cervical) is a benign abnormal
mitral valve stenosis
When the valve fails: mitral stenosis, methods of treatment and prevention of this heart pathology
From this article you will learn: what mitral stenosis is, the main causes of its occurrence. How
Swelling of the legs - Image 1 - Clinic Network Family Doctor
Swelling of the legs: causes and treatment, what to do at home
Swelling of the legs, unfortunately, is well known to many. The legs swell and increase in volume. It happens
Non-specific symptoms and treatment of bone tuberculosis
Videos on the topic: all videos on the topic Bone tuberculosis (osteoarticular tuberculosis) is a specific inflammatory
Sputum: concept, what it consists of, types and possible colors and diagnosis based on them, overview of diseases
Sputum is a liquid secretion from the respiratory tract, separated by expectoration. A healthy person is not
List of anticoagulant drugs: direct and indirect action
In drug therapy, anticoagulants are used to prevent blood clotting. In case of illness directly or
Formidron - instructions for use for sweaty feet
Excessive sweating of the feet is one of the most common problems that causes a lot of trouble and
Nitroglycerin, sublingual tablets
Heart attack in women under 40, over 50-60 years old. Symptoms, consequences, recovery of the body
Pathogenesis The prodromal period is a precursor to the development of myocardial infarction lasting from several minutes to several
What is hygroma on the wrist, why does it occur, how to treat
From this article you will learn: what is hygroma of the wrist, the theories of its occurrence. Symptoms, features
Pathology of thyrotoxicosis: symptoms in women, therapy and complications
Thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) is a pathological condition in which an excess of thyroid hormones is formed in the body.
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