brown discharge
Why do I get dark brown discharge instead of my period?
The formation of mucous secretion in the female body is a natural protective reaction. Their character directly depends on their health
Vitiligo disease
Can vitiligo be cured? The most effective methods
Causes of the disease Science does not know either the exact causes or the mechanism of development of vitiligo. There is an assumption
Toxicosis during pregnancy
Toxicosis during pregnancy. Causes, symptoms, treatment of toxicosis
Advertisement I feel sick in the morning - does that mean I'm pregnant? Despite all his naivety,
first sign of tetanus
Tetanus. Symptoms in adults, pathogen, treatment, consequences
Severe damage to the nervous system will be characterized by an acute bacterial infection, which is commonly called tetanus -
Why do red spots appear on the face?
How to remove redness and get rid of a red spot from a pimple?
Red spots on the face are a very unaesthetic phenomenon that can significantly ruin a person’s life.
Signs of schizophrenia in men. Behavior, forms of the disease, exacerbation
Signs of schizophrenia in men. Behavior, forms of the disease, exacerbation
Reasons for the development of schizophrenia in men Schizophrenia is a mental disease characterized by suppression of the will,
Thrombocytopenic purpura - what is the danger of the disease?
3 main methods of treating thrombocytopenic purpura in children
All kinds of blood diseases (hemorrhagic) are a common phenomenon in modern medicine. About 50% of cases from
Initial stage of bedsores
Prevention and treatment of bedsores at home
Prolonged stay in bed slows down the body's metabolism, disrupts normal blood circulation and causes the formation of
Kyphosis - types and degrees of the disease. Treatment of kyphosis
The human spine is a supporting and shock-absorbing system consisting of four curves: the cervical and
Fractures. Types of fractures. First aid - 6 main steps
For the musculoskeletal system, a spinal fracture is the most serious injury. For fractures of this kind -
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